Elective Type: / Fourth Year Elective
Department: / Neurosciences
Clerkship Site: / Neurosciences Department, University of Toledo Health Science Campus
Course Number: / ANAT 711
Blocks available: / All
Number of students per block: / 8 or permission of instructor
Faculty: / Richard A. Yeasting, Ph.D.
Elective Description/
Requirements: / The elective provides the student an opportunity to review, refine, and consolidate their understanding of the morphologic and physiologic bases of human biology as related to the practice of medicine and surgery in which they are most interested.
Each student, in consultation with instructor, should determine an area(s) of concentration which may draw from any or all of the anatomical subdisciplines (gross anatomy, microanatomy, developmental anatomy, neuroscience). A plan of study should be established through consultation. During the execution of the plan of study, the student is expected to be present in the laboratory approximately two hours per day, five days per week.. The student is also expected to perform independent reading in the area(s) of study. The readings should include both basic and clinical science topics as relevant to the topic and student. The student may be requested/required to make a formal presentation of information related to the topics covered during the rotation.
Length of Clerkship: / 2 weeks
Links to EPOs / Educational Course Objectives:
K1 / 1. Using appropriate materials, the student should be able to describe/demonstrate the anatomic structures relevant to their chosen area of study.
K1, K2 / 2. The student should be able to explain the basic physiology of the tissues and organs relevant to their chosen area of study.
K3, K4, K5 / 3. Using appropriate materials, the student should be able to explain the clinical significance of alterations in the morphology and physiology of the structures relevant to their chosen area of study.
K5, K6, K7 / 4. The student should be able to explain the rationale for treatments aimed at correcting or ameliorating the effects of injury or disease states related to the tissues and structures included in their chosen area of study.
Professionalism: / UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.
Instructional Methods: / Self-directed laboratory experiences as appropriate for topics
Self-directed investigation/study of text/internet/electronic resources appropriate for topics
Small group review/discussion
Evaluation methods employed:
1. Evaluation of participation in small group discussions
2. Quizzes
3. Written or orally presentedpaper/projects
4. Attendance
Prerequisites: / Completion of third year required clerkships or consent of instructor.
Clerkship Director: / Richard A. Yeasting, Ph.D.
Clerkship Coordinator:
Phone Number:
Email: / Richard A. Yeasting, Ph.D.
Special Requirements: / None.
AAMC Hot Topics Addressed in this Elective Clerkship:
(please make selection from attached Hot Topic list)
C:\Documents and Settings\pmunier\Desktop\ELECTIVES SEPT 2006\CLINICAL ELECTIVES UPDATED\Anatomy\Clinical Anatomy Elective - 2 wk ANAT711.doc 10/7/20181