Greengate Patient Participation Group Minutes
Wednesday 25 November 20154.00pm
Greengate Medical Centre Birstall
Debbie Shephard (DS); Barbara Paul (BP); Jo Merchant (JM); Fiona Barber (FB);
Ian Roberts (IR); Barry Simons (BS) John Brennand (JB)
Dr Sue Ford (SF)
- Apologies
JM said that SF had given her apologies.
- Matters arising from last meeting held on 9 September
The last meeting had been held in September.
JM said that the Surgery is still waiting for the outcome of the CQC report, and informed everyone that once it has been published, she would notify all the members.
JM also said she didn’t get chance to circulate the Autumn PPG newsletter due to staffing issues at the Practice. She said she has now appointed a new Assistant Practice Manager, Simone Bone, who will be working with the PPG going forwards.
- Welcome to new members
JM welcomed John Brennand to the group as a new member.
- Newsletter – Winter 2015
JM had produced a draft Winter newsletter for the PPG to review. Everyone was happy with this, and it was agreed to add the Twitter symbol to it before being published before Christmas.
There was discussion about how best to promote this to patients.
It was also suggested that we get the WiFi set up so that some of the PPG can use their ipads when attending meetings, instead of printing off copies – JM to investigate.
FB informed the PPG that she had set up a twitter account, and gave everyone information as to how to access this.
- Contacting Members – virtual PPG
JM said she is keen to send e-mails to all patients who have an e-mail address, asking if they are happy to receive correspondence from the PPG, and also sending out the newsletters. She said she has in excess of 1600 e-mail addresses, however is sorting out the security issues at the moment.
Hopefully SB will be able to get involved with this in the near future.
BP raised the issue about the Urine Syringes, to say just how difficult they are to handle.JM said the PPG may want to contact UHL with their feedback on this.
On the day access – JM informed everyone that for Dec and Jan, the practice would be taking part in the “on the day” access scheme, which is being run across the locality.
BP mentioned a problem she had encountered when an ambulance blocked the patient entrance to the surgery, and said this could be an issue for disabled patients. JM said she will ask reception to monitor this, should it happen in the future.
IR mentioned the Military Veteran’s scheme in the NHS, where any patient who is a military veteran can have priority referrals in the NHS. JM said we would look at coding this, and ensure all staff are aware of this service.
The issue of DNA’s was mentioned, and the question was asked whether we monitor them. JM said we do, and we write to patients who DNA more than 3 appts in the last 12 months.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 16 February 2016, 4pm at Greengate Medical Centre.