For the smooth operation of camp, it is preferred that you do not make phone calls or visits to camp. If your child becomes homesick we will do our best to comfort them. In the rare case that your child is chronically homesick we will allow them to call home. In an emergency, please call the main office at (724) 758-5546 or report to the main office at camp.

If your child has a caseworker that will be checking in on them during their stay at Camp, it will be necessary for the parent to advise us of this in writing. You will also need to have the caseworker call the Camp number and set up an appointment to visit the child.


If you would like to keep in touch with your child during his/her stay at camp, you are welcome to send letters or postcards to them at: Camp Allegheny, 140 Jenkins Circle, Ellwood City, PA 16117. Please be sure to include your child’s name in the address. CampAllegheny is not responsible for US Postal Service delivery delays. Any mail arriving after a camper leaves will be forwarded to the camper.


We advise you to pack your child’s belongings in a strong suitcase or duffle bag that is clearly marked with your child’s name and address. All items should be in a suitcase or bag (including pillows, blanket, sleeping bags, etc.) Sponsors will be tagging all luggage prior to the child’s arrival at Camp To prevent losses when packing to come home, let your child help pack so that he/she knows what is being brought to camp. In addition, pleaselabel all clothing with your child's first and last name using a permanent marker.Because the camp does not launder clothing, please pack enough for the length of your child’s stay and possible weather change conditions. Your child will engage in a wide variety of activities that may result in stains to clothing; therefore, please do not send your child to camp with new or expensive clothing. T-shirts, shorts, and sneakers are the ideal outfit for camp.

The camp is not responsible for lost or unclaimed clothes.

Swimsuits: CampAllegheny strives to teach modesty in dressing. Therefore, two-piece swimsuits (including tankinis) are not acceptable attire at CampAllegheny. We realize that your child may only have one swimsuit and that it may be a two-piece. We do not expect you to purchase another swimsuit for camp; however, if your child brings a two-piece swimsuit to camp, she must wear a t-shirt over it at all times.


Your child is not permitted to bring alcohol, tobacco, drugs, cell phones, beepers, Gameboys, walkie-talkies, weapons of any kind, vehicles or pets/animals to camp. Camp staff will be present when your child unpacks his/her belongings and our staff reserves the right to confiscate any objects believed to be inappropriate in the camp setting or harmful to other campers. These objects will be returned at the end of camp unless the object could be a threat to others on the trip home. Camp will retain such items until picked up by the parent or guardian. Camp also reserves the right to search your child’s belongings at anytime in the presence of a witness. Please assist us in our efforts to keep camp safe and enjoyable for everyone by helping your child pack for camp.


The Camp does not assume responsibility for the loss of personal property. Please do not send IPods, radios, CD Players, video games, sports equipment, cell phones, etc. with your child. They will be taken from your child and held until closing day (this includes teenagers).


140 Jenkins Circle

Ellwood City, PA 16117


  • To teach campers about God and the Christian way of living and to provide opportunities for campers to make a personal decision to follow Christ.
  • To promote positive social and interpersonal behaviors in campers
  • To provide opportunities for campers to learn life skills.
  • To provide opportunities for campers to engage in a variety of activities, different from those available at home or school, designed to broaden their understanding of, and appreciation for, the world around them.
  • To provide a safe, loving environment where campers have opportunities for emotional growth


While at camp your child will participate in a wide variety of fun activities supervised by trained staff. Daytime activities include archery (older campers only), crafts, tubing, fishing, nature, hiking, sports and swimming. Evening events might involve any combination of the following activities: group competitions (i.e. races), swimming, acting, singing, hiking, running, etc. At no time, however, will your child be unsupervised. Because we are a Christian camp, your child will participate in daily devotions and Sunday worship services.

All activities are designed with your child’s happiness and education in mind. While we will not force your child to participate in any activity, he/she will be encouraged to participate in all events. For your child’s own benefit, please do not send your child to camp if he/she does not feel that he/she can participate in most of the above listed activities. For example, some camps such as Music & Arts and Sports devote a large amount of time to skill development. For the happiness of your child, please make sure he/she is willing and ready to participate in the specific activities of the camp session chosen.


Counselors and other staff will supervise your child at all times. All staff are carefully screened to ensure that they are select men and women interested in, and able to lead children in a camp setting. They are at least 17 years of age and must attend our training session before working at camp. This training is comprehensive and covers topics ranging from health care to leading creative activities.


Campers live in large cabins housing two groups of campers with counselors. Each cabin is equipped with inside toilets, showers and a recreation area for rainy days activities.


Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. on opening day unless otherwise noted. All campers must arrive at Camp by 10:30 a.m. on opening day to ensure that they are registered and in their cabin by 11:00 a.m.

No camper will be admitted into a session after 10:30 a.m. on opening day.


Your child will receive three meals every day and a snack at bedtime. Every effort is made to serve meals that are nutritious, well balanced, and attractive. Each day's meals are different. For the smooth operation of the cabin, please do not mail any kind of food to your child.

Your child will also visit our canteen each day where they will be given an afternoon snack. If you send extra canteen money with your child they will be able to purchase souvenirs. All canteen money must be turned in during the check-in process on opening day


Transportation to camp on the first day, and from camp on the last day, will be provided by The Salvation Army sponsor you registered with unless they inform you otherwise. This same sponsor will inform you of the pick up and drop off location, the departure time for camp, and the time you can expect to pick up your child at the end of camp session.


Disruptive behavior by your child can ruin the camping experience for the other children because the leaders must take their focus off the camp activity to handle the problem behavior. We define “disruptive behavior” as any repeated behavior or attitude that interferes with the normal, safe operation of camp and/or requires one-on-one attention from the group leader to deal with that behavior. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to, fighting, bullying other children and refusing to follow instructions. To ensure that every child has a pleasant experience at CampAllegheny, we have established the following policy for handling disruptive behavior.

  • If your child continues to engage in disruptive behavior after TWO warnings from the leader, he/she will be sent home.
  • If your child attempts to run away or attempts to hit a staff member or other camper, he/she will be sent home immediately.
  • The parent/guardian who enrolled the child in CampAlleghenywill not be reimbursed for any camp fees.
  • The parent/guardian, or the person listed as the emergency contact on the application, must be available to receive the child at any time in the event he/she is sent home.
  • Decisions to send children home are final. If a child is sent home for behavioral issues they will not be permitted to attend any other session thisSummer.


CampAllegheny operates a HealthCenter to ensure the well-being of your child while he/she attends camp. Our treatment procedures are approved annually by the camp physician. We make every effort to staff our HealthCenter with at least a Licensed Practical Nurse and an assistant. At all times, however, the Health Center is operated by staff who have, at minimum, training in CPR and First Aid. All conditions not easily treated by basic first aid are referred to our camp physician in Ellwood City or the Ellwood City Hospital Emergency Room located less than fifteen minutes from camp.

  • Emergencies & Illnesses: Should your child become injured or contract an illness while at camp, you will be notified under the following conditions:
  1. If the accident/illness prevents your child from participating in camp activities for more than several hours.
  2. Any time your child must be taken to the emergency room or doctor’s office for treatment.

Camp will not be financially responsible for on-going health conditions such as asthma or

allergies. Camp is only responsible for camp-related conditions or accidents that result from camp negligence.

  • Health Screening: Upon arriving at camp, your child will be screened for communicable health problems including nits/head lice, skin aliments, "pink eye", Athletes Foot, and other infectious conditions.
  • Health Form: You will receive a Health Form with the Camper Application. Thefront side of this form must filled out completely and be signed by the parent/guardian. A licensed Physician must complete the medical exam within 12 months prior to child attending Camp. The immunization record must be complete or your child will not be permitted to remain at camp. A copy of your current Insurance Card should be attached to the Health Form.No child will be permitted to remain at Camp without an original Health Form that does not have the original signatures of the parent and Doctor. NO FAXED MEDICAL FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
  • Medications: All medications listed on the Health Form must be sent to camp, in the original container, with the child. If medications have been added or discontinued since the child’s Health Form has been completed by the Doctor, an original letter from the Doctor will need to be attached to the Health Form.
  • Limits of Care: Camp does not have the specially trained staff needed to work one-on-one with children who exhibit serious emotional, mental or physical problems. Therefore, if you have a special needs child, please carefully consider if CampAllegheny is the best place for your child at this time.


Camp Allegheny has a “NO NIT, NO LICE” policy. If our screening process reveals that your child has nits/lice, a treatment kit and our salon will be made available to the sponsor. If the sponsor is willing to do the treatment and if you have given permission for the treatment on the Camper Application, your child’s hair and luggage can be treated at Camp. If the sponsor is not willing to do the treatment or if you have refused treatment on the Camper Application then your child will be sent home. If a child goes or is sent home, and has a treatment they can return to Camp at 7:00 p.m. on Opening Day to be rechecked. If they are cleared by the Camp Nurse they will be admitted into the session. If the child is not cleared you can contact the sponsor and see if they have any spots for other sessions,


If it is necessary for your child to leave camp before the regularly scheduled departure day due to behavior, illness, injury, or homesickness you will be contacted via telephone to arrange pick up of your child. For safety reasons, we will only release your child to you, to a family member, or to the person you listed on your child’s application as the emergency contact. You will be expected to show photo identification to prove your identity before the child will be released into your care.


Please see insert for instructions.