The Committee on Practice Advancement (COPA) enhances the athletic training profession in business and employment opportunities, compensation, and brand recognition as health care professionals. Members are district based and include ATs from non-historic settings. Each setting is comprised of its own subcommittee with a number of ATs from across the nation.
Communications Workgroup
The group was chosen to be a communication pilot from the NATA created specifically for those in non-historic settings.
Continue to look out for Business of Athletic Training (BOAT) Webinars and materials.
Value Workgroup
Working on arming our members with quantitative data to prove worth to their employer via injury tracking and return on investments (ROI) by creating a guide to measuring revenue and determining industry value.
Developing billing Opportunities for services and referrals.
Military Workgroup
The Military Health System was formed in June 2014 as a working group to recommend a Tri-service policy standardizing the role of ATs within the military. ATs are represented within this working group.
Working on a Military VIP event for the 2016 symposium in Baltimore, MD.
Michael Hooper will be the incoming COPA representative from District 3. He is already involved with teleconference calls and will assume full duties in June.
Occupational Health Workgroup
Ongoing work on value and worth of ATs via internal and external sources.
Creating a White Paper on proposing the value of ATs.
Targeting a national audience and external organizations for ATs that would find the need for our services.
Communicating with interested parties to prepare them for the work setting and interviews.
Performing Arts Workgroup
Research and analysis of programs in the country by survey and analyzing current membership employment status.
Increasing awareness of ATs with associations like the National Music Teachers Association regional and nationally by sending ATs to talk to their members.
Increasing opportunities on the Clinical Opportunities in Emerging Settings (COES) database
Physician Extender Workgroup
Developing resources for ATs working in the practice setting and/or looking to enter the practice setting.
Developing an increase residency programs.
Look for Pre-conference workshops, introductory to advance track.
Surveying the membership to assess employment status, setting, and responsibilities.
increasing awareness of ATs by sending more representatives to conferences
Public Safety Workgroup
Role Delineation of the Public Safety Athletic Trainers’ Society (PSATS). The workgroup calls are now attached with PSATS.
Look for future speaking engagements and progressing ATs within Linked-in.
Encouraging ATs to step out of the normal and “Take care of those who take care of us!”
Terminology Workgroup
Provide the memberships with definitions, clarification and proper use on words such as “emerging,” “internship,” and “fellowship.” How long is the non-historic setting “emerging?”