CDM – Executive BoardPage 1



Version 04.1


Title of the project activity / Mile 24 Regional Sanitary Landfill LFG Project
Version number of the PDD / 01
Completion date of the PDD / 24/01/2013
Project participant(s) / Belize Solid Waste Management Authority
Host Party(ies) / Belize
Sectoral scope(s) and selected methodology(ies) / Sectoral Scope 13: Waste Handling and Disposal
AMS-III.G: Landfill Methane Recovery, version 08
Estimated amount of annual average GHG emission reductions / 15,548t CO2

SECTION A.Description of project activity

A.1.Purpose and general description of project activity

The Government of Belize is implementinga solid waste managementproject in four municipalities of the Western Corridor of Belize (San Pedro, CayeCaulker, Belize City and San Ignacio/Santa Elena). The project will support the goals of environmentalprotection, natural resource conservation, and protection of public health, safety and welfare. The Belize Western Corridor Solid Waste Management Project through SWaMA (Solid Waste Management Authority) is one such project. In this project solid waste from the mentioned four municipalities will be disposed in scientifically managed landfill site.

The proposed project activity is the implementation of landfill gas capture/collection and flaring system in Belize Mile 24 landfill site and Mile 3 dumpsite. In the absence of the project activity, passive venting of LFG would have happened. This would result in emission of Greenhouse Gases (methane) into the atmosphere. The project activity involves destruction of methane and thus prevention of emission of the methane from the landfill site, thus resulting in mitigation of climate change. The primary purpose of this project activity will be to extract and combust methane gas generated by the Mile 3 dumpsite and Mile 24 Landfill in order to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by the destruction of landfill methane in a flare.

This project will contribute to improving the environment and protecting the public health. In addition,it will enhance the image of Belize in the eco-tourism market and strengthen the Solid WasteManagement Authority of Belize as the entity responsible for improving solid waste management inthe country.

Contribution to sustainable development:

Belize Sustainable Development Indicators[1]

  1. Enhancing and sustaining economic growth
  2. Improving access to quality social services
  3. Modernizing the State and improving governance
  4. Ensuring safety and security in Belize
  5. Implementing measures that would be based on identifying theappropriate balance between social and economic development, andintegrity of the environment

The project activity contributes to the sustainable development and meets the Belize Sustainable Development Indicators as follows:

Enhancing and sustaining economic growth

  • Belize’s economy depends heavily on tourism industry. This project which is addressing solid waste management needs in Belize City, San Ignacio and San Pedro and Caye Caulker. San Pedro and Caye Caulkeraretwo of the main tourist destinations in Belize. Thus the projectwill enhance the image of Belize in the eco-tourism market through better management of its municipal solid wastes.
  • The implementation of the project would create direct and indirect jobs. The facility will employ labour for design and construction of the site and also for operation and maintenance. This can act as a source of basic employment.Staff will be required to carry out the closure activity as well as operate and maintain the landfill gas extraction, and flaring system. In addition, contractors and laborers will be needed for the construction and commissioning of the project.
  • Also, the sale of CERs earned by implementing the project will generate a substantial flow of revenue for management of the project.

Improving access to quality social services

  • Managed waste disposal will avoid pests, odour and release of toxic gases than the waste disposed otherwise. This will enhance the hygiene conditions thus help in reducing some preventable causes of illness, vector borne diseases and health hazards with improved life expectancy and improvements in quality of life. Proper management of solid waste from the four municipalities will result in social welfare in the Western corridor of Belize. Moreover the well managed landfill site will improve the aesthetic conditions near the site due to transformation of waste dump into scientifically managed landfill and green area. Surface cover of the landfill would prevent the occurrence of problems such as foul odour, health hazards etc. associated with uncontrolled release of landfill gas and breeding of flies and rodents. The scattering of waste by wind will also be reduced as the landfill will be closed. This will improve the public health by reducing the occurrences of respiratory related ailments etc.
  • The project activitywill provide better Public Awareness about proper waste disposal.

Modernizing the State and improving governance

  • The project will avoid littering of waste as wasteis not dumped in open unmanaged sites avoiding any blowing due to the wind or washing out due to rains. Hence it will improve the aesthetics of the location.
  • This is also the first CDM project of the host nation. Successful implementation of the project will lead to similar and other development projects wherein carbon credit revenue can be the incentive in implementing such projects for modernizing the state and improving the governance.

Ensuring safety and security in Belize

  • Implementation of the project activity as opposed to uncontrolled dumping will reduce the risk of toxic chemicals leaching into the water bodies used for drinking, bathing etc. The negative impacts on air quality, landand terrestrial ecosystems by unmanaged waste disposal willbe prevented.
  • the project activity also improves safety by reducing explosion hazards from offsite methane migration and accumulation.

Implementing measures that would be based on identifying theappropriate balance between social and economic development, andintegrity of the environment

•The project will result in scientific management of solid waste in a landfill site. Thus the project activity will reduce the emission of methane into air from the landfill area. By capturing and destroying Land Fill Gas through flaring the emission of methane which is a much potent GHG than CO2.is prevented. It will create environmental improvements and make a positive contribution to the global issue of climate change by reducing GHGs. The project will prevent the following risks associated with the unmanaged landfills:

  • Illegal dumping
  • The nuisance of unpleasant odours;
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Pest infection
  • Risk of fire; and
  • Risk of explosion.
  • Along with maintaining environment integrity, the project activity will contribute tosocio-economic development in Belize

Performance standards have been followed in order to maintain the balance while implementing the project activity. The performance standards for the Sanitary Landfill have been developed based on the international guidelines stipulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Environmental Compliance Plan for the Project issued by the Belize Department of the Environment. These performance standards include but are not limited to the following sub-systems: surface water management, leachate management, groundwater management, landfill gas management and environmental monitoring that will provide feedback on the effectiveness of these sub-systems.

The project activity also contributes to meeting Belize Horizon 2030 in following ways:

•Better environment through prevention of pollution, mitigation of GHG and combating climate change

•Develops and implements a long-term strategy for solid waste management

•Economic opportunities during project lifetime

•Social impact through enhanced living conditions such as hygiene, health and safety.

•Successful implementation of project leading to future replication of similar projects

•Flow of foreign currency (CDM revenue) to Belize

•Achieving MDGs: Environmental sustainability, Combating diseases and Global partnership for development

A.2.Location of project activity

A.2.1.Host Party(ies)




A.2.3.City/Town/Community etc.


A.2.4.Physical/ Geographical location

The physical coordinates of the Mile 3dumpsite and Mile 24 landfill site are as follows

Latitude: 17°24'24.85"North

Longitude: 88°30'13.73"W

The Mile 3 dumpsite is located three miles West of Belize City on the George Price Highway and Mile 24 landfill site is located 3 kilometers north of mile 24 on the George Price Highway in the Belize District, Belize.

A.3.Technologies and/ormeasures

The project activity involves the installation of an active Land Fill Gas (LFG) collection/capture and flaring system to efficiently eliminatemethane emissions and monitor the amounts of methane combusted. The technology employed by the LFG collection and flaring system includes the following components: vertical and horizontal extraction wells; lateral and header piping; blower/flare station; condensate collection and treatment; monitoring system. The vertical and horizontal wells will be constructed of either polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or high density polyethylene (HDPE) and be interconnected with a lateral and header piping network. The piping network will also be connected to the LFG blower and flaring station so that the captured LFG can be delivered to the flare for methane destruction. Mechanical blower(s) will be used to apply a vacuum to the well-field and deliver the LFG from the header system to the enclosed flare. An enclosed flare will be installed to combust the collected LFG and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and other harmful compounds. The flare will be equipped with required monitoring equipment to monitor gas flows, gas composition, and flare temperatures.

A.4.Parties and project participants

Party involved
(host) indicates a host Party / Private and/or public entity(ies) project participants
(as applicable) / Indicate if the Party involved wishes to be considered as project participant (Yes/No)
Belize / SWaMA (Solid Waste Management Authority) / No

A.5.Public funding of project activity

There is no public funding from ANNEX I Country that results in diversion of ODA is involved in the project activity

A.6.Debundling for project activity

Debundling is defined as the fragmentation of a large project activity into smaller parts. A small-scale project activity that is part of a large project activity is not eligible to use the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities. As per the requirements of “Determining the occurrence of debundling” as given in Appendix C of the Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small-Scale CDM project activities, “A proposed small-scale project activity shall be deemed to be a debundled component of a large project activity if there is a registered small-scale CDM project activity or an application to register another small-scale CDM project activity:

- With the same project participants;

- In the same project category and technology/measure; and

- Registered within the previous 2 years; and

- Whose project boundary is within 1 km of the project boundary of the proposed small-scale activity at the closest point.”

The project participant has not registered any project of same technology for CDM activities and has no project of same nature in nearby area (within 1 Km). Infact, this will be the first CDM project activity from the host country. Therefore, the small scale project activity is not de bundled..

SECTION B.Application of selected approved baseline and monitoring methodology

B.1.Reference of methodology

According to Appendix B to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, the proposed project activity falls under the following type and category.

Project Type: Type III – Other Project Activities

Category: III.G – Landfill Methane Recovery application

Reference: AMS-III.G., Version 8, EB 69

Tools referred:

  • Emissions from solid waste disposal sites, version 06.0.1
  • Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane, Annex 13, EB 28
  • Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, version 02
  • Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption, version 01

B.2.Project activity eligibility

The methodology AMS-III.G is applicable to this small scale CDM project activity since all the requirements set by the methodology are fulfilled here:

Applicability conditions as per methodology AMS-III.G Version 8 / Project activity meets the eligibility criteria as follows
This methodology comprises measures to capture and combust methane from landfills (i.e. solid waste disposal sites) used for the disposal of residues from human activities including municipal, industrial, and other solid wastes containing biodegradable organic matter. / Applicable and Fulfilled
The project activity involves capture and combustion of landfill gas (methane) from scientifically managed Mile 3 dumpsite and Belize Mile 24 landfillwhich is used for disposal of municipal waste from four municipalities of Belize Western Corridor.
Different options to utilise the recovered landfill gas as detailed in paragraph 3 ofAMS-III.H “Methane recovery in wastewater treatment” (version 16) are eligible for use under this
methodology. The relevant procedures in AMS-III.H shall be followed in this regard. / Not Applicable
The landfill gas will be collected and flared leadingto destruction of methane. There are no options to utilize the recovered landfill gas. Hence the condition is not applicable.
Measures are limited to those that result in aggregate emission reductions of less than or
equal to 60 kt CO2 equivalent annually from all Type III components of the project activity. / Applicable and Fulfilled
The project activity applies a renewable crediting period. The emission reductions from the project in any of the year of the crediting periods are below the limit of 60 ktCO2e annually and thus the project activity fulfils these applicability criteria.
The proposed project activity does not reduce the amount of organic waste that would have
been recycled in the absence of the project activity. / Applicable and fulfilled
The project activity involves only the collection and combustion of landfill gas from waste disposal site. There is no alteration to waste composition as a result of this project activity. The project activity fulfils the eligibility criteria
This methodology is not applicable if the management of the Solid Waste Disposal Site
(SWDS) in the project activity is deliberately changed in order to increase methane generationcompared to the situation prior to the implementation of the project activity (e.g. other than to meeta technical or regulatory requirement). Such changes may include, for example, the addition ofliquids to a SWDS, pre-treating waste to seed it with bacteria for the purpose of increasing the rateof anaerobic degradation of the SWDS or changing the shape of the SWDS to increase methaneproduction. / Not Applicable
No design alteration is being carried out to increase the generation of LFG. In absence of project activity the landfills were designed for passive venting of LFG.

B.3.Project boundary

The project boundary is the physical, geographical site of the landfill where the gas is captured and destroyed/used.

B.4.Establishment and description of baseline scenario

According to AMS III.G, The baseline scenario is the situation where, in the absence of the project activity, biomass and other organic matter are left to decay within the project boundary and methane is emitted to the atmosphere.

In the absence of the project activity, the landfill site at Belize would have been constructed without a gas capture and flaring system, leading to passive venting of landfill gas (methane)

The implementation of the project activity will reduce the emission of methane into air from the landfill area by capturing and destroying LFG gas through flaring. This will result in destruction of methane and thus prevent the emission of methane which is a much potent GHG than CO2.

For the establishment of the baseline scenario, following alternatives for disposal/ treatment of waste were considered.

  • LFG 1: The project activity (i.e. capture of landfill gas and its flaring and/or its use) undertaken without being registered as CDM project activity; however there is no regulatory requirement for flaring LFG in the host country and the option involves cost (capital and O&M) without any revenue. Thus this cannot be considered as the plausible baseline scenario
  • LFG 2: Atmospheric release of landfill gas without any capture and destruction: this is the business-as-usual scenario in absence of any applicable rules and regulations to flare LFG in Belize.

Thus the baseline identified is the atmospheric release of landfill gas without any capture and destruction.

B.5.Demonstration of additionality

The additionality of the project activity has been analysed in accordance with the “ Guidelines on Demonstration of Additionality of Small-scale Project Activities” Version 9, EB68

According to the guideline, project participants shall provide an explanation to show that the project activity would not have occurred anyway due to at least one of the following barriers:

  1. Investment barrier
  2. Technological barrier
  3. Barrier due to prevailing practice
  4. Other barriers

The project activity faces Investment barrier and Technological Barrier.

Investment barrier:

The additionality of the project activity has been analysed using Option 1 of Investment Analysis which is Simple Cost Analysis. The project activity is the capture and flaring of landfill methane from the Mile 3 dumpsite and Mile 24 landfill site. As discussed in section B.4, the alternatives to the project activity would have been passive venting of Landfill gas at Mile 3 and Mile 24 landfill without any gas capture and flaring system. This is the baseline scenario and would have been implemented with or without the project activity.