SIOP Lesson Plan
by Jill Stone
Topic: Figurative Language-Personification (Language Arts)
Grade Level: 9th-12th
Length of Lesson: 75 minutes for 2 to 3 class periods (one lesson out of a unit on Figurative Language)
Content Objectives
· Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
· Arizona ELL Standard: Reading Standard 4 B-35: The student will analyze text for expression, enjoyment, information, and understanding.
· Language Strand Standard 2 B-19: The student will acquire English language vocabulary and use it in relevant contexts.
· Writing Standard 1HI 2: The student will express his or her thinking and ideas in a variety of writing genres.
Language Objectives
· Identify different types of personification using words, pictures, and simple sentences.
· Match the correct personification word with its picture.
· Illustrate and write personification sentences by using sentence frames.
· Write a personification poem using proper language structures. Orally share poem with the class.
Key Concepts and Vocabulary
• Figurative Language, Literal Language, Metaphor, Simile, Hyperbole, Personification, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Idioms, Imagery
Expanded Vocabulary for ELL’s
• Literal, real, symbol, analogy, like, as, exaggeration, overstatement, expression, image, embodiment, same consonant sound, sounds, noises, pictures
Supplementary Materials
• Chart paper, markers, verbs (with pictures), nouns (with pictures), sentence frames or templates where they could insert a picture or the word that corresponds with the picture. I used this website and modified it for my students:
• SMARTboard or projector and elmo, figurative language worksheet, graphic organizer, PPT, anticipatory set
• Post the objectives where students can see them.
• Prepare the noun and verb cards.
• Prepare Sentence frames.
• Establish groups of lower and higher proficiency students for group work.
• Prepare matching game.
Read personification poems from the following:
• Gumball Eye by Shel Silverstein (A Light In the Attic)
• Anticipatory Set Before Questions about figurative language and personification.
• Review previously learned vocabulary words (key vocab)
• Think-Pair-Share: After reading the poems and reviewing the vocabulary, what do you think personification means? How is it related to figurative language?
• Show PPT slide of Personification
• Give the students examples of Personification with verbs highlighted.
• Model a personification poem. Day 1-Model noun and personification words. Day 2-Model poem writing. Day 3-teach adding adjectives. See website below for steps:
Activity: Co-Op
Description of Activity: The students work in groups to produce a particular group project to share with the whole class. Each student makes a particular contribution to the group. A piece of chart paper would be given to each group with a nature picture drawn and written in the middle. The teacher would act out verbs or show pictures while showing the corresponding word. The group needs to decide if the picture in the middle of their paper could have that characteristic. The group could read/act out their poem when they are finished.
Again, I follow the lesson on Mrs. Ward’s Website but I modify it by adding movements and pictures for the students to understand the meanings of the word. (see website in presentation)
Day 1-Students would pick a word for their group and choose personification words.
Day 2-Students will then write their personification poem. Sentences frames will be on the board and sample poem will be on SMARTBoard for reference.
Day-3-Students will add adjectives to their poem, practice it, and share with the class.
Matching-Students will be given either a nature picture or a verb. They will also be given a number card. They will need to find someone with the same number or same suit. Together the students need to come up with a personification sentence using the nature picture and the verb.
We can play as a class or have partners play together.
All Hands Up!-Ask a question or say a statement and all student’s hands go up. Open hand means I know the answer. Closed hand means I don’t know the answer. If you call on a student who doesn’t know the answer, the student can say: -May I have more information please? May I ask my team? May I ask a friend? (Variation-for those students that want to answer quickly, give them a writing signal.) I will give figurative language sentences and the students need to say what type of figurative language it is.
Play Fly Swat. (Words are written on the board or chart paper. Students are broken up into two teams of 4-5 students each. They need to stand facing forward away from the words that are posted. One person from each team has a fly swatter. Teacher or students in the audience give definition and then say go. The students with the fly swat have to hit the correct word first to earn a point for their team. I have played this with special ed and ELL students. They love it!)
Students will complete a worksheet to check for understanding of personification. (attached)
Cloze Activity-students will need to choose a personification word to fill in the blank and that makes sense. A word bank will be provided for the pre-emergent/emergent ELLs.
Clicker Activity-use the SMARTBoard and students will choose the correct vocabulary word/definition or pick what kind of figurative language sentence it is.
Students will self-assess how well they know the terms and concepts (anticipatory set after questions.)
Match pictures with simple personification sentences or illustrate the sentences showing literal and figurative meaning.
Personification. (n.d.). Super Teacher Worksheets. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from
Personification Poems. (n.d.). My Word Wizard. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from
Personification Super Shooter Basketball Review Game. (n.d.). Free Educational Games : Online School Review for Kids - Review Game Zone. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from
Ward, D. (n.d.). Mrs Ward's Teaching Journal: Personification Poetry about Nature!. Mrs Ward's Teaching Journal. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from
Grammar Books, Sentence Diagramming, Spelling Books, Writing Books. (n.d.). Grammar Books,
Sentence Diagramming, Spelling Books, Writing Books. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from
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