Sunday, October 1
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Luke 1; John 1
Monday, October 2
1 Samuel 15-16
What specific instructions did Samuel give Saul in chapter 16? Did Saul carry them out completely? Why or why not?
What was Saul’s sin? How did he respond when confronted? How do you respond when you are confronted by someone who shows you your sin? How should we respond?
What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 1; Luke 2
Tuesday, October 3
1 samuel 17-18
How did the Lord prepare David for facing Goliath? How does God enable us to overcome our trials?
What attributes of a godly man do you see on display in David in these 2 chapters? Pick 2 and expand on the qualities of it.
What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others?
- Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?
- How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 2
Wednesday, October 4
1 samuel 19-20
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
In these two chapters, you see David’s life in constant danger. You cannot control what people do to you, but you can control what you do with God. How does David respond to Saul? To Jonathan? How can you imitate this in your own life?
Please memorize (or review) the categories and verse below:
Crucified with Christ
- Galatians 2:20 – “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3
Thursday, October 5
1 samuel 21-22
Even David sometimes fails to trust the Lord. In what ways does he take matters into his own hands? What are the consequences of his sin because of it?
Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more.
List/Outline the events of these two chapters.
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
Friday, October 6
1 samuel 23-24
What did David do in 1Samuel 24 that caused Saul to see his own unrighteousness? What does this show about David’s trust in the Lord? How can we imitate this in our own life?
In these 2 chapters, you see what is central to David’s life. What is it? How does it govern David’s actions?
Go back to Tuesday’s question about encouraging others. Did you encourage anyone with what you learned?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
M & K
They serve in the Middle East where M focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Pray for the start-up of the pastoral school to open January 2018
- Pray for M as the team leader. Praise that they have their full team now!
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: John 2-4
Saturday, October 7
1 samuel 25-26
There are three different responses in chapter 25. We can return evil for good, we can return evil for evil, or we can overcome evil with good. Link each response to a person in chapter 25 and explain why you chose it.
Again, David is pursued by Saul. How does David respond this time to Saul? How is David tempted to respond? In times of trial in your life, how can you apply David’s responses to your own life?
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 8; Mark 2
Sunday, October 8
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:John 5
Monday, October 9
1 samuel 27-28
What did Saul do when the Lord would not answer him? What should he have done instead?
What were the reasons for the Lord departing from Saul?
Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more.
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 12; Mark 3; Luke 6
Tuesday, October 10
1 samuel 29-30
What were the Philistines doing in chapter 29? What was David doing? Explain God’s providence in this chapter.
How did David respond when faced with a tough trial? Pick two points of application that can be applied to your life from how David faced the trial and his actions during the trial.
What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters? (Read 1 Samuel 15 for a hint).
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 5-7
Wednesday, October 11
1 samuel 31
What does 1 Samuel 31:4 tell us about Saul?
Why would the men of Jabesh-gilead risk their lives for the bodies of Saul and his sons?
Examine the life of Saul and the life of David. Who do you want to be like and why? What are you doing in your life to make that happen? David had victory and spoils in chapter 30. Saul had defeat and was stripped in chapter 31. What was the difference in their lives?
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
A New Creation
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 9; Luke 7
Thursday, October 12
1 thessalonians 1-2
When Paul first visited Thessalonica, how did he come to them(read 2:5-8)? Why did he choose to conduct himself in this manner?
How were the Thessalonians an encouragement to Paul? How are you an encouragement to your friends and family in Christ?
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 11
Friday, October 13
1 thessalonians 3
Why did Paul send Timothy to the Thessalonians? What report did Timothy bring back to Paul?
What was Paul’s specific prayer for the church in Thessalonica?
Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
M & K
They serve in the Middle East where M focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Pray for the strengthening of the kid’s friendships within the church
- Pray for the new school year for the kids and for a smooth transition for the ones changing schools
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Luke 11
Saturday, October 14
1 thessalonians 4
What does Paul mean in verse 7? How are we to do this?
If Paul says in verse 9 that no one needs to write to the Thessalonians about love, then why does he have a “But” in the verse? What he is urging them to do?
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 13; Luke 8
Sunday, October 15
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Mark 4-5
Monday, October 16
2 thessalonians 1-2
Why were the Thessalonians suffering? What words of comfort did Paul give to them and why was it comforting?
Who is the man of lawlessness? What are some signs that will help identify him?
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 10
Tuesday, October 17
2 thessalonians 3
In Paul’s last visit to Thessalonica, he specifically modeled how someone should work. Describe it below. How do you measure up to Paul? In what ways can you improve?
To those that do not follow Paul’s model, how are we to treat them? Why do you suppose the sentence is so harsh? How is love demonstrated in this? (read v.15 for a hint)
What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others?
- Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?
- How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9
Wednesday, October 18
2 samuel 1-2
Saul saw David as an enemy, but David treated Saul with kindness and love. David mourned Saul’s and Jonathan’s death. How do you treat your “enemies” when they fall down? Do you mourn and pray for them? What can you learn and imitate from David here?
Make a list of the events that occur in this passage.
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
Not Conforming to this World
- Romans 12:2 – “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:John 6
Thursday, October 19
2 samuel 3-4
How did David react to the death of Abner? Why?
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 15; Mark 7
Friday, October 20
2 samuel 5-6
What did David come to realize in 2 Samuel 5:12? Why was this important? How do you see the Lord at work in your own life?
Why did Uzzah die?
Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more.
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
M & K
They serve in the Middle East where M focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Pray for the transition of the new mission’s director who oversees this ministry; pray for his relationships with the missionaries
- Pray for K & M to show biblical hospitality as they open their home to guests
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 16; Mark 8
Saturday, October 21
2 samuel 7-8
How did David respond when God told him no to building a temple? How do you respond when God tells you no? How should we respond and why?
We see David succeeded in all his battles. Why is that?
What is one characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that characteristic stand out?
What is a 2nd characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that attribute stand out?
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 17; Mark 9
Sunday, October 22
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Matthew 18
Monday, October 23
2 samuel 9-10
Why did David show kindness to Mephibosheth?
Why did David go to war against the Ammonites?
List/Outline the events of these two chapters.
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: John 7-8
Tuesday, October 24
2 samuel 11-12
Who was the righteous man in these chapter? Why? Who was the wicked man in these chapters? Why?
How did David respond when confronted with his sin by Nathan? How did David respond when he found out the child died? From these examples, what can we apply to our life?
What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: John 9-10
Wednesday, October 25
2 Samuel 13-14
Re-read 2 Samuel 12:9-12. The Lord listed out the punishment of David’s sin with Bathsheba. How do you see the consequences of that sin in these chapters?
How did David respond to the sin of Amnon? Because of David’s failure as a father, what are the consequences that we see in chapter 13?
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
Steadfastness in Christ
- 1 Corinthians 15:58 – “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Luke 10
Thursday, October 26
2 samuel 15-16
Consider all that we know about Absalom over the past few chapters. What kind of man is he? Is this someone we should imitate? Why or why not?
We see our true friends in times of trials and crisis. Have you surrounded yourself with friends that love the Lord and will encourage you and give you good counsel? Why or why not?
Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Luke 12-13
Friday, October 27
2 samuel 17-18
How did the Lord preserve David and his men?
Joab has played an important role in the life of David. What kind of man is Joab? Think back of all we have read about him so far.
Write down three observations:
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
M & K
They serve in the Middle East where M focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening