(date 2010

Anytown High School

ATTN: High School Counselor

300 Park Street

Anytown, MT 59000

Dear x x x x x x x,

The ______Rotary Club will be sponsoring at least __ Students from

Anytown High School to attend the 2011 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference held at Luccock Park Camp July12-16, 2011.

Applicants who exemplify strong leadership skills or potential are selected by Rotary Clubs throughout Montana to attend a 5-day leadership camp. Applicants must currently be in the freshman class. The camp consists of presentations by outstanding motivational speakers, leadership activities and discussion groups directed by adult Rotarian Facilitators.

We need your assistance in selecting potential candidates. All candidates must have:

Leadership experience or potential, as demonstrated by active participation in the youth groups, student government activities, athletics, and/or community involvement.

Superior citizenship and GPA 2.0 or better.

Ability to contribute / communicate as a member of a group.

Applications are enclosed. Please feel free to make copies so all interested students can receive one. Please make an effort to get an application to those students identified by yourself and/or your faculty as likely candidates. Local Rotary Club members will then contact students completing applications for interviews. There is no cost to the students who are selected to go to camp. They have been instructed to complete the interviews and selection process by May 15, 2011..

Additional information about the camp can be found on the following website: Click on RYLA in the left column.

Thank you for your assistance. I hope this information will help make your job a little easier. Please call me at 1-406-______, if you need additional help.


RYLA Chair, Rotary Club of ______


Enclosures: Application Forms

Faculty Announcement


The ______Rotary Club is sponsoring ______Applicants from our School to attend their 2011 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference to be held at the Luccock Park Camp south of Livingston, Montana, July 12-16, 2011. The Rotary selection committee has asked Faculty members to nominate outstanding male and female applicants who have demonstrated strong leadership abilities or potential, academic achievement and participation in extra-curricular or community activities. Selected students must be able to attend the entire camp. Please submit names this week to ______. Rotarians will be at our location to conduct interviews on ______.





(City, State, Zip)

Dear (Applicant),

Congratulations! The ______Rotary Club is pleased to inform you that you have been selected to attend the 2011 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference.

Our Rotary Club will sponsor you at the RYLA 2011Conference to be held at the Luccock Park Camp south of Livingston, Montana, July 12-16, 2011. You will also be asked to attend one of our weekly Rotary Club meetings to report on your experiences.

A letter will be sent to you prior to the camp providing you with more details of the conference, including what to bring. A local Rotary member will be appointed to ensure that you have transportation to Luccock Park.

I will follow up with you personally, but if you have any questions in the interim, please feel free to give me a call. If a conflict arises with another activity please let me know immediately. We cannot make attendance exceptions or changes in arrival or departure times.


______, RYLA Chair

Rotary Club of ______







(City, State, Zip)

Dear (Applicant),

The ______Rotary Club wishes to thank you for your interest in the 2011 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference. Although you were an outstanding candidate, I am sorry to inform you that you were not selected to attend.

You were, however, selected as an alternate. The date of the camp is July 12-16, 2011. If someone selected cannot attend, you may be contacted. If you are contacted to serve as an alternate, a letter will be forwarded to you providing more details of the conference.

We regret that we did not have enough spaces at the conference to include all of the outstanding students, such as you, who applied. We wish you continued success in your future endeavors.


______, RYLA Chair

Rotary Club of ______



(Rotary Club Name)

(RYLA Chairperson)

The ______Rotary Club has selected (Applicant Names) to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference to be held at the Luccock Park Camp south of Livingston, Montana on July 12-16, 2011.

Campers from all over Montana will attend the weekend leadership skills conference organized by Rotary District 5390. These outstanding student leaders will hear presentations by a powerful lineup of speakers, participate in challenging group discussions and activities, and interact with other top student leaders.

(Applicant Names) were selected by the ______Rotary Club based on their strong leadership potential, academic achievement, and involvement in extra-curricular activities.

The ______Rotary Club salutes these applicants and wishes them well at the conference.