December 13, 2016 7:00 p.m.
Present: Rich Harries (Chair), Brad Neduzak (Chief of Police), Brian Minaker, Larry Danielson, Ted Fransen, Pam Goertzen (Secretary)
Absent with Regrets:
Heather Francis
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Regrets
Heather Francis
3.0 Adoption of Agenda – December 13, 2016
Motion –Brian Minaker
Seconded – Ted Fransen
4.0 Approval to Adopt Minutes – September 27, 2016
Motion – Larry Danielson
Seconded – Brian Minaker
5.0 Executive/Committee Reports (Correspondence)
5.1 Chief’s Report
- Crime Statistics – Chief Neduzak informed the Board that calls are steady and activity is picking up.
- Hiring – Chief Neduzak informed the Board that the new police hire – Jordan Canart - will be starting his training at the Saskatchewan Police College in the second week of January. Canart will attend training in Regina for four months and will be back for field training in Morden in May 2017. Chief Neduzak reported that Canart should be working on his own by next New Years.
- Training – Chief Neduzak reported that the police service is moving to a new file management system called PROS. Training is scheduled to begin in the New Year and will take a month to complete. Training will be conducted in conjunction with Winkler Police Service. There are stages of training for each level of the police service. The police service will not need new hardware for this system but a new server is required as the current server is old and not able to keep up. PROS is an RCMP system which will allow officers to read other departments files and share information. In turn other departments will be able to automatically read Morden’s files which will mean more supervising of the files.
- Events – Guns ‘N Hoses are having their annual Christmas Hockey game against the Morden Thunder this Sunday December 18th at 6:15pm. This game is a fundraiser for Christmas Cheer.
Morden Police Service is hosting another Polar Plunge on February 18th, 2017. Cst. Scott Edwards will be coordinating this again and advertising will start in the New Year.
6.0 Other New Business
6.1 CAPG Board – Chair Rich Harries asked the board if any member would be interested in joining the CAPG Board. This board is made up of two people from Manitoba. The board member from Winnipeg is letting his name stand. The cost of being on this board is not covered and therefore would become a budget item. Ted Fransen suggested advocating to the Manitoba Police Commission for one rural and one urban voice on this board. He suggested that the rural voice be funded by the Manitoba Police Commission and for it to be a shared spot with the rural Police Boards. Each rural Police Board has a representative sit on the CAPG Board for a year with a rotating schedule. Chair Rich Harries will be following up on this suggestion.
6.2 Brandon Dispatch – Chief Neduzak spoke about Brandon dispatch. He advised that 911 is not an option for Southern Manitoba. It would not be allowed by the Province nor would it be affordable. Currently the cost for Brandon dispatch is $46,000 per year and the cost to go to 24/7 dispatch in 2017 will be $96,000. Currently Brandon is only running plates, driver’s licenses and doing timers for officers. Starting in May Brandon will be answering all police calls when the office is not staffed. This is a year to year contract and will be evaluated to ensure the police are satisfied with the service. Full dispatch is important for officer safety and effectiveness. The Chief also advised that the cost to staff our own dispatch is being worked on and will be shared with all City Managers. The Chief will work with his counterparts in Winkler and Altona to prepare an analysis of an alternative dispatch model and share with their respective councils prior to our next meeting. The Chief also suggested that it would be a good idea for all Board Members to go to Brandon Dispatch to see how it operates.
6.3 Officer Presentation
Sgt. Sean Aune, Cst. Jon Goertzen, Cst. Devin Bell and Cst. Chris Flook of the Morden Police Service Regional Support Tactical Team shared a power point presentation covering the following topics:
Equipment (they also brought their equipment for Board Members to see)
Training and Courses
Video showing shooting drills, moving, searching and house entry
Highlights of some of the bigger files they have worked on – Project Sticky Fingers and Project Doorman. In 2014 they were deployed once, 2015 they had 7 – CDSA warrants, 2 – firearm warrants and 1 – property warrant. In 2016 they have had 6 – CDSA warrants.
7.0 Delegations
8.0 Old Business
8.1 Review/Approval of Proposed Policy Manual – see handout provided by Larry Danielson. Larry will circulate the completed documents to all board members and that we will post online with our annual report and board minutes. The board moved to adopt the Morden Police Board Policy and Procedure Manual as reviewed.
Motion – Larry Danielson
Seconded – Ted Fransen
Ted Fransen wanted to thank Larry for all his hard work and effort in creating this document. All board members expressed their thanks.
8.2 Strategic Planning – Andrew Minor is willing to facilitate. Ted Fransen’s term has ended as of November 20th, 2016 but he has not been contacted by the Province so he holds this position until told otherwise. This matter will be tabled until the March meeting.
8.3 Community Consultation Options – Chair Rich Harries spoke for Heather Francis and passed on her recommendation that the board pay for a provider to use their services. This service will be online but there will also be paper copies available at the City office. The board decided that the survey will be conducted in the first two weeks of February. Danselle Neufeld, Rich Harries and Heather Francis will look into this. The board moved to purchase a subscription for whatever provider is decided on up to a cost of $300.
Motion – Ted Fransen
Seconded – Brian Minaker
9.0 Closing Question Period
There will be questions by the media – Thomas Guenther and Alexis Stockford - to take place after the meeting is adjourned.
10.0 In Camera
Moved In Camera (9:08 p.m.)
11.00 Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Moved in Camera (9:08 p.m.)
Meeting was adjourned (9:15 p.m.)
Date of next meeting will be Tuesday March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Pam Goertzen, Secretary