Content Specific Tools: These are websites that I frequently use.

The Annenberg Foundation hosts many websites for educators (their site on the U.S. Constitution is particularly good) and this site is dedicated to teaching practices, tools and resources for multiple disciplines. Strengths: This is a comprehensive, well vetted and well organized resource. The interactive series has excellent online activities. Weaknesses: The activities and assignments rely on each student having online capability.

This website is an excellent source for nonfiction articles and text based information to compliment curriculum. Strengths: I turn to at least once a week to find nonfiction articles that compliment any fiction text or any unit of study. The articles are contemporary and can be leveled according to lexile. This site is very user friendly and free. Recently I downloaded several famous speeches for my Civil War unit. Weaknesses: None that I have noticed.

I use tedtalks several times per month, usually replacing a newsela article, or possibly complimenting one. The videos are short and the themes are relevant and far ranging. Strengths: Short, quality, lectures in a format familiar to most students. Weaknesses: Some of the lectures are too sophisticated for my students and they are not indexed in a way that makes them easy to find.

Other favorite content based websites include:

PBS for teachers

The History channel

Classroom and Learning Management: These are the professional tools that I use regularly. All teachers at Rosemont Ridge Middle School use the same grading, attendance, and other tracking programs. Also, for the 2016-2017 school year, there will be a unified push for all students and teachers to shift from our district drives to the Google suite of apps. Teachers will continue to use both, but student H drives were removed in June of 2016.

The West Linn Wilsonville School district is shifting all students and teachers towards using Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Classroom etc. The Google apps allow students to create papers, presentations and many other documents which can be shared with each other, teachers and out of district people. Strengths: I love that it automatically saves (no more, “ it got erased or I didn’t save it”), and my favorite feature is that students can collaborate on documents at the same time. The apps are easy to use and my students have created presentations, brochures and papers easily and in under an hour). Weaknesses: I get a notification when they share it with me, which means I receive roughly 160 notifications per assignment. Also, if they don’t share it with me, I cannot hack into it the way I could their H drives. Finally, I haven’t mastered Google Classroom and find it cumbersome, but, I need to invest more time into it.

This is a search engine app that students use to filter for appropriate information. Strengths: Students can search the internet for information on any subject using WebPath, and the information will be filtered for content and lexile. Instead of slogging through dissertations, doctoral theses, and college level articles, students are presented with information and articles that are useful at their level. Weaknesses: In order to access WebPath, our students must first go to the school website, then the library website and finally they must choose WebPath. My students are given direct instruction and practice time during the first several weeks of school to become familiar with the process.

This is a link to SchoolMaster, the program the entire district uses for attendance, grades, and record keeping of all kinds. Strengths: It is district wide and therefore any teacher can access it from any building (or home) computer to access all information on every student. It is like a giant filing cabinet full of info that is well organized and at the ready. Weaknesses: The lap top and desk top versions are quite different and require a learning curve. The gradebook is complicated and not intuitive (we have files and files on how to use it in the common drive, to which teachers turn on every grading day).

I have an Apple iTV cube which I use when I want to stream video and also use my computer. For example, I use my iPad to stream “Roots” and project it using the Apple TV cube so that I can use my desk top computer simultaneously for grading or researching or other functions.

My class is equipped with 30 Chrome books.

I use the Dell projector and document camera daily.

Multimedia Creation Tools: These are some of the tools my students and I are experimenting with in our quest to create content rather than just consume it! Every year students introduce me to their new favorite apps, so this is just a sampling.

iMovie helps students create videos that can be shared. Strengths: Most of my students have iPhones and so digital recordings are easy, free and fun. The students have everything they need to create a video with iMovie. If it is short enough, the students can send it to me directly and I can play it through my Dell desktop, or, from their phones using my Apple TV app. Weaknesses: Movies longer than two minutes generally cannot be sent or received in HD and so students need to upload the recording to a Youtube account before we can show it. Many students do not have a Youtube account.

My class used Google drive last year to create slide shows, brochures and presentations. Strengths: Students can collaborate with each other, simultaneously and it automatically saves. It is easy to research content on the internet then create with it in a different window. The format is familiar. Weaknesses: Embedding video and audio is not intuitive. Slide shows are just substitutions for power points.

This is a program that enables students to create animated short videos. Strengths: The students enjoy creating. Weaknesses: So far there is a bit of a learning curve and sophisticated content and critical analysis of issues has received less attention than the creation of the video. In other words, it took a long time and the products were silly and superficial. I need to tweak the assignment.

Several students have enjoyed exploring glogster and I hope to increase my familiarity and comfort with this program in the future. Students create interactive posters that can have text, video and multi media embedded in them and then they can share with other students in class or on the web. Strengths: Students can get creative with already made templates. Weaknesses: The posters while creative, are fairly superficial in their treatment of content and analysis. There just isn’t a lot of room on them.

Social Media Services: As an educator, I turn to professional social media and as friend and family member, I use a different set. Pinterest is a bit of a crossover. Here is a brief list of my favorite professional social media websites.

This George Lucas Education Foundation is my go-to website for awesome ideas. Strenghts: Very current ideas in education are presented in a well vetted and organized way. Right now the front page is full of articles and ideas on Project Based Learning with contributions by awesome colleagues. Weaknesses: This website is not full of lesson plans, it is full of inspiration on cutting edge pedagogical techniques and topics. From Classroom Engagement to Formative Assessment strategies, this website is up-to-date. But, if you’re looking for a worksheet on the Trail of Tears, this isn’t the spot for you.

Edmodo is a good site for students and teachers to use to connect with other students and teachers in a social network format that seems easy, familiar and safe. Strengths: Security is good and the response time is excellent. I can ask a question and within hours another teacher or two will answer me. I have already met several southern teachers who would like to collaborate with me and get our students connected around the legacies of the Civil War. Weaknesses: There seems to be quite a few teachers trolling for clients or offering educational opportunities-a lot of junk to wade through.

This is a social media website designed to connect students to librarians. Strengths: Students can use this site as a communication tool with our librarians and get answers quickly on any subject without running to the library. Weaknesses: The website boasts 24/7 service, but, as it is limited according to library, if there is no librarian present, it doesn‘t work. It is more of a communication tool than a search engine.

I was introduced to Pinterest this year by a colleague. I immediately felt inadequate. Some of the ideas are fantastic. Strengths: Terrific inspirational ideas in a very visual and easy to access website. Weaknesses: People put on their best work and so it is easy to feel like a boring teacher. In actuality, I still have not used anything from Pinterest because as always, it is difficult to use other people’s creations. Also, it leans heavily to the crafty and my class leans heavily to the reading and writing.

Communication Tools: These are the tools I turn to in order to communicate with my students and parents. All teachers at Rosemont Ridge maintain a website, can be reached via e-mail or phone and are available before school and after school by appointment. All teachers have Office Hours from 8:15-9:00 every Wednesday for which no appointment is necessary.

This is the school website. Strengths: There are many easy to use tabs that will give you almost all of the information you need or want. Tabs will open to links to teacher, school, and district websites. Weaknesses: You must have your student id number to access personal information such as grades or the balance on a lunch account. If you’ve misplaced your number, you need to stop by the office in person.

This is the Family Link (replaces the Online Pass System) which is where students and parents will find the current progress (gradebook) listed by class. Strengths: You can see how you scored on each assignment, how it is weighted, and read notes. Weaknesses: You must remember your school id in order to access the information, and you must click on individual teachers to see your progress in each class (there isn’t a single “report card” style report online).

This is Ms. Stratton’s blog. On this site you will see a little information about me and information on the curriculum and assessments coming up in the near future. You may find links to videos, powerpoints, or articles if you’ve missed school. Strengths: I write it, so you know it is reliable. Weaknesses: I only post once or twice per month and so you must keep a planner of some kind and take notes from the whiteboard in my classroom. Also, you must see me or e-mail me if you’re going to miss school and then I can send you the latest information if it hasn’t been recently posted.

I prefer e-mail () to any other communication method as I check it throughout the day for school and district notificatications.