Rituparna Sen
Assistant Professor Tel (Office): (530) 564-0602
Department of Statistics Tel (Res): (530) 753-0712
University of California at Davis Fax: 530-752-7099
Davis CA 95616 E-mail:
09/99-07/04 PhD in Statistics University of Chicago
09/98-06/99 Graduate student in Statistics Stanford University
07/96-05/98 Master of Statistics Indian Statistical Institute
07/93-05/96 Bachelor of Statistics Indian Statistical Institute
06/00-08/00 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ
RESEARCH INTEREST: Applications of Statistics in Finance
Statistics: Convergence of stochastic processes, Inference for diffusions, Bayesian filtering, asymptotic inference, likelihood estimation, functional data analysis, hidden Markov models, extreme values, multivariate time series, high-dimensional data, Recurrence times.
Finance: discontinuous asset price, stochastic volatility, optimal derivative pricing and hedging in incomplete market, covolatility for asynchronous data, volatility in the presence of microstructure noise, online auctions, exchange rates, interest rates, energy markets.
- Predicting Web User's Next Access Based on Log Data: with Dr. Mark H. Hansen, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 12(1):143-155. March 2003.
- Option pricing and hedging for stock prices with discrete jumps and stochastic volatility. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association. Business & Economic Statistics Section. 2005
- Intervals for Option PricesInternational Journal of Statistics and Management Sciences.1: 59-81. 2006
- Estimation of Integrated Covolatility for Asynchronous assets in the presence of Microstructure Noise. With Qiuyan Xu, Multivariate Statistical Methods ed. Ashis SenGupta, WORLD SCIENTIFIC 2008.
- Jumps and Microstructure noise in Stock Price Volatility. Stock Market Volatility ed. Greg N. Gregoriou CHAPMAN HALL/TAYLOR AND FRANCIS 2008
- Hedging Options In The Incomplete MarketWith Stochastic Volatility Statistics and Its Interface 2(4): 469-480. 2009.
- A note on testing regime switching assumption based on recurrence times. With Dr. Fushing Hsieh
Statistics and Probability Letters 79(24): 2443-2450. 2009.
- Smooth Volatility, Jumps, and Microstructure Noise in Realized Volatility. With Airu Cheng.
- Functional Data Analysis for Volatility with Hans-Georg M\"uller andUlrich Stadtm\"uller
- Consistent Estimator of Integrated Covolatility with Qiuyan Xu
- Covariance Between Stochastic Processes Observed Sparsely With Noise: Application To Online Auctions
Visiting Researcher position at University of Augsburg (2009)
Women in Mathematical Sciences Award, TechnicalUniversityMunich (2009)
Faculty Development Award, UCDavis (2009)
Best Student Paper Award, ASA section on Statistical Computing (2001)
Bahadur Memorial Fellowship, University of Chicago (2000)
Abram's Award Fellowship, StanfordUniversity (1998)
Gold medal for ranking 1st in B. Stat, Indian Statistical Institute (1997)
Scholarship, Indian Statistical Institute (1993-98)
National Talent Search Scholarship in India (1991)
Ranked 8th among 0.35 million students in Secondary Examination (1991)
Instructor, University of California at Davis
Applied Statistics: Winter 2008, Spring 2008, Winter 2009.
Multivariate Analysis: Spring 2008
Probability for Engineers: Spring 2007.
Probability Modeling: Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Spring 2009.
Mathematical Statistics: Fall 2005
Elementary Statistics: Fall 2004, Winter 2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006, Summer 2007, Spring 2009.
Instructor, University of Chicago
Elementary Statistics, spring 2001, fall 2001
Course Assistant, University of Chicago
Measure Theoretic Probability I, fall 2003 (Instructor M. Wichura)
Stochastic Calculus and Finance II, winter 2003 (Instructor J. Paulsen)
Introduction to Stochastic Processes II, spring 2002 (Instructor S. Lalley)
Stochastic Calculus and Finance I, fall 2000(Instructor S. Lalley)
Linear Models and Experimental Design, spring 2000(Instructor S. Lalley)
Statistical Methods and their Applications (Econ Variant), fall 1999(Instructor M. Larsen)
Teaching Assistant, StanfordUniversity
Introduction to Statistical Methods: Post-calculus, spring 1999 (Instructor I. Johnstone)
Introduction to Statistical Methods II, winter 1999(Instructor A. Gous)
Theory of Probability, fall 1998(Instructor S. Holmes)
Qiuyan Xu PhD 2008
Changjie Ma PhD expected 2012
Zheng Tan PhD expected 2012
- Arranged topic contributed session for Business and Economics Section of ASA in JSM 2007
- Arranged Invited Session for International Indian Statistical Association 2008
- Panelist for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in the Mathematical Sciences 2007
- Reviewed papers for JASA, JRSS(B), ASMBI
- Reviewed book “Emerging Markets” for CHAPMAN & HALL
- Chair of University of California Davis committee on new undergraduate program on Statistical Finance 2008-09
Languages: C, Fortran, Perl
Software Packages: SPlus, Stata, Minitab, Matlab, Mathematica
- Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Berlin, Germany 2009
- Department of Mathematics University of Augsburg, Germany 2009
- Fourth Statistical Days at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2009
- Department of Mathematics, Munich Technical University, Germany 2008
- Annual Meeting of International Indian Statistical Association, Storrs, USA 2008
- Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, USA 2007
- Computational And Financial Econometrics,Geneva, Switzerland 2007
- Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA 2007
- Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA 2007
- Conference on Multivariate Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India 2006
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2006
- Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, USA 2005
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis, USA 2005
- Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, USA 2004
- Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Princeton University, USA 2004
- Bell Laboratories, New Jersey, USA 2004
- American Mathematical Society Fall Southeastern Section Meeting, Orlando, USA 2002
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, USA 2001
- Oxford Man Institute Financial Econometrics & Vast Data Conference, Oxford, UK 2008
- Bachelier Finance conference, London, UK 2008
- RiskAnalysis, Extreme Events and Decision Theory, SAMSI, USA 2007
- Model Risk Management and Model Specifications Issues in Finance, IMA, Minneapolis USA2004