The Technology and Construction Solicitors’ Association
Please complete electronically:
Full Name:Name of Practice (if applicable)
Practising Address:
Postal Code:
Address for
communications if different
from the above:
Postal Code:
Date of admission:
I enclose a copy of mycurrent PractisingCertificate: / YES \ NO
If not, please provideevidence of eligibility tohold the same
Do you hold any judicialoffice? / YES \ NO
If so, please give details:
Have you acted as anArbitrator, Adjudicator or Mediator? / YES \ NO
If so, please give details:
All information supplied will be treated in confidence.
Please complete Part 1 (Contentious) and/or Part 2 (Non-contentious) below to demonstrate relevant experience:
not less than four cases (Part 1) and/or transactions (Part 2) in total required.[2]
PART 1: Contentious experience (where applicable):
Pleasestate the approximatenumber of cases supervisedand/or conducted inthe Technology and Construction Court orcomparable litigation,arbitration oradjudication.[3]In respect of four of theabove cases[4], please providea detailed narrative, including (where relevant) but not limited to, the followinginformation:
- Your role in the case & degree of personal involvement (advocacy, drafting, negotiating, etc)
- Number of parties involved (including Third Parties)
- Nature of the project/contract (if relevant)
- Nature of legal issues involved
- Approximate amount involved
- Interlocutory steps taken
- Number of witness statements and/or expert reports
- Did the case proceed to trial?
- If not, at what point did the case settle?
- Other relevant information
PART 2: Non-contentious experience (where applicable):
Please state the approximate number of transactions/commissions supervised and/or conducted which concern the procurement of construction, engineering and/ortechnological works.[5]
In respect of four of the above transactions/commissions[6], please providea detailed narrative, including (where relevant) but not limited to, the following information:
- Your role in the transaction & degree of personal involvement (drafting, negotiating, etc)
- Nature of transaction
- Number of parties involved in the transaction
- Nature of the project/contract (if relevant)
- Approximate amount involved
- Length of time it took to complete the transaction
- Other relevant information
I agree that I will abide by the rules of the Association and enclose my cheque for £120payable to the
“Technology and Construction Solicitors Association” (£25 joining fee and £95 subscription).
Ann Levin, TeCSA Membership Secretary
Herbert Smith, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2HS
Tel: 44 20 7466 2398
F: +44 20 7098 5398
For Association use only
Application complete:Accepted by:
Passed to Membership
Reg. No.:
[1]Solicitors practising in Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland, Solicitors of the Senior Court of England and Wales practising outside that jurisdiction and lawyers practising in other jurisdictions shall be eligible for associate membership of the Association where they have satisfied the Membership Committee that they have equivalent qualification and experience to that required for eligibility for full membership.
[2]See clause 4(iii) of the constitution: .
[3]The Membership Committee shall have full discretion in each case to determine whether the applicant’s experience is relevant and/or has a sufficiently close connection to TCC Business and/or comparable proceedings.
[4]Or less than four cases if you have completed Part 2 (non-contentious) below.
[5]The Membership Committee shall have full discretion in each case to determine whether the applicant’s experience is relevant and/or has a sufficiently close connection to non-contentious legal activity related to the procurement of technological, engineering or construction works.
[6]Or less than four transactions if you have completed Part 1 (contentious) above.