Supplementary data index
Supplementary data 1. non-redundant list of proteins identified in each PF2D plate with or without infection by Borna disease virus.
These lists were obtained by clusterization of the different protein lists obtained after analysis of all the fractions from each sample.
For each protein, the information detailed below is given:
AC/ID: accession number in UniProt database
MW: molecular weight
pI: Isoelectric point
Description: gene name and protein description
Fractions: fraction(s) where the protein has been identified.
Each fraction corresponds to a well, localised on the 96 wells plate by an alphanumerical code (see below).
The fraction where the protein has been identified with the best Mascot protein score is indicated first, the others fractions where the protein has also been identified are listed between brackets.
Best score: best Mascot protein score among all the fractions where the protein has been identified
#Peptides: Number of peptides identified in the fraction giving the best Mascot score
Coverage (%): Protein sequence coverage for the fraction giving the best Mascot score.
#MS/MS: Number of MS/MS queries for the fraction giving the best Mascot score
#Total MS/MS: Summed number of MS/MS queries from all the fractions where the protein has been identified.
For more clarity, if several proteins match the same set of peptides, only one member of the protein group is indicated in this list. Details of protein groups can be viewed in Supplementary data 2.
Supplementary data 2. Detailed list of protein groups (protein entries matching the same set of peptides)
Proteins from the list present in supplementary data 1 are in bold characters, the proteins matching the same set of peptides are listed below each of them. For all proteins, the corresponding protein group (group), the UniProt database accession number (AC), the molecular weight (MW) and the isoelectric point (pI) are given.
Supplementary data 3. Detailed list of rat proteins
Proteins from the list present in supplementary data 1 are in bold characters, the proteins matching the same set of peptides are listed below each of them. For all proteins, the corresponding protein group (group), the UniProt database accession number (AC), the molecular weight (MW) and the isoelectric point (pI) are given.
Supplementary Table. Correspondence between fraction numbering indicated in the article (Table I) and in the supplementary data