JUNE 2, 2008

The Douglas County Board of Education met in a regular session in the board room of the administrative office building at 9030 Highway 5. Chairman Ed Murray (Post 5) called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Also present were board members: Vice Chairman James Bartlett (Post 2); Ms. Christine Smith (Post 1); Mr. Larry Barnes (Post 3); and Dr. Sam Haskell (Post 4).

Mr. Murray asked for a motion to adjourn into an executive session to discuss personnel, or other matters as allowed under the Georgia Open Meetings Act.

Mr. Murray reconvened the Board in open session at 7:00 p.m.

Staff members present were Mr. Don Remillard, Superintendent; Dr. Judy Scherer, Deputy Superintendent; Dr. David Whitfield, Chief of Staff; Mr. Dudley Spruill, Chief Operating Officer; Mrs. Suvess Ricks, Associate Superintendent; Mrs. Karen Stroud, Director of Community Relations; and Mrs. Melanie Nicholson, Secretary to the Superintendent. Also present was Mr. Ken Bernard, General Counsel.

The PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Mr. Remillard.

MINUTES: On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the minutes of the May 19, 2008 Regular Meeting.

SETTING OF AGENDA: On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to approve the agenda as written.


Superintendent’s Spotlight

A. 2007-2008 State Championships Recognition

Mr. Remillard recognized the following students from Alexander High School that were 2007-2008 state champions in their respective fields:

Ethan Blackstock is the State Champion in 171 pound wresting division. He is the first sophomore wrestler to ever win a state championship for a Douglas County school; Coaches Sean Moistner and Daryk Cochran.

Thomas Mauldin is a two-time county champion, two time region champion and the 2008 state champion in the shot put; Coach Brian Robinson.

Evy Shreves was chosen as a soloist for the All State Chorus for a second consecutive year; Paul Cowan and Kathleen O’Dell were chosen to participate in the All State Chorus this year; Peggy Killian, Choral Director.

John McArthur, Drew Milhollin, and Wyatt Railey comprise the FBLA Network Design Team and will represent Alexander at the National Conference in Atlanta this summer; Julie Jeffcoat – Teacher Sponsor.

Mr. Remillard recognized the following students from Chapel Hill High School that were 2007-2008 state champions in their respective fields:

Drew Hohenstein ~ Shot Put in the Wheelchair Division

Taylor Lord ~ Boys Cross Country, 1600 meter and 3200 meter

Blair O’Bryant ~ 800 meter

Sara Sikes ~ Girls Pole Vault

The following teams from Chapel Hill High School were 2007-2008 state champions in their respective fields:

Boys Track Team - Taylor Lord, Blair O’Bryant, Alex Polk, Jonathon Parks, E.J. Belle, Jake Fulton, Caderrian Nalls, and Drew Hohenstein. Coaches: Ben Ford, Kelly Williams, Chris Rentz, Allison Krichko, Rochelle Hill, Jason Kuhn, and Ronnie Brown.

Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams – Abbie Robinson, Ashley Stovall, Gabby Fulton, Hayley Drosky, Devin Waldron, Kaylyn Wolfe, Nicole Melilli, Taylor Lord, Jake Fulton, Alex Kerry, Alex Truitt, James Lee, Blair O’Bryant, and Wade Voyles. Coaches: Kelly Williams, Allison Krichko, Mark Benedict, Rochelle Hill, Jason Kuhn, and Ronnie Brown.

Winterguard – Anisa Biggs, Alicia Scott, Jayla Bell, Beth Travis, Allison Willis, Cori Turner, Alice Ejemole, and Nijarr Hardy. Joseph Moran – Band Director.

B. Georgia Economics Teacher of the Year Finalist

Jonathan Cook of Chapel Hill High School was recognized as one of three finalists at the Georgia Council on Economic Education’s Teacher of the Year at their awards luncheon held on May 16, 2008. The award is meant to recognize classroom teachers who have made outstanding contributions to the teaching of economics in the public or independent schools of Georgia. Mr. Cook was nominated for his ability and willingness to use a variety of appropriate methods and resources. He was also lauded for his enthusiasm for teaching economics and success with students of all ability levels. Mr. Cook graduated from Douglas County High School and is completing his fifth year at Chapel Hill High School.




The Board receives a package of information a week before their regular work session. The Board discusses items placed on the “Consent Agenda” at the Work Session or in Executive Session as allowed under the Georgia Open Meetings Act. Before the Board voting session the Board may ask or answer any questions about items to be placed on the “Consent Agenda”.

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to set the consent agenda. The agenda was set as follows:


A.  Certified

B.  Classified

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to approve the consent agenda.


A. CTAE New Course Offerings

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the CTAE New Course Offerings as presented.


A. FY2009 Tentative Budget

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the FY2009 Tentative Budget as presented and advertise in the Douglas County Sentinel and recommend final approval at the June 16, 2008 Board Meeting.

B. Agreement with Research Associates

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Dr. Haskell, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the agreement with Research Associates as presented.


A. 2008-2009 Milk Bid

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the 2008-2009 milk bid and contract with Mayfield Dairy Farms, LLC as presented.

B. Bread Bid

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the bread bid and contract with Sara Lee as presented.

C. Computer Refresh

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the computer refresh of approximately 2,600 Dell computers during the 2008-2009 school year in the amount of $2,100,000.00 as presented.

D. Computers for Mobile Classrooms

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the purchase of computers for thirty new mobile classrooms in the amount of $78,431.00 as presented.

E. Floor Replacement for Arbor Station Elementary School

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the floor replacement for Arbor Station Elementary School and contract with Modular Flooring Technologies in the amount of $84,436.86 as presented.

F. FY2009 Property and Casualty Insurance Renewal

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the FY2009 Property and Casualty Insurance Renewal with Georgia School Boards Association in the amount of $490,311.00 as presented.

G. Ice Cream Bid

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the ice cream bid and contract with Mayfield Dairies as presented.

H. Proposed Meal Price Increases

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the proposed meal price increases with breakfast prices increasing by 10 cents and lunch prices increasing by 15 cents as presented.

I. Replacement Cafeteria Tables

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the purchase of replacement cafeteria tables for Factory Shoals Elementary School and Fairplay Middle School from VIRCO in the amount of $41,655.34 as presented.

J. Surplus Technology Items

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the surplus technology items and transfer to DOAS to sell on our behalf as presented.


A. Reciprocal Agreement Between Douglas County Board of Education and the City of Douglasville Parks & Recreation Department

On motion by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Smith, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the reciprocal agreement between the Douglas County Board of Education and the City of Douglasville Parks & Recreation Department as presented.




A. Exhibit AC-E School District Organization Plan

B. Exhibit AEA-E 2008-2009 School Calendar

C. Regulations GBRB-R/GBRC-R & GBRC-R/GBRB-R – Time Schedules and Work Loads


Mr. Barnes wanted to congratulate all of the high schools on their graduation ceremonies and express his appreciation to all of those involved.


Douglas County Board of Education Public Participation at Board Meetings

Policy: KCA/BCBI

In accord with its policy confirming the right and desirability of the public’s expressing its point of view to the Board, delegations or individuals are welcome at all meetings, subject to the following regulations:

1.  Matters relating to personnel, members of the Board, and other items which the law deems inappropriate for discussion must be submitted in writing and will be reviewed by the Board in Executive Session.

2.  Matters concerning an individual school shall be discussed first with the principal of that school. If the problem cannot be resolved at the school, it shall then be brought to the Superintendent of Schools. If the problem cannot be resolved with the Superintendent of Schools, it may then be brought to the Board.

Citizens of the community have the expressed right and are encouraged to attend meetings of the Board to listen to and observe the deliberations of its members. The following regulations are adopted to preserve the orderly pursuit of business of the Board and to provide proper opportunities for legitimate and objective discussion and analysis of the issues presented. Board meetings are public meetings and not meetings of the public; however, any citizen may request the opportunity to communicate with the Board and be recognized to speak regarding appropriate issues. Persons desiring to communicate with the Board shall submit a written request to the Superintendent stating their name, home address, the topic about which they wish to speak and the group they represent, if applicable, no later than 12 o’clock noon on the Thursday prior to the scheduled Board meeting. Please use the form provided for this purpose.

The Board vests in its chairperson or other presiding officer authority to determine whether it is in the interest of the Board to allow any individual or group to make an oral presentation before the Board. Persons who are granted the opportunity to speak will be recognized by the chairperson at the appropriate time during the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. If there are numerous requests to address the Board the chairperson may select representatives to speak on each side of the issue. The Board also vests in its chairperson or other presiding officer authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who does not adhere to the guidelines established by the Board.

Personal complaints of school employees should follow the Complaints and Grievances procedures established by the Board.

Individuals and/or groups who addressed the Board previously may be denied the opportunity to address the Board again on the same topic.

The Board will usually not respond to comments or questions posed by citizens during the Board meeting, but will take those comments and questions under advisement. When appropriate, the comments and questions shall be referred to the Superintendent for consideration and a later response.

Mr. William Magliocco, parent from Lithia Springs Elementary, addressed the Board concerning his dissatisfaction with the yearbook. His complaint was the poor quality of the yearbook. His daughter has been a student at the school for six years and her picture was not in the yearbook. He was rebuffed by the principal. He contacted the people that published the yearbook and was told that proof copies were sent to the school. He was told that the PTA was responsible for the yearbook but he holds the principal responsible. He is irritated that the principal was not concerned about the issue.

Mr. Murray said that we would take Mr. Magliocco’s comments under advisement.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Donald J. Remillard, Superintendent Ed Murray, Chairman