of the Statement of work
ACCESS TO APU131-9A lrus pool
The Contractor shall supply the servicesdetailed in the present Annex for the below specified items:
APU HONEYWELL 131-9A (P/N 3800708-1);
Access to APU LRUs pool shall be i.a.w. a “guaranteed availability 24h” modality.
The list of APULRUs is detailed in Annex 7 of this SOW.
Spare parts and materialssupplied by means of the access to theAPU LRUs service poolshall be delivered by the Contractor to ItAF within a period of 7 calendar days from the date of acknowledgment, in writing of the TRPO request.
The Contractor shall formalize the availability of the spare part requested to ItAF within a period of 24 hours from the date of delivery of the TRPO request.
Spare parts shall be delivered to ItAF by the Contractorwith proper documents attesting the data listed below (if applicable):
–Spare PartCustomer Request Order (request order number, reason for request, etc.);
–Spare Part Identification (Name, P/N, S/N, etc.);
–Spare Part’s Log Card;
–TSN (Time Since New);
–TSO (Time Since Overhaul);
–Information on the applicable guarantee.
At the same time,the unserviceable part is being delivered to ItAF, the unserviceablepart shall be delivered to the Contractor by ItAFproviding the following information:
–Unserviceable Part Identification (Name, P/N, S/N, etc.);
–Provenience (aircraftM.M.);
–Reason of replacement (malfunction, modification embodiment etc.)
–Spare Part’s Log Card;
–TSN (Time Since New);
–TSO (Time Since Overhaul);
–Information on the applicable guarantee.
The property of the spare part supplied by means of the access to the Spare Part Pool service shall switch from a Contractor’s property to ItAF’s propertyat the time when the delivery to ItAF is formally completed. Vice-versa the unserviceablepart’s property shall switch from ItAF’s property to a Contractor’s property at the time when the delivery to ItAF is formally completed.
The repair activities to be carried out on unserviceable part shall be performed by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), or by OEM authorized repair stationsi.a.w. the “OEMComponents Overhaul and Maintenance Manual” (CMMV) and applicable official authority (DAAA - IT, DGAC - FR, FAA - USA, etc.). Following the repair activities, the repaired parts shall be delivered back to the pool, along with the applicable certificates (i.e.: EASA Form One, FAA Form 8130-3, or equivalent to them one).
The parts to be repaired shall be scrapped, should the cost of repairing exceed the 60% of the price of the same item (new or reconditioned); any decision on scraping shall be always coordinated with the Customer.
All expenses relating to the material handling (preservation, packing, unpacking, dispatching, transport etc.), including insurance, shall be borne by the Contractor.
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