Welcome to the Light of the East
The Byzantine Lantern {Volume 5 Number 23}
And He saith unto them:
It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer;
But you have made it a den of thieves.
{The Gospel of Saint Matthew Chapter 21 Verse 13}
***Celebrated 115 Years {1901-2016}***
Saint Joseph Byzantine Catholic Church
814 North Fifth Street
Toronto, Ohio 43964-1620
***(Office Hours: By appointment only with no appointments on Monday)***
Spiritual Father/Proistamenos: The Reverend Father John Kapitan, Jr., O.F.M.
Electronic Mail:
Parish Web URL:
Parish Advisory Council: Miss Dorothy Blaner and Mr. Homer Bowers.
Parish Ushers and Offering Recorders: Mr. Robert Hanuscin, Mrs. Molly Prosko, and Mr. Joseph Prosko, Sr.
***Glory To Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!***
***Liturgical Schedule***
Saturday – 17 June 2017: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Second Sunday After Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Changeable Propers for Resurrection Tone 1 maybe found on pages 125-127. The Intentions for this Divine Liturgy are for the Parishioners, Families, Friends and Benefactors of the Church and for our Living and Deceased Fathers.
Friday - 23 June 2017: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist at 5:00P.M. The first All Souls shall be commemorated.
Saturday – 24 June 2017: Vigil Divine Liturgy for The Third Sunday after Pentecost at 5:00 P.M. The Changeable Propers Resurrection Tone 2 maybe found on pages 130-132. The Intentions for this Divine Liturgy are for the Parishioners, Families, Friends and Benefactors of the Church.
News from the Archeparchy
Assembly 2018 - Concern for the Future. His Eminence advised the Presbyterate and Diakonate that this assembly will take the place of the Annual Archeparchial Clergy Days, normally the Tuesday and Wednesday after Memorial Day. It is envisioned that 2 parishioners will be invited to attend from each archeparchial parish. More details will follow.
Metropolitan William continues to serve as the Apostolic Administrator for the Eparchy of Parma,
In addition to his duties as Metropolitan and Archbishop of Pittsburgh.
The Apostles Fast: The voluntary Apostles Fast - Penetential Period commences at sunset on 11 June 2017 and concludes on 28 June 2017. The requirements of this voluntary fast are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday are days of Strict Abstinence {No meat and no dairy products}, Tuesday and Thursday are days of Simple Abstinence {No meat} with the Weekend free from fasting.
+++The Next Holy Day of Obligation is Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 29 June 2017 at 5:00 P.M.+++
***Our Sacrifice to The Lord - Church Offerings***
Calendar Year 2017: $18,897.33
Calendar Year 2016:$40,722.30 Calendar Year 2015: $46,862.21
Thank you for your continued financial support! May God bless and love you according to His will for you!
***Thank You from the parishioners to those of you who do things around the parish known only to God and to Father.***
*** Altar Candles {$25.00 per month}***
the month of June - Mrs Madge Pellior
the month of July - Mr and Mrs Homer Bowers +++ the month of August - Miss Margaret Tarnovich
*** 7 day Sanctuary Candle on Side Altar {$3.00 per week/$10.00 per month}-
Week of 18 June for the Intention of Mr and Mrs Robert Hanuscin {B. Rogers}