Itinerary for Forestry Conference Study Tour of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, on 17th and 18th November, 2016

(Additional information for those travelling by charter flights to Njombewill be provided under separate cover.)

Date / Time / Activity
17 November2016
07:30 / Depart Dar by flight
09:30-10:30 / Delegates will be collected from their planes and transported to the nearby SHIPO building where baggage will be stored and logistical arrangements discussed.
10:30-17:00 / Delegates will be provided bus transport according to their choice of destination
Sangito Sumari (PFP) and Africanus Chale (Regional Forest Officer, Ruvuma Region) will facilitate the visit
Time / Activity
10:30-11.30 / Travel by bus from Njombe to Tanzania Forest Service, Wino office
11:45-12:00 / Welcoming speech by Hon. Regional Commissioner of Ruvuma with brief overview of the Region.
12:00- 13:00 / Orientation on Tanzania Forest Service Wino plantation to Investors
13.00-14:00 / Lunch time
14:00- 14:30 / Move from Wino to Wino/Ifinga landscape view point
14:30-14:45 / View the Wino TGA area, Ifinga TFS and TGA areas
14.45-15:00 / Move from View point to Wino Office
15:00- 17:00 / Return to Njombe,
Iboya visit
Juhani Pekkala (PFP) will facilitate the trip
Time / Activity
11:30-12:15 / Arrival to the village meeting room and introductory talk by PFP extension officer. Question and answer session with local authorities and tree growers
12.15-13:00 / Lunch at Ilowola School
13.00-13:45 / Visit to Ilowola private secondary school (ErastoHaule, school director): school avocado plantation
13.45-14:30 / Presentation on village land use planning process
14.30-15:00 / Presentation of tree growers association by (TGA chairman):
15.00-16:00 / Field visit (TGA Chairman): TGA pine and eucalypt plantations
16.00-16:30 / Stop at the timber yard and meet with yard owner
17:00-17:30 / Arrive back in Njombe, collect baggage and check into assigned hotel.
17 November 2016 (Continued)
19:00-19:30 / Collection from assigned hotels and arrival at JD Hotel for informal meal and networking
19:30-19:45 / Welcome address
19:45 / Buffet dinner (with cash bar), networking and optional question and answer session for potential investors.
Return transport to assigned hotels will be provided.
18 November 2016
07:30-08:00 / After taking breakfast in their hotels delegates will be collected from their hotels and shuttled to the airstrip where they will be assigned to charter flights
08:00-08:45 / Depart Njombe airstrip and arrive at by flight to Ngwazi
08:45-09:15 / Delegates will be welcomed at Ngwazi airstrip and assigned to waiting buses
09:15-11:00 / Delegations will be shown Tanzania Forest Service plantations on their route to Sao Hills
11:00-12:00 / Delegates will be split into two groups and given a guided tour of Green Resources Ltd wood processing industry
12:00-15:30 / Depart Sao Hills by bus and visit Forest Development Trust demonstration plots at Kisolanza where snacks will be available.
Forest Development Trust will show their Kisolanza demonstration plots and a nearby farmer plot to demonstrate the productivity that is possible with good planting material and intensive management. Light lunch will be served by PFP on the field.
15:30-16:15 / Depart Kisolanza by bus to Ngwazi airstrip
16:15- 18:00 / Depart Ngwaziairstrip by flight to Dares Salaam