Application for the Hire ofBollington Civic Hall

Name:Click here to enter text.
Organisation: Click here to enter text.
Address: Click here to enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here to enter text. / Mobile: Click here to enter text.
Type of Function: Click here to enter text.
Date/srequired:Click here to enter text.
Timesrequired: / Start time
including set up: Time / End time
including clear up: Time
Expected Attendance:Click here to enter text.
Maximum numbers not to be exceeded: 260 standing, 140 seated theatre style, 130 seated dining style and 120 dancing
Type of equipment: / Tables and Chairs / Y/N / Theatre Seating :
a) chairs or
b) retractable seating * (107 seats plus at 14 chairs at the front) / Y/N
Staging * / Y/N
PA Equipment / Y/N / Projector Screen (you will need your own projector and laptop) / Y/N
* This equipment will must be set up by our staff and we must therefore make a charge for this service. Please see price list
Other, please state:Click here to enter text.
Do you require help in setting up and taking down chairs and tables? / / If yes, we make a charge for this service – see current price list
Do you require Kitchen Facilities? / / Light use eg tea & coffee OR
Full useeg cooker & warmer usage /
Do you require Bar Facilities?
If yes please see the important information over. /
/ If yes, who is providing your bar services?
What type of bar?
Light use eg during the interval of a performance OR
Full useeg an all evening bar /
Bollington Town Council does not provide bar services, the fee is for the hire of the bar facilities. Should you require a bar you must organise this yourself with a responsible person who has obtained an occasional licence from Cheshire East Council or is a publican or other person with a Personal Liquor Licence. The Hall is licensed for live music and entertainment until midnight and has a proper bar fixture. We have an arrangement with Karen Lawrence of Bollington Bars who already holds a Personal Liquor Licence and subject to her availability should be able to offer you service. You must make contact with Karen yourselves to make all the necessary arrangements as early as possible. To book Karen for your event here are her contact details are: 0781 000 6230 email:.
If there is any further information / requirements concerning your booking please state:
Click here to enter text.

Conditions of Hire of Bollington Civic Hall


Please tick where appropriate and return to Jennifer Brockbank, Responsible Financial Officer, Bollington Town Council, Town Hall, Wellington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5JR or email to

a. I/We agree to vacate the premises at the time stated on the booking form.

b.I/We agree to leave the premises clean & tidy (equipment is available in the cleaners store room located in the ladies toilet)

c.Please select

(i)I/We the Hirer require public liability insurance through the Council Insurance Yes/No
(ii)I/We the Hirer will arrange appropriate public liability insurance cover for thesaid hiring
on terms acceptable by the Council and prior to the hiring will produce to the Council an

insurance cover note relating to such insurance and evidence of payment of the insurance

premium. Such public liability insurance shall be for a minimum sum of £5,000,000.00
and shall relate to all risks and be subject to such conditions as are required by the

(iii)A Risk Assessment must be produced for your activity and passed to Administration

at Bollington Town Hall.

d. I/We the Hirer agree to indemnify the Council from and against all costs, claims, losses, damage or proceedings:

(i)Arising from any death, accident, injury or damage to any person whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of my/our use of the premises (except insofar as resulting from any act or neglect done or committed during the period of hire by the Council and/or its employees and except losses or claims in respect of which the Council is indemnified by its insurers where insurance cover is provided by the Council under paragraph (c.)

(ii)Relating to any property referred to in paragraph (e.) (except in so far as proved to have arisen due to the neglect of the Council or its employees)

(iii)Arising from any breach of any conditions of this agreement and loss of or damage to property of the Council arising during or by reason of this hire agreement

e.I/We the Hirer shall be responsible for any loss, theft or damage relating to any property brought onto the premises by reason of the hiring whilst on the premises

f.I/We the Hirer shall comply with all the provisions of the Licensing Acts and local police regulations which are in force in the Cheshire East Authority.

g.I/We the Hirer agree to and undertake to pay to the council any monies due in advance of the hire.

h.I/We the Hirer shall comply with all relevant regulations regarding the safety of electrical equipment and shall ensure that all or any electrical equipment used during the hire, whether within the Hirer’s direct control or not, has been inspected and tested as appropriate and shall produce on request the relevant test certificate to the Council.

The Council reserve the right to refuse to allow electrical equipment into the premises if it believes that the equipment on the date of hire fails to reach the required standard

j.Health & Safety - Hirers must be aware of their responsibilities under the Health & Safety Act and should fully appraise themselves with the Civic Hall’s Safety Manual.

k.It is now against the law to smoke anywhere in the building, this includes the entrance lobby

l.All cheques must be made payable to Bollington Town Council

m.A copy of your public liability insurance and risk assessment must be attached to this booking form.

I/We have read and will comply with all the requirements as laid down in this application.

Date: Date

Bollington Civic Hall

Hirer’s Risk Assessment Form

Name of Group: Click here to enter text.
Form completed by: Click here to enter text.
Position in Group: Click here to enter text.
Date form completed: Click here to enter a date.
Activity taking place
Click here to enter text. /
Who will be attending (e.g. members of group, members of the public, children)
Click here to enter text. /
Below are areas you may wish to consider, to help you identify the risks involved in your activity. If they are not applicable to your group or activity, please put N/A.
Hazards Identified with this Activity / Precautions / Control Measures Required
Identify what could reasonably cause harm and how, and list in the boxes below each sub-heading. / After considering the hazards, decide on suitable control measures for each significant hazard, and list in the boxes below each sub-heading.
Training (eg What training have group leaders and/or instructors received?)
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Supervision (eg Will the activity involves any form of tuition? If so, will the number of tutors per student be appropriate? Will children be involved in the activity? If so, will their parents be present to supervise?)
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Equipment (eg If you are using any of your own equipment, please ensure it is fit for purpose in a good state of repair. If the equipment is audio visual, ensure it has a valid “PAT TEST” for electrical safety?
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Other (ieAre there any other specific hazards not covered by the categories above?)
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Are any further actions required to reduce the risks of the activity? If so, please provide details of the actions you propose to undertake and the timescale for the actions to be completed.
By Whom?Click here to enter text. / By When? Click here to enter a date.
Public Liability Insurance / All hirers must hold suitable Public Liability insurance to the minimal value of £5million, copies of the insurance must accompany the booking form. Please refer to the “conditions of hire” for complete details.
Signature / Date: Click here to enter a date.