Facility Information
Laboratory Medicine - Health Authority
Facility Information
Laboratory Medicine - Health Authority
Hospital/Health Centre Name:Health Authority:
Laboratory Name:
Laboratory Phone No:
Projected Date of Facility Opening or Discipline Starting:
New Discipline(s) to be Accredited (Check all that apply)
Sample Collection, Transport, Accessioning and Storage / Point of Care Testing
Hematology / Chemistry
Transfusion Medicine / Microbiology
Anatomic Pathology / Cytology
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
Other – Please List:
Laboratory Contact Person for Accreditation Activities:
Name: / Title:
City: / Postal:
Phone No: / Fax No:
Cellular No: / Email:
Hospital/Health Centre Information
Number of beds:
Other major services that the Hospital/Health Centre provides:
Population of town:
What other town’s or areas does the Laboratory serve?
Are there any distinct patient population demographics?
Are there any geographic considerations that affect service delivery?
Laboratory Information
Organizational Chart – Please provide the Laboratory organizational chart:
Leadership / Name / Title / Location
Regional Laboratory Administrative Leader:
Regional Laboratory Medical Leader:
Health Service Area, Laboratory Administrative Leader:
Health Service Area, Laboratory Medical Leader:
Administrative Leader:
Medical Leader of Laboratory:
Technical Leader of Laboratory: (e.g. Chief Technologist/Manager)
Other Individuals appointed to leadership positions: (e.g. Professional Practice Leader)
Hospital Health Centre COO/Administrator:
Medical or Clinical Laboratory Leaders
First Name / Last Name / #CPSBC / Discipline / Location
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
POCT / Hem / Chem / TM
Micro / AP / Other
Cytogenetics / Molecular Genetics
Medical and Clinical (e.g. PhD) Laboratory Staff
Name / Discipline / Location
Medical and Clinical (e.g. PhD) Laboratory Staff
Name / Discipline / Location
Number of:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Other Clerical Staff:
Sample Collection Transport and Accessioning
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Projected number of in-patient samples collected daily:
Projected number of out-patient samples collected daily:
Projected number of referred in samples daily:
Is there a unit or ward where non-laboratory staff routinely collects blood samples? (e.g. ER, ICU, Renal Unit) / Yes No
If yes, please indicate unit(s) or ward(s):
Is there a phlebotomy team? / Yes No
Off Site Collection Stations
Site 1:
Official Site Name:
Days and hours of operation:
Is Point of Care Testing performed at this location? / Yes No
If yes, what Point of Care Testing is performed?
Are Cardiograms performed at this location? / Yes No
Is Holter Monitoring available at this location? / Yes No
Site 2:
Official Site Name:
Days and hours of operation:
Is Point of Care Testing performed at this location? / Yes No
If yes, what Point of Care Testing is performed?
Are Cardiograms performed at this location? / Yes No
Is Holter Monitoring available at this location? / Yes No
Site 3:
Official Site Name:
Days and hours of operation:
Is Point of Care Testing performed at this location? / Yes No
If yes, what Point of Care Testing is performed?
Are Cardiograms performed at this location? / Yes No
Is Holter Monitoring available at this location? / Yes No
Site 4:
Official Site Name:
Days and hours of operation:
Is Point of Care Testing performed at this location? / Yes No
If yes, what Point of Care Testing is performed?
Are Cardiograms performed at this location? / Yes No
Is Holter Monitoring available at this location? / Yes No
Point of Care Testing (POCT)
Discipline Not Applicable
Scope of Service
Number of glucose meters in use:
Who monitors Point of Care Testing glucose QC?
What other tasks does the laboratory perform related to Point of Care Testing?
Actual Patient Testing
Proficiency Testing
User Training
Other, please indicate:
Other POCT and Equipment (Other than Glucose Meters)
Please indicate test and name of equipment used and location where POCT is performed (including urine dipstick testing):
Test / Equipment / Location
E.g. Hemoglobin / HemoCue / O.R.
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Are there Hematology tests that are only performed by specialized technologists? / Yes No
Are bone marrow samples collected at this site?
Are bone marrow samples analyzed at this site? / Yes No
Yes No
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Manufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. aPTT / Automated / Coag-A-Mate MTX II / 2004
E.g. Fluid Cell Count / Manual
List commercial kits used in the laboratory including vendor (e.g. Mono, Malaria, d Dimer):
Test / Kit / Vendor
E.g. Mono / SeraTest / Remel
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Are there Chemistry tests that are only performed by specialized technologists? / Yes No
If yes, please list:
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Manufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. Carotene / Manual
E.g. HbA1C / Automated / Roche Cobas Integra 800 / 2008
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Transfusion Medicine
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Are there Transfusion Medicine tests that are only performed by specialized technologists? / Yes No
Scope of Service
Provide Information on the Testing Performed
Receive and Issue Only (No testing) / Yes No
Storage of Blood and Blood Products in the facility / Yes No
If yes, please provide a list of storage locations and storage equipment used:
Location / Storage equipment used
Component Preparation / Irradiation
Hospital based donation program / Other - Please List:
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Manufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. Group and Screen / Manual
E.g. DAT / Manual
E.g. Antibody Screen / Automated / Ortho BioVue / 2005
Is computer assisted crossmatch utilized?
Do you perform pre-transfusion testing of neonates (<4 months of age)?
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Technologists:
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Are there Microbiology tests that are only performed by specialized technologists? / Yes No
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Maufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. Gram Stain / Manual
E.g. Identification / Automated / bioMérieux vitek 2
E.g. Identification / Manual / API 20NE
List commercial kits used in the laboratory including vendor (e.g. Mono, Malaria, d-Dimer):
Test / Kit / Vendor
E.g. RSV / QuickVue / Quidel
Are you using a non-automated system to monitor blood cultures (i.e. Oxoid Signal Blood Culture System)? / Yes No
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Anatomic Pathology (including Cytology)
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Technologist
-Qualified Not Registered (QNR):
-Combined Laboratory X-Ray Technologist (CLXT):
- Laboratory Assistants:
- Medical Transcriptionists:
- Other Clerical Staff:
- Other:
Are there supervisors for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Are there AP tests that are only performed by specialized technologists (i.e. Cytology, Immunohistochemistry, Electron Microscopy)? / Yes No
If yes, please list the tests:
Scope of Service
Is Gross Pathology performed on site? / Yes No
Is Microscopic Examination and Interpretation performed on site? / Yes No
Are Frozen Sections performed on site? / Yes No
Are Autopsies performed on site? / Yes No
Does the laboratory have any responsibilities for the morgue? / Yes No
Are fine needle aspirates collected at this site?
Are fine needle aspirates analyzed at this site? / Yes No
Yes No
Is cytology performed on-site?
If yes, types of samples (i.e. urine, sputum): / Yes No
Do cytotechnologists sign out cases? / Yes No
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Maufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. Tissue Processing / Automated / HMP300 HistoPro / 2006
E.g. H&E Stain / Automated / Sakura Tissue-Tek Prisma / 2005
E.g. GMS Stain / Manual
E.g. ER / Automated / Ventana NexES IHC
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of staff (FTE):
Number of staff working on each shift:
- Geneticists:
- Cytogenetics Technologists:
- Other Technologists:
- Laboratory Assistants:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Days and hours of operation:
List testing performed:
Test Menu
Tests performed: Include test menu with information on analyzer and methodology if applicable.
Test / Methodology
(Automated/Manual) / Instrument
(Maufacturer and Model) / Year
E.g. Chromosome Analysis / Nikon Genikon / 2007
E.g. FISH / Nikon Genikon / 2007
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Molecular Genetics
Discipline Not Applicable
Number of technical staff (FTE):
Number of staff working each shift:
- Geneticists:
- Technologists:
- Other:
Is there a dedicated supervisor for this area? / Yes No
If yes, please provide name(s) and title(s):
Dedicated staff or rotate through the area? / Dedicated Rotate
Days and hours of operation:
Test Menu, Analyzer, Methodology
Test Performed / Methodology
Who is responsible for the maintenance of diagnostic equipment:
Please indicate type and name of major equipment used:
Type / Name
Please indicate any new instrumentation/analyzers placed into service and date placed into service:
Has any existing equipment been recently relocated within the laboratory: / Yes No
If yes, list equipment:
Laboratory Informatics
There is no computer system (LIS) in place
There is a computer system (LIS) in place:
Name of system:
Date of Installation:
If applicable, date of last major upgrade to the existing LIS:
There are dedicated LIS support staff on-site
There are dedicated LIS support staff off-site
There is manufacturer support
Is there a Regional LIS? / Yes No
Additional Hospital/Health Centre Information
Are any renovations planned that will impact the laboratory? / Yes No
If yes, please provide information:
If possible please provide a laboratory floor plan.
Does the Hospital have a Medical Advisory Committee? / Yes No
Medical Directors Signature
______Date: ______
Any additional information you wish to add:
Please return form by:
Mail: College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Diagnostic Accreditation Program
300-669 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6B 0B4 / Email:
Revised: May 12, 2014