Drama Comprehensive
Ms. LoSasso303-982-2070/
Room:E130 and Auditorium
Course Description: Introduction to Theatre Arts is a course designed to fill an elective credit for any grade level student who desires to learn more about the performing arts. It introduces you to the wide range characteristics that help make live theatre what it is. We will be doing hands-on activities and assignments that will help you understand the diverse parts that go into producing a show and in the developing of the acting craft. The following list covers the major aspects of our study:
- Theatre History and Critique
- Technical Theater
- Acting from a script
- Character Development
Materials Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations
1. Spiral Notebook (one subject is fine)1. Quizzes on Theatre Terms
2. Writing Utensils2. Write and perform your own scene
3. Folder for Theatre Materials/handouts3. Technical Design Project
4. Daily Planner4. Solo and group performance
5. Theatre History Publication
6. Play Review
Attendance: Be ready and in class when the bell rings. If you're late, instructions will not be repeated. Each day you are in class on time you earn three points. If you are late, you earn one point. If your absence or tardy is excused, you will not be penalized.
Late Work and Makeup Work:Late work will be accepted for half credit up to one week late. If you're absent and excused, you will be allowed two days for makeup work. Unexcused absences can make up work, but no credit will be granted.
General Rules:
- Be prepared and on time to class.
- All school rules apply (no cell phone or iPod use in class unless teacher permission is granted)
- Treat everybody the way you want to be treated (the Golden Rule!)
Spring Productions
As a part of this class you'll be required to attend the LHS Theatre Company production This Girl Laughs… on October 5 & 6 or Twelfth Night November 9-11, 2017. You will receive a half -price ticket. You will write a critical review of this production. In addition, if you’re looking for extra credit, you can attend both!
Every Little Step
In an effort to show students what the business of professional auditioning is really like, I show a film titled Every Little Step which chronicles the casting process of the 2000s revival of A Chorus Line. In this film, there is some infrequent coarse language. Because this is being shown in an educational setting, I need your permission for your student to see the film. If you do not wish your student to see the film, he or she will be given an alternate assignment and not penalized. Please mark the appropriate box below. Thanks!
I understand the requirements of this class, the duties I will have to perform, and agree to fulfill them. As a parent, I also acknowledge the requirements of my son/daughter in this class.
X______Date ______
Print Student Name ______Print Parent Name ______
X ______Email ______
Phone ______
I can best be reached by _____ Phone
_____ Email
My student is _____ or is not _____ allowed to watch Every Little Step, a documentary about the casting process for A Chorus Line.