Minutes 20/09/2013
Emma Oglesby (president)
David Jones (Vice)
Emily Herbert (treasurer)
Jenny Jones (secretary)
Rosy Crawford (training)
Briony Dean (memberships and logistics)
David Lee (social secretary)
NabidBhuiyan (duties)
Sophie Moore (duties)
Fresher’s Fayre
We now have coverage for both the stall and first aid tent for Fresher’s Fayre.
Coverage for the stall will be split into 2x 3 hour shifts- 10am – 1pm and 1pm- 4pm
On 22/09/2013 there is a 1h safety talk for fresher’s fayre- DL is attending, others are welcome to join
There should be a sign on the first aid tent indicating that this is not the place to join the society, and a sign on the stall indicating this is not the place to receive first aid. Uniform is not to be worn on the stall- wear society hoodies etc.
There are >100 barcodes for the mailing list, and around 30 for memberships for returners
We have 2x green blankets for the table
Helium can be acquired from the Card Factory near Blue Banana in town, at an estimated cost of 25p per balloon
Also for the stall we have- pop up banner, posters, leaflets, mugs, stickers, balloons
As regards setting up- we will store everything in the sports centre stores and move it across. Valuable items are not to be left on the stall overnight.
First aid cover starts at 9:45 am
As regards enquiries about membership from freshers with disabilities- they are more than welcome to join, just be clear that there may be limitations on the duties they can attend.`
1st Training Session
This will take place on the 1st October
It will begin with a 30 min talk from the president and vice- all committee will introduce themselves
The rest of the evening will be split into 30min rotations between-
A meet and greet with DL- snacks provided
A talk about duties with NB and SM
A taster of training and first aid with RC- this will be in C20 as it requires the most space
JJ, EH and BD will be provided with radios, take a group each and shepherd them between rooms
After first session EH JJ and BD will take people down to Mooch and look after them while everyone else packs up and comes down.
After the half hour talk at the start EO will join RC and DJ will join DL
We’re still missing a session on how to make complaints- EO to do this
SM is to proof read the booklet
It is roughly 20 pages of A5
It will be printed for SU members first. Try to get 4 for the 1st session, then print as needed
As people are paying £10 for membership, we will try and get the booklets bound rather than just stapled.
We were originally going to make the booklets flappable to separate the St John and the SU sides, if this is too difficult we could put a border on the pages.
It has been mentioned that potentially, members who are only a part of the SU side may be able to complete the TFA course. However this would mean that they would have to undergo a CRB and be registered at a hub, so this may not be feasible. They are however able to get what they have covered signed off in the booklet, and some sort of certificate may be appropriate.
Putting directions to the new hub into the booklet was discussed- at present its location has not officially been confirmed, but should this happen it could be a good idea.
The first social will be ice skating at the capital FM arena.
The 5th of October was originally suggested as a good date, but the 12th may be more appropriate as returners may not come to the taster session, but resume the week after.
We will invite Trent LINKS
We will do roughly 1 social a month. This term other socials may include bowling and a Christmas party.
As term finishes on the 13th Dec, we will have the Christmas social sometime in the 1st 2 weeks of December.
This needs to be booked soon.
It is likely that we will have a meal.
Other socials this year may include Karaoke, Alton Towers and a campus treasure hunt.
Committee socials may include a murder mystery evening, Come Dine With Me, potentially Go Ape.
Financial Situation
We will find out what our grant will be in October.
We currently have £300 and £11 of grant left
We need to work out a budget for refreshments at Fresher’s Fayre for people running stall/ first aiding.
Also for the first session- it is probably cheaper to get cake in rather than pizza, and also it means the last group wont have to have cold pizza
IMS rugby provision
There will be a meeting with Glynn on Thursday morning (26th) to work this out- what venues/ days etc.
He should be advised that if he uses St john divisions other than LINKS, there is a more stric cancellation policy- 24h notice must be given or there will be no refund.
Grove Farm duties will start in early October.
DJ to book meeting with Daniel- Trent VP to try and arrange a get together for presidents and vices of both societies for next Thursday (26th) preferably around 3-4pm
We must compile a list of phone numbers and email addresses for Trent committee
We will have a giant committee meeting of both societies at some point. There will be 17 people- we will need a bigger room. EO and DJ take lead, JJ will book room.
We should have a committee meeting with Peter at some point- so he can meet the committee and we can ask him all the questions we have. This should preferably be before the 1st of October. This will take place in committee meeting room 1 and have agendas.
We are going to leave everything in Sports Centre stores until we know what is happening.
General plans for the year
Some people’s CRBs are expiring- including DL. We will try to get Eric in before the 1st session to look over these.
DL has done his DBS form.
AFA course
There has been lots of interest in the AFA course, but few people have returned forms. RC should do an email/ FB post to remind people to return forms.
Forms need authorising- RC has been doing this.
Equipment/ Uniform
We need an amnesty of all equipment and uniform. This can occur before the 1st session- we will ask returners to come half an hour early to give in stuff. This would also be a good opportunity to get CRBs done for returners.
Facebook groups for St John are now frowned upon. Ours is just for the Students Union Society, so this is okay.
There are too many old members on the FB group. We will make a new one and add people to it as the renew their membership. BD is to do this.
We need to be replying to emails promptly, and letting people know when we forward things on.
Returning members can buy memberships, everyone else should join the mailing list
It could be useful to use the same survey as last year to work out which new members should be in the advanced group based on their experience.
We need 12 trainers- likely to be in teams of three
There will be one advanced group- we will try to make this more active than last year- we will have spinal boards and gasses etc.
We will have lead trainers within each training group so that someone is responsible for doing a register, making sure we have equipment etc.
Stock take
We have got 2 new supply orders in- EO will take these to sports centre stores when she has her car down next week.
A stock take will need to be done- DJ during Fresher’s week.
Goose Fair
This is quite an intense duty- there are ambulances and doctors and whatnot, and it is heavy on radio comms. We had massive problems with cancellations last year- need to stress to people that they MUST attend if they sign up, and there will be disciplinary action if not.