
To: Management Authorities of Second Level Schools

Physical Education: PHASE 2 of the Revised Syllabus at Junior Cycle Level

The phased introduction to schools of the revised syllabus at Junior Cycle level for Physical Education (non examination) began in September 2003. A total of 112 schools participated in the introductory phase (Phase 1).

It is planned that a further cohort of schools (Phase 2) will introduce the revised syllabus in September 2004.

Schools wishing to be considered for inclusion in Phase 2 of the introduction of the revised syllabus should complete the attached form and return it to Mayo Education Centre, Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo (Tel. 094 9020700; Fax. 094 9020720; Email: ) to arrive no later than Friday, 30th April 2004.

A decision on the number of schools to be included in Phase 2 will not be taken until all applications have been considered and plans for in-service provision have been put in place. Schools which apply will be notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible.

The revised syllabus is presented as an enabling structure within which a wide variety of physical education courses can be developed and implemented as appropriate to the circumstances and resources of any particular school. Therefore, schools wishing to be involved in its implementation will be required to do so using the physical education facilities and resources already available to them. A time allocation of two periods a week, timetabled together, is recommended to facilitate the implementation of the syllabus

A support service consisting of a National Co-ordinator and Regional Development Officers is based in the Mayo Education Centre and offers a comprehensive programme of in-service for teachers in participating schools.

The revised syllabus is available on the Department’s website at www.education.ie

While there will be no Junior Certificate examination in this subject school-based assessment on a continuous basis should be carried out. It is expected that a variety of modes and methods of assessment will be utilised and they will be compatible with the practical nature of the physical education programme at this level.

Please provide a copy of this circular to the appropriate representatives of parents and teachers for transmission to individual parents and teachers.

John Dennehy,

Secretary General. March 2004.


1. General Information

School Name and
Phone/fax/e-mail / Phone:______
Fax: ______
Roll Number
Current Enrolment / No. Boys______
No. Girls______
Total ______

2. Introducing the new course

Names and Qualifications of teachers likely to be involved.
Other teaching duties of teachers / Teacher 1.______Qualifications______
Teacher 2.______Qualifications______
Teacher 3.______Qualifications______
Teacher 4.______Qualifications______
Teacher Subjects Level

. Signed:______Date:______


This completed form should be returned to the Mayo Education Centre, Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, to arrive before 30th April, 2004.