Portraits (paintings and sculpture):

State Portraits: Glorification or propaganda

Francis I by Clouet –1 Henry VIII by Holbein –1

Francis I is considered to be France's first Tudor King of England

Renaissance monarch. His reign saw France “Defender of the Faith”

make immense cultural advances. He was a Act of Supremacy – Anglican church

contemporary of King Henry VIII of England

and of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, his

great rivals.

Pope Leo X by Raphael –1 Bust of Lorenzo de Medici –


Shown w/ Cardinal Nephews “Lorenzo the Magnificent”

Sent Charles V after Martin Luther Banker and Patron – ruler of Florence

Excommunicated Martin Luther

Bust of Louis XIV by Bernini –2 King Phillip IV by Velazquez –2

“Sun King” – “Universal Monarch” Spain declined economically and politically

Built Versailles under his rule. Involved in the 30 yrs. War

and the Fronde in France with Cardinal

Mazarin (Louis XIV)

Las Meninas by Velazquez –2 “Arrival of Maria de Medici”

King and Queen pictured in the mirror by Ruebens 2

Princess Marqarite have her portrait painted Maria de Medici arriving in France to marry

by Velazquez Henry of Navarre who will become Henry IV That marriage leads to the St. Bartholomew Day massacre in Paris - Maria had a whole series of painting done

by Ruebens

Charles I by van Dyck –2 Louis XIV by Rigaud –2

Son of James I (Stuart) - claimed “Divine Right” King of France for 72 years - longest in Involved in struggle w/ parliament for power – Europe - Cardinal Mazarin ruled for him

English Civil war – Charles I vs. Puritans and was involved in the Fronde

Oliver Cromwell – leads purges and Patron of the arts, ruled without parlement

execution of Charles I Defeated in the War of the Spanish Succes.

Marie Antoinette by Vigee-Lebrun –3 Family of Charles IV by Goya –5

Youngest daughter of Maria Theresa (Austrian Married his first cousin – 14 children

Habsburg) - married the Dauphin of France Abdicated to Napoleon and replaced

(Louis XVI) in a proxy wedding at the age of 12. by Joseph Bonaparte

Beheaded in the Reign of Terror

Napoleon in His Study by David –6 Napoleon Crossing the Alps by


Propaganda Symbols: Napoleonic Code and Initially commissioned by the Spanish

been up all night working for France, sword Ambassador to France, the composition

shows his military genius, beehives show shows a strongly idealized view of the

his industry and hard work real crossing that Napoleon and his army made across the Alps in 1800.

Coronation of the Empress Josephine Napoleon On his Imperial Throne

by David –6 by Ingres - 5/6

Coronation in Notre Dame instead of Reims which Ingres used archaic modes of imperial

was the coronation cathedral in France representation – showing Napoleon on

Napoleon has just crowned himself and is now a magnificent throne holding the scepter

crowning Josephine – symbolizing he is not and sword of Charlemegne.

under the control of the church

Rich and Famous:

Portrait of a Young Man by Bronzino –1 Portrait of a Lady by van der Weyden–1

Etienne Chevalier & St. Stephen Portrait of a Youth by Botticelli –1

by Fouquet

Etienne was the treasurer of France –pictured here

wth his patron saint (Stehpen shown holding a large

stone symbolizing how he was martyred)

Baltisar Castiglione by Raphael –1 Pesaro Family Madonna - Titian –1

Italian humanist, diplomat and courtier, This altar piece was intended as a token of

famous for (The Book of the Courtier, 1528), thanksgiving for a victory over the Turks by

which made Castiglione the arbiter of aristocratic Jacopo Pesaro (kneeling before the Virgin

manners during the Renaissance. His good

friend Raphael painted this portrait

The French Ambassadors by Holbein –1 Erasmus of Rotterdam - Holbein –1

This picture memorialises two wealthy, Dutch humanist and theologian -

educated and powerful young men. Jean wrote “In Praise of Folly” as a

de Dinteville, French ambassador to satire on the clergy he also

England, and Georges de Selve, Bishop prepared new Latin and Greek

of Lavaur. The picture is in a tradition editions of the New Testament

showing learned men with books and which raised questions that would

instruments. In the foreground is the be influential in the Restoration

distorted image of a skull, a symbol of


Voltair by Houdon –1 Bust of Diderot – Pigalle –3

François-Marie Arouet, better known by the French philsophe – greatest contribution

pen name Voltaire, was a philosophe, essayist, was the Encyclopedie

Freemason, deist and philosopher known for his

wit, and defense of civil liberties, including

freedom of thought, religion and free trade. He

frequently made use of his works to criticize

Catholic Church dogma and the French

institutions of his day.

Self Portraits:

Vincent van Gogh –8 Albrecht Durer - 1

Post Impressionist artist – tried to show Specialized in woodcut and engravings

emotion through the use of color and but also excelled in oils. The self portrait

brush strokes of him in the image of Christ is to symbolize

how artists are creators. Greatest of the

Northern Renaissance Artists

Rembrandt –2

Baroque artist who was a master of

chiaroscuro (light and dark). He specialized

in group portraits (Night Watch & Cloth

Guild) for the Dutch guilds