Economics Syllabus 2017
Bishop Noll Ins
Mr. Ryan Julian Rm. 303
Course Description:
Students enrolled in economics will take part in a rigorous interactive classroom centered around the basic principles of modern economics. Students will participate in indivdual and group activities related to economics, money market structures and strategies. The principles learned through this course will allow students to understand and successfully participate in the global marketplace.
Textbook and Class Supplies:
Each students will be issued a textbook and is responsible and accountable for the care and safety of their textbook. Students in this class will utilize the textbook throughout this school year through a multitude of activities. Students must bring their textbook to class everyday. Along with the textbook students in this class are required to bring…
● Binder/Spiral
● Plenty of Paper
● Pencil
● Notecards
Along with the supplies above this class will utilize the following...
● Google Inbox
● Google Classroom
● Google Drive (Docs, Slides, Numbers, add on apps, etc.)
Students should use their Bishop Noll Institute email address to access these features.
Learning Objectives: Students at the end of this course will understand the following concepts...
1. Scarcity and Economic Reasoning
2. Supply and Demand
3. Market Structures
4. The Role of Government in the Marketplace
5. National Economic Performance
6. Money and the Role of Financial Institutions
7. Trade between households, businesses and governments
Course Grading:
This course will incorporate a total point system. Students will have a collection of homework, quizzes, tests, in class activities, and group activities worth their weight in rigor. This class will use a total points system.
★ Question of the Day: Students in this class will participate daily to this assignment. Each student will be given an index card at the beginning of each week. Everyday when students arrive to class, students will have the opportunity to answer a trivia question unrelated and related to classroom curriculum. Every Friday notecards will be collected and each notecard is worth 1 extra credit point. If a student is absent, they will just skip that day and resume when they return, unpenalized. Unless, it is more than 2 absences.
Classwork/Homework and Grading Policy:
This class will incorporate, in-class individual activities, group activities, individual exercises, homework, presentations and in-class verbal and written participation. Homework is due on specific due dates identified by the teacher. If you are absent on the day of a homework assignment, and/or quiz the student has as many days to make up the work as they were absent. For make up work policies please reference the BNI Student Handbook.
Behavior and Discipline:
Students in this course are about to enter the global workforce and professional education system. Students in this course will be held to a high classroom standard. Students will abide by the 2016-2017 BNI Student Handbook. Below are several rules and policies of the 12th grade economics classroom that will be specifically emphasized in this classroom.
1. Respect all Students and Ideas
2. No Phones or Electronics; unless authorized by the teacher.
3. Be Prompted and Prepared Everyday, which includes dress code.
4. No Food or Drink in class.