A. Read and write the correct word. 18%

1. ______a pain you feel inside your head

2.______the air comes out through your throat with a short, loud sound

3.______you feel sad because you are alone

4.______to touch someone with your fingers and often make them laugh

5.______to no longer have something

6.______making you feel tired

B. Choose the answer. 12%

1. ( ) The lemonade is______sweet______sour.
a. not only, also / b. not only, but also / c. only, but also
2. ( ) I don’t think social studies is ______. I’m ______with it.
a. boring, tired / b. interesting, bored / c. excited, boring
3. ( ) While we were having dinner, we heard someone ______on the door.
a. knocked / b. knocks / c. knocking
4. ( ) It was a ______day. They all looked ______.
a. tiring, tired / b. tired, tiring / c. tiring, boring
5. ( ) We not only studied English but also ______.
a. listening to music / b. listened to music / c. listen to music
6. ( ) I______my brother______in the bathroom.
a. listened, singing / b. heard, sings / c. heard, singing

C. Rewrite the sentences. 20%

1.Thechocolate cake smells good, it tastes delicious, too. (not only…but also)

2. My friend was running down the street when I saw him. (Isaw…)

3. Eva thinks cooking is interesting. (interested)

4.Angel was excited about the concert. (exciting)

5. David feels dizzy, he feels tired, too. (not only…but also)

D. Make questions based on the answers. 20%

1. They will not only go to the movies but also go to the night market tomorrow.

2.I saw a girl riding her bike in the park.

3. She heard a woman screaming while she was trying to sleep.

4. I think watching movies is boring.

5. He was tired of his math homework.

E. Listen andwrite the answers. Then match to the questions. 18%

1. ______. . What subjects do you like?


2. ______. . What did she see?


3. ______. . What did he hear last night?


4. ______. . What do they think is interesting?


5. ______. . What were you excited about?


6. ______. . What will they do this afternoon?


F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 12%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Read and write. 18%

1. ______She cleans up her room when it’s _____.

2. ______Sandy came home while her mom was doing the _____.

3. ______May ______the book after she finished it.

4. ______the lights before you leave.

5. ______The bus is coming. Let’s ______the bus.

6. ______The police asked thedriver to ______the car.

B. Circle and correct. 12%

1. ______My dad let me drives his car.

2. ______I’m looking after my book. I can’t find it.

3. ______He put away a hat and put it on.

4. ______Mom make me washthe dishes after dinner.

5. ______The boy was looking for his father to pick him up.

6. ______Jack, turn on the TV and do yourhomework.

C. Combine the two sentences. 20%

  1. I cleaned up the living room. Mom made me do it.
  1. The sick man stayed in bed. The doctor had him do it.
  1. The girl picked up the keys. Her sister had her do it.
  1. He will have some ice cream. His mother will let him do it.

5. The boy got into the car. His dad made him do it.

D. Make sentences with the given words. 20%

1. I / saw / cat / run after / mouse

2.The driver / made / man / get off / bus

3. Dad / made / look for / slippers

4. Jane / had / waiter / bring / tea

5. My mother / had / put away / toys

E. Listen, look, and answer the questions. 18%

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 12%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Read and write. 18%

1. ______I’m not joking, you have to _____ me.

2.______Thesweater is too big for me. The _____ are too long.

3.______We saw a dog playing with his _____ in the park.

4.______The amusement park is children’s favorite _____.

5.______Can you repeat the rules again? I don’t _____.

6.______Johnson is a careless boy. He always ______other people.

B. Fill in the blanks. 16%

1. Jenny was surprised say anything.

2. Dad is always busy he seldom has holidays.

3. It’s difficult remember all the names.

4. The party was great everyone had fun.

5. The snake is so that many people are afraid of it.

6. The words on the newspaper are too for my grandpa to read.

7. Amanda has much money that she can buy the things she wants.

8. John studied for the test so (hard) that he did very (good) on it.

C. Rewrite the sentences. 20%

1.Andy is a careless writer. (careless→carelessly)

2. Mike is so busy that he doesn’t help with the housework. (so…that →too…to)

3. He is too nervous to talk in front of the class. (too…to → so…that)

4. I was so hungry that I can’t wait for dinner. (so…that →too…to)

5.Larry can run very fast. (run→runner)

D. Answer the questions. 20%

1.How does your teacher speak?

2.Why don’t you want to go out for dinner? (lazy)

3. Why doesn’t she wear theskirt? (short)

4. Why do they wear shorts and sandals? (hot)

5. Why did Emily fall sleep on the bus?(tired)

E. Listen, number, and write thesentences. 12%





F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 14%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part 1: Reading and Writing. 閱讀與寫作 100%

A. Read and write. 27%

1.______It’s a_____ problem. We have to do something.

2.______Molly has a _____ baby brother. He’s only one month old.

3.______We went to an _____ baseball game last week. All of us were excited.

4.______Some people were _____ in the car accident.

5.______It’s raining outside,______your raincoat before you go out.

6.______His car became dirty after he drove on the_____ road.

7.______It is _____ that you tell the doctor how you feel.

8.______Wayne is very _____. He always thinks about others.

9.______They are _____ the broken window.

B. Match. 6%

1. It’s important to not only exercise often . . that she didn’t eat anything.

2. We saw a lot of people . . to ride onthe roller coaster.

3. My parents think mountain climbing is . . tiring, so they want to stay home.

4. People got off the bus . . when the bus caught on fire.

5. I was too scared . . shopping in thestore.

6. Mom was so worried . . but also eat healthy food.

C. Choose the answer. 10%

1. ( ) Judy’s mother won’t ______her go out with us tonight.
a. watched / b. heard / c. let / d. sees
2. ( ) Dad ______me look after my brother when he went out.
a. has / b. made / c. heard / d. lets
3. ( ) The man ______his car and drove to the hospital.
a. got on / b. got off / c. got into / d. got out of
4. ( )James ______me ______him at the bus station.
a. had, wait for / b. let, wait / c. makes, wait at / d. have, waiting
5. ( ) Mom makes me walk as _____ as I can because I always run into others.
a. quickly / b. slow / c. fast / d. slowly

D. Fill in and match the sentence to the picture. 12%

  1. Ken had ______a headache______a runny nose.
  2. You have to read ______and talk ______in the library.
  3. The shirt is ______dirty ______you have to wash it.
  4. It’s very late now. Linda makes Tim ______the TV.
  5. Betty was ______her birthday gift.
  6. You speak ______fast for me ______understand.

E. Correct the sentences. 15%

  1. Peter is so thoughtful too everyone likes him.
  1. Themovie was so bored that we were boring at it and fell asleep.
  1. The book was too interesting that I couldn’t stop reading.
  1. We saw some children played happy on the slide.
  1. They will not only go camping also going surfing next weekend.

F. Combine the two sentences. 15%

  1. The tea is good. I want to have another cup.(so…that…)
  1. The boy was crying. Everyone heard it last night. (Everyone…)
  1. I mopped the dusty floor. Mom made me do it. (Mom …)
  1. The boy was very scared. He didn’t move his body. (too…to …)
  1. The dog can stand. The dog can jump. (not only … but also)

G. Answer the questions. 15%

  1. What does her mother have her do?
  1. What are they going to play?(not only … but also)
  1. Are the students interested in English class?
  1. Whatdoes Amanda do before she goes out?
  1. Why did Fanny put on her coat?(so…that…)

Part 2: Listening and Speaking 聽力與口說100%

A. Listen and choose. 20%

1. ( ) a. I studied not only English but also science.

b. I drank not only a cup of tea but also a cup of coffee.

c. I ate not only a hamburger but also some French fries.

2. ( ) a. We thinkit is boring.

b. We think it is tiring.

c. We think it is interesting.

3. ( ) a. He turns off the light.

b. He turns on the light.

c. He puts on his pajamas.

4. ( ) a. My mom has me wash my hands.

b. My mom has me make my bed.

c. My mom has me do the laundry.

5. ( ) a. She was so happy that she laughed.

b. She was so scared that she cried.

c. She was so excited that she screamed.

B. Listen and complete the sentences. 24%

1. Mary always

2. James does everything

3. We saw the man and the dog

4. I heard a woman

5. Mom made us

6. The students

C. Listen to the answers and write the questions. 24%







D. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her two questions. 32%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A. Read and write the correct word. 18%

1. headache a pain you feel inside your head

2. cough the air comes out through your throat with a short, loud sound

3. lonely you feel sad because you are alone

4. tickle to touch someone with your fingers and often make them laugh

5. lose to no longer have something

6. tiring making you feel tired

B. Choose the answer. 12%

1. ( b ) The lemonade is______sweet______sour.
a. not only, also / b. not only, but also / c. only, but also
2. ( b ) I don’t think social studies is ______. I’m ______with it.
a. boring, tired / b. interesting, bored / c. excited, boring
3. ( c ) While we were having dinner, we heard someone ______on the door.
a. knocked / b. knocks / c. knocking
4. ( a ) It was a ______day. They all looked ______.
a. tiring, tired / b. tired, tiring / c. tiring, boring
5. ( b ) We not only studied English but also ______.
a. listening to music / b. listened to music / c. listen to music
6. ( c ) I ______my brother ______in the bathroom.
a. listened, singing / b. heard, sings / c. heard, singing

C. Rewrite the sentences. 20%

1.The chocolate cake smells good, it tastes delicious, too. (not only…but also)

The chocolate cake not only smells good but also tastes delicious.

2. My friend was running down the street when I saw him. (I saw…)

I saw my friend running down the street.

3. Eva thinks cooking is interesting. (interested)

Eva is interested in cooking.

4. Angel was excited about the concert. (exciting)

Angel thinks the concert was exciting.

5. David feels dizzy, he feels tired, too. (not only…but also)

David feels not only dizzy but also tired.

D. Make questions based on the answers. 20%

1. They will not only go to the movies but also go to the night market tomorrow.

What will they do tomorrow?

2.I saw a girl riding her bike in the park.

What did you see in the park?

3. She heard a woman screaming while she was trying to sleep.

What did she hear while she was trying to sleep?

4. I think watching movies is boring.

What do you think is boring?

5. He was tired of his math homework.

What was he tired of?

E. Listen and write the answers. Then match to the questions. 18%

1. They will not only watch . . What subjects do you like?

TV but also have some snacks.

2. I like not only music but . . What did she see?

also Chinese.

3. She saw a girl smile at her. . . What did he hear last night?


4. He heard his sister singing . . What do they think is interesting?

a song.

5. They think camping is . . What were you excited about?


6. We were excited about . . What will they do this afternoon?

the news.

F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 12%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Read and write. 18%

1. messy She cleans up her room when it’s _____.

2. housework Sandy came home while her mom was doing the _____.

3. put away May ______the book after she finished it.

4. Turn off ______the lights before you leave.

5. get on The bus is coming. Let’s ______the bus.

6. get out of The police asked the driver to ______the car.

B. Circle and correct. 12%

1. drive My dad let me drives his car.

2. for I’m looking after my book. I can’t find it.

3. took out He put away a hat and put it on.

4. makes / made Mom make me wash the dishes after dinner.

5. waiting The boy was looking for his father to pick him up.

6. off Jack, turn on the TV and do yourhomework.

C. Combine the two sentences. 20%

  1. I cleaned up the living room. Mom made me do it.

Mom made me clean up the living room.

  1. The sick man stayed in bed. The doctor had him do it.

The doctor had the sick man stay in bed.

  1. The girl picked up the keys. Her sister had her do it.

The girl’s sister had her pick up the keys.

  1. He will have some ice cream. His mother will let him do it.

His mother will let him have some ice cream.

5. The boy got into the car. His dad made him do it.

The boy’s dad made him get into the car.

D. Make sentences with the given words. 20%

1. I / saw / cat / run after / mouse

I saw a cat running after a mouse.

2.The driver / made / man / get off / bus

The driver made the man get off the bus.

3. Dad / made / look for / slippers

Dad made me look for his slippers.

4. Jane / had / waiter / bring / tea

Jane had the waiter bring her some tea.

5. My mother / had / put away / toys

My mother had me put away the toys.

E. Listen, look, and answer the questions. 18%

1. 4.

Her mother made her No, she was getting

play the piano. into the taxi.

2. 5.

They were getting on He is putting on his

on the plane. coat.

3. 6.

Yes, they were cleaning Her brother had her

up the kitchen. iron the shirt.

F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 12%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A. Read and write. 18%

1. believe I’m not joking, you have to _____ me.

2. sleeves The sweater is too big for me. The _____ are too long.

3. owner We saw a dog playing with his ____ in the park.

4. place The amusement park is children’s favorite _____.

5. understand Can you repeat the rules again? I don’t _____.

6. runs into Johnson is a careless boy. He always ______other people.

B. Fill in the blanks. 16%

1. Jenny was too surprised to say anything.

2. Dad is always so busy that he seldom has holidays.

3. It’s too difficult to remember all the names.

4. The party was so great that everyone had fun.

5. The snake is so scary that many people are afraid of it.

6. The words on the newspaper are too small for my grandpa to read.

7. Amanda has so much money that she can buy the things she wants.

8. John studied for the test so hard (hard) that he did very well (good) on it.

C. Rewrite the sentences. 20%

1.Andy is a careless writer. (careless → carelessly)

Andy writes carelessly.

2. Mike is so busy that he doesn’t help with the housework. (so…that →too…to)

Mike is too busy to help with the housework.

3. He is too nervous to talk in front of the class. (too…to → so…that)

He is so nervous that he can’t talk in front of the class.

4. I was so hungry that I can’t wait for dinner. (so…that →too…to)

I was too hungry to wait for dinner.

5.Larry can run very fast. (run→runner)

Larry is a fast runner.

D. Answer the questions. 20%

1.How does your teacher speak?

She speaks loudly. (Answer may vary)

2.Why don’t you want to go out for dinner? (lazy)

I am too lazy to go out for dinner.

3. Why doesn’t she wear the skirt? (short)

The skirt is too short for her to wear.

4. Why do they wear shorts and sandals? (hot)

It is so hot that they wear shorts and sandals.

5. Why did Emily fall sleep on the bus? (tired)

She was so tired that she fell asleep on the bus.

E. Listen, number, and write thesentences. 12%

It was too late to The woman listened It’s too dangerous to

call my sister. to the doctor carefully. play with scissors. ____

The boy eats The puppy is so cute The game is so interesting

quickly. that everyone likes him. that they are playing happily.

F. Answer your teacher’s questions and ask him / her one question. 14%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part 1: Reading and Writing. 閱讀與寫作 100%

A. Read and write. 27%

1. serious It’s a _____ problem. We have to do something.

2. newborn Molly has a _____ baby brother. He’s only one month old.

3. exciting We went to an _____ baseball game last week. All of us were excited.

4. hurt Some people were _____ in the car accident.

5. put on It’s raining outside, ______your raincoat before you go out.

6. dusty His car became dirty after he drove on the_____ road.

7. important It is _____ that you tell the doctor how you feel.

8. thoughtful Wayne is very _____. He always thinks about others.

9. mending They are _____ the broken window.

B. Match. 6%

1. It’s important to not only exercise often . . that she didn’t eat anything.

2. We saw a lot of people . . to ride on the roller coaster.

3. My parents think mountain climbing is . . tiring, so they want to stay home.

4. People got off the bus . . when the bus caught on fire.

5. I was too scared . . shopping in the store.

6. Mom was so worried . . but also eat healthy food.

C. Choose the answer. 10%

1. ( c ) Judy’s mother won’t ______her go out with us tonight.
a. watched / b. heard / c. let / d. sees
2. ( b ) Dad ______me look after my brother when he went out.
a. has / b. made / c. heard / d. lets
3. ( c ) The man ______his car and drove to the hospital.
a. got on / b. got off / c. got into / d. got out of
4. ( a )James ______me ______him at the bus station.
a. had, wait for / b. let, wait / c. makes, wait at / d. have, waiting
5. ( d ) Mom makes me walk as _____ as I can because I always run into others.
a. quickly / b. slow / c. fast / d. slowly

D. Fill in and match the sentence to the picture. 12%