Ms. Lacy’s Classroom Rules
I. Classroom Rules
1. Bring book, math folder, agenda, pencil and paper to class everyday.
2. When the bell rings, be in your assigned seat with homework on your desk and ready to be graded.
3. Students should begin the specified bell activity as soon as class starts. (i.e. vocabulary, math journal, 5 minute check)
4. Use appropriate language and behavior at all times.
5. Treat other people and their property with respect.
6. Students should not work on other assignments during math class unless all math work has been completed and permission has been granted.
- Keep all papers and place them in the appropriate section of your folder.
II. Discipline Procedure
For most infractions of the rules, discipline will be as follows.
- Warning
- 15 minute detention
- Parent notification and 30 minute detention
- Office referral
If you are given detention, you will have that day plus the next to serve the detention. If the detention isn’t served on the second day, it will double on the third. If the detention isn’t served on the third day, you will be referred to the office.
You will have two free tardies a semester. On the third tardy you will be given a 15 minute detention. The fourth tardy and every one after that is automatically referred to the office.
You will have 2 bathroom passes a semester. After that, a bathroom pass will cost 15 minutes detention.
You will receive 15 minutes detention anytime you come to class unprepared (ex. no book.)
Remember this is a guideline and all infractions may not be treated exactly the same.
III. Parent Contact Plan
Parents will be contacted regularly to keep them informed on their child’s performance both academically
and behaviorally.
IV. Supplies needed
- 3 ring notebook (this will be taken up for a grade several times this year)
- 8-10 dividers
- notebook paper & pencil
- graph notebook paper
- red pen
- TI-36X scientific calculator and/or a TI-83 plus or TI-84 graphing calculator (graphing calculator is required for Pre-Calc and College Algebra)
V. Math Folders
You will be required to keep a math folder, which will be graded periodically throughout the year. It should be organized as follows and should be brought to class everyday. This will be done this year!!!!!
(All classes except Geometry)(Geometry)
1. Classroom Rules1. Classroom Rules
2. Bell Activities/Vocabulary 2. Properties, Definitions, Vocab, Theorems & Postulates
3. Quizzes/Tests3. Notes/Study Guides
4. Homework4. Homework
5. Notes/Study Guides/Practices5. Test/Quiz Reviews
6. Test/Quiz Reviews6. Quizzes/Tests
7. Special Projects/Extra Credit7. Special Projects/Extra Credit
VI. Grading Procedures
9-weeks averages will be based on the following percentages.
Tests & Quizzes 80%
Homework & all other assignments20%
Semester averages will be based on the following percentages.
Ist 9-weeks45%
2nd 9-weeks45%
Semester Exam10%
Semester Averages will be based on the following percentages. (College classes only)
1st 9-weeks40%
2nd 9-weeks40%
Semester Exam20%
VII. Homework
All math assignments should include the student’s name in the upper right corner and the title including chapter and section number on the first line of the paper. All math work should be done in pencil. Math is a subject in which the saying "practice makes perfect" definitely holds true. Therefore, students should expect homework almost daily. Homework assignments should be recorded in your agendas on a daily base and will be checked periodically. In order for a teacher to help a struggling math student he/she must know what part of the process the student is having problems with. This is not evident when only answers are recorded on an assignment. For this reason, "NO WORK, NO CREDIT, NO KIDDING!"
VIII. Make Up Work
Students are responsible for obtaining all missed work from the teacher either before or after school. As per the Student Handbook, you will be given one day to get your assignment and one day to turn it in. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up during tutorial hours, not during class time. Students who will be gone for a school trip should get his/her assignment from the teacher before leaving.
IX. Late Work
Points will be deducted from late work according to the original point value of the assignment. 50% of the original point value will be subtracted from any late work the first day it is late. Assignments more than 1 day late will receive a score of zero and cannot be turned in for credit unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher. Absolutely no late work will be accepted in Pre-Calculus, Calculus or College Algebra.
X. Extra Credit
Opportunities for extra credit will be presented throughout the year. The point value for these projects will be determined at that time and students must take advantage of these opportunities as they are presented. All extra credit assignments must be turned in by the specified date. Absolutely no late extra credit will be accepted.
XI. Tutorials
Tutorials will be offered daily if needed. If a student struggles with a homework assignment it is their duty to make arrangements to come in for help the morning or afternoon that the assignment is due. This is the only way to avoid having points deducted for a late assignment. Mandatory tutorials may be issued at the teacher’s discretion. There will be tutorials offered by a teacher everyday after school.
XII. Cheating Policy
Cheating will not be tolerated! If a student is found copying another student’s paper both papers will be taken up and neither student will receive credit for the assignment. Helping each other is allowed and encouraged, but there is a definite difference between doing homework together and copying!
Parent SignatureDate
Parent E-mail
Parent Phone Number
Student SignatureDate