Website Creation or Review Form

Use this brief form to help create or review your website communication strategy.

Your current website address (If you already have one):


Description of engagement sought by website

1. Who in the community do you wish to communicate with?

2. What do you wish to communicate?

3. Why would that group of people be interested in the subject?

4. What engagement or response are you seeking from those people?

5. What content (text, images etc) on the website would enable that engagement?

Thank You

With answers to these 5 questions, you can manage the website to present the minimum content necessary to achieve the communication most simply, efficiently and effectively.

Honesty and legality is essential, including in any claims you make to the public, or to members.
Also, the Lions Code of Ethics should be used to guide appropriateness of content.

Facebook Creation or Review Form

Use this brief form to help create or review your Facebook communication strategy.

Your club's current Facebook address (If you already have one)


Description of engagement club seeks through Facebook

1. Who in the community do you wish to communicate with?

2. What do you wish to communicate?

3. Why would that group of people be interested in the subject?

4. What engagement or response are you seeking from those people?

5. What content (text, images etc) on the Facebook would enable that engagement?

With answers to these 5 questions, you can manage the Facebook to present the minimum content necessary to achieve the communication most simply, efficiently and effectively.

Honesty and legality is essential, including in any claims we make to the public, or to our members. Also, the Lions Code of Ethics should be used to guide appropriateness of content.

If you design and maintain your Facebook to suit your audience, they are more likely to Like your page and follow your news updates. Here is a link to facebook's best practice guide on posting

Instructions to Create a Facebook Page

16-4-2015 Lions Australia Webmaster