Virginia State Reading Association Conference
Sessions of Interest to Library/Media Specialist—Librarians
Step into a Good Book
Suite 4 B
Presenter: Mikie Jones, Librarian, Powhatan School
Strand: Teaching the Dimensions of Reading
Audience: K-3
Go beyond textbooks when covering SOL objectives. In the workshop we will use old favorites, as well as new titles, to enrich your instruction, particularly in science and language arts. Participants will find new ways to enrich classroom lessons using a variety of fiction and nonfiction picture books
Illustrating In The Trees, Honeybees and other picture books
Suite 3 B
Find out how picture books are made! Cris will use models, sketches, drawings, and original paintings to make the process come alive.
You Can Write a Book (YES YOU CAN!)
Suite 1 B
Alice Faye Duncan is an accomplished author (Honey Baby Sugar Child) and school librarian who will show educators how they too can earn income by writing books, magazine articles, and poetry. Duncan will provide participants with a picture book template, a list of publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts, and a list of reputable literary agents seeking new clients. During her workshop she will also discuss trends in children’s publishing and provide educators with a list of websites and blogs that will help hone their writing craft. Her website it
FEATURED AUTHOR: Charles Ghigna (Father Goose)
Father Goose Tales: The Stories Behind the Poems
Suite 3 C
Presenting brief back stories to poems for children helps bring the poem and the poet to life! An inspiring presentation of readings, recitations and commentaries
Filled with tips to help lead kids along the path to a lifelong love of poetry.
Helping America’s Youth through Literacy
Suite 2 B
Presented in a workshop-style format, this session will offer workshop participants tips to encourage America’s youth to read.
Comprehension Strategies Using Picture Books
Suite 4 D
Presenters: Janean Trimble Reading Teachers, Chesterfield County
Public Schools
Rhonda Burch, Reading Specialist, Chesterfield County
Public Schools
Tami Slater, Reading Specialist, Chesterfield County
Public Schools
Strand: Teaching the Dimensions of Reading
Audience: Upper Elementary
Have you ever wanted to use picture books in your upper grade classroom? We will show you how to use an advanced picture book to teach reading strategies to your students. All participants will receive lists of books they can use to teach comprehension strategies.
FEATURED AUTHOR: Kimberly Johnson
Destination Imagination
Suite 2 B
Children's author and motivational speaker Kimberly P. Johnson has written 12 children's books and has been recognized on many national and international levels, she will conduct an engaging and motivating session. This session will demonstrate strategies on how to encourage children to enhance their reading and writing skills. Also, participants will learn techniques on using ordinary items in the classroom to expand creative and critical thinking skills. Kimberly will discuss how language expression enhances listening skills and comprehension. Participants will learn how to make stories “breathe” by using their senses.
Through the use of poetry and rhythm, children will learn to develop settings and bright language that can be transformed from their imaginations to creative writing pieces. Session will offer lots of hands-on and interactive activities that can be used immediately. If you need a workshop to inspire you to continue teaching and have fun with it, don’t miss this session. Creative expression and language skills will come to life in your classroom setting again. COME LEARN, COME LAUGH!!
Best Bets for the Classroom 2009
Suite 1 B
Each year thousands of children’s books are published and it is unrealistic to think that teachers have time to identify the best ones for their classroom. Joan Kindig’s annual list comes from her own wide reading as well as a number of highly regarded review sources including Booklist, The Horn Book, and School Library Journal among others. First presented in the early 1990’s at VSRA, this annual offering is an overview of the latest and greatest in children’s books, K-8. While noteworthy books are important and serve children well, Best Bets for the Classroom includes books that may not win awards but children will love. Since getting children to read is our ultimate goal, this list is a pivotal one for teachers. Handouts will be provided.
History, Mystery, Bones and Gold: Writing Lively Nonfiction
Suite 1 A
Literature SHOTS: Stories that Elicit Higher Order Thinking Skills
Suite 2 C
Presenter: Karen Arnett, Elementary Gfted Education Specialist,
Chesapeake Public Schools
Strand: Creating Environments for Literacy
Audience: K-3
All children need opportunities to develop their thinking. Participants will be shown numerous, varied activities to guide children toward developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills through the use of literature.
Virginia Readers’ Choice: High School Award Winners
Suite 4 E
Presenter: Dr. Marianne Baker, Associate Professor, JMU
Strand” Creating Environments for Literacy
Audience: High School
The 2010-2011 list of high school titles selected to appeal to diverse high school readers will be unveiled and shared in this session.
Virginia Readers Choice: Middle School Award Winners
Suite 5 A
Virginia Readers Choice: Elementary Award Winners
Suite 4 D
History, Mystery, Bones and Gold: Writing Lively Nonfiction
Suite 1 A
Writing Books Boys Will Read
Suite 3 B
Presenter: Sue Corbett, Author, York County Virginia
Strand: Teaching the Dimensions of Reading
Audience: K-12
Author Sue Corbett, mother of two boys herself, will speak about how the challenges of raising male readers informs the novels she writes -- 12 Again, Free Baseball and The Last Newspaper Boy in America. As a book reviewer, she will also provide lists of new books that have connected with the boy readers in her household and in the book club she runs for elementary school age children.
Surprise! Boys really DO like history when laced with bugs, battles, and beatable bullies
Suite 2 D
Ms. Elliott will be discussing Under a War-Torn Sky (a Jefferson Cup honor book) and its new sequel, A Troubled Peace.
Extending the Story: Ideas for Fun Hands-on Learning Activities that Teach Reading
Fundamentals through Children’s Literature
Suite 3 E
Presenter: Dr. Sharon Gaston. Assistant Principal, Arlington, former Reading
Strand: Teaching the Dimensions of Reading
Audience: Pre-k to Grade 2
Teachers will be presented with quick, useful and lively activities that teach the fundamental literacy skills (phonemic and phonological awareness, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension) through reading children’s literature.