Wednesday, September 27, 2017
2:30 p.m.
Present:Chris Cornell, Ryan Wyckoff,Stacy Ehmen, Bob Mattson
Academic Affairs: The team is looking summa cum laude and magna cum laude candidate issues and also double associate degrees.
Discussed a form for the committee’s approval titled “DACC Curriculum Management” to be put on the backside of the existing new course development form”.
ASSESSMENT TEAM: October in-service agenda was discussed. Items that should be on the agenda are credit hour review, syllabus on line matching what is handed to students, and closing the loop in program reviews.
The committee discussed the areas in administration and student services that need to do assessment.
Credit hour policy and cocurricular definition is still to be discussed.
Bob Mattson made the committee aware of a tool called Success Navigator. This is a placement tool that measures non-cognitive factors. Penny Mc Connell thought it might be a good retention tool. The team will not recommend using it at present.
CAMPUS COMMUNITY SUBTEAM:Fall Fundraiser is going on until October 4. Appreciate your co-workers with animal crackers.
Employee Holiday Party is December 1 at Turtle Run.
DIVERSITY TEAM:The Welcome Back Cookout was very well attended. The water balloon volleyball was a hit. Weather was good but was very hot.
There are some upcoming events that are technically not being sponsored by the Diversity Team because of copyright issues.
The Diversity Team has their blog up and going now.
Upcoming events are: Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15-October 15 and LGBTQ/National Coming Out Day is October 11.
Employee Development Team:The team is scheduled to meet October 18. They team meets every other month.
Topics have been discussed of training to offer and hope to have them confirmed in October.
Today and tomorrow is the blood draw and flu shots.
ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT TEAM: The team is discussing dual credit tuition/fees information and procedures.
There is a meeting scheduled with DHS in regard to the Dual Credit options for their students.
A Course Fees FAST Team has been formed and recommendations will be brought to the Board in January.
DACC and the Foundation are purchasing web-based scholarship service that will integrate with Colleague.
The team is discussing/investigating textbook solutions. We are hearing, and seeing, the effects of higher tuition/fee/textbooks prices on our students. Full PELL does not cover all the costs now due to the higher totals. The College needs to investigate what we can do to help the situation. It was discussed that textbook selections, open education resources, and the possibility of rolling textbook purchases into the payment plan might be options.
Human, Financial & Physical Resources: Working on organizing an HFPR committee meeting to address proposed changes to Board Travel Policy and Procedures.
The Insurance Team will be meeting October 12. ONI will be here with their presentation.
Student Support & Development: Team just met today right before Quality Council.
DACC Spirit Week activities will be held Wed., Oct.25-Tues., Oct. 31.
A survey was done with freshmen and they had a lot of good ideas.According to freshmen, the best way to communicate with them is via email and from the faculty in the classroom.
Plan to hold a Pack the House Night. Cookie Connection will be December 5 & 6.
Technology Resources & Services: Team met last week.
No PIF’s yet but heard there is one in the works.
Reminder that each team needs to have minutes turned in and that a couple of teams need a Quality Council Rep.
NEXT MEETING: Wed., Oct. 25, 2017; 2:30 p.m.; Copper Penny Room