Pradeep Nalaka Ranasinghe
Curriculum vitae
Date of Birth:20/12/1969
Address: (Residence) 540, S.Water St. Apt 402, Kent, OH, 44240USA
Telephone:(Home)011 330 678 0118
Fax: ( office)011 330 672 7949
Academic Record
PhD in Applied geology
Holocene coastal development in southeastern-eastern Sri Lanka:
Paleo-depositional environments and paleo-coastal hazards
M.Phil (Geochemistry) - Stream sediment geochemistry of three river basins of
Sri Lankawith special emphasis on geochemical ratios and gem potential
Post graduate Diploma in Archaeology (Merit).
B.Sc (Hons) Special Degree in Geology
Research & Professional experience
Woods Hole Oceanography Institute - Postdoctoral Scholar 2010
Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, Sri Lanka - Geologist 1999- up to date
(Geological mapping, Mineral exploration, Environmental Geochemical Surveys, Remote Sensing and GIS)
DEOCOM Project, National Aquatic Resources Agency , Marine Geologist, 2004 -2006 (on secondment), Delimitation of Outer Edge of the Continental Margin of Sri Lanka
University of Peradeniya – Co investigator 1998-2000
(Investigation of soil geochemical aspects of forest die-back areas in montane forests
of Sri Lanka)
SabaragamuwaUniversity – Research Assistant 1997-1999
(Conducting research to identify gem potential of river basins using geochemical
Institute of Fundamental Studies Sri Lanka – Research Student Fellow 1996-1997
(Conducting research on developing scientific methods in gem exploration)
Participated in the Ocean paleochemistry research cruise in Atlantic Ocean (R/V Oceanus- 2008 summer) WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution.
Teaching experience
KentStateUniversity, Department of Geology: Teaching Fellow (2006 Fall – 2010Summer) (Earth Dynamics, Earth History, Stratigraphy)
University of Peradeniya: Assistant Lecturer – Department of Geology (1995)
SabaragamuwaUniversity: Visiting Lecturer 1997- 2001 (Environmental Science)
University of Moratuwa: Lecturer 1999- Department of Earth Resources Engineering
(Certificate course in Geology)
Academic distinctions
University Fellowship 2009
Outstanding PhD student 2009 Department of Geology – Kent state University
P.G. Cooray Medal for Best Young Geoscientist 2001
(Awarded by the Geological Society of Sri Lanka)
Best Presenter Award – 15th Annual Sessions of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Environmental Award – General Category 1997
( Awarded by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science)
International Association of Sedimentologists – Postgraduate research grant 2009
Sigma xi research scholarship 2008 and 2009
Graduate student senate research grant - KentStateUniversity – 2008 and 2009
GSA research grant 2008
Other academic activities
Geological Society of America – Student Member
American Geophysical Union - Student Member
International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmo chemistry – Member
Sigma Gamma Epsilon – KentState Chapter - Member
Geological Society of Sri Lanka. - Member
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science – Committee Member
Young Zoologists’ Association of Sri Lanka - President 1997
Young Scientists Forum, National Science & Technology Commission of Sri Lanka – Member
Dr. Joseph Ortiz , (Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent , OH44242, USA, Tel 330-672-2225 Email: )
Dr. Danie Holm, (Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent , OH 44242, USA, Tel 330-672-2680 Email
Dr. Andrew Moore ( Department of Geosciences, EarlhamCollege, Richmond, IN, 47374, USA, Tel 330 631 9679 Email: )
Dr. Brian Mcadoo, Department of Earth ScienceandGeography, VassarCollege, Box 735Poughkeepsie, New York12604 Tel. 845.437.7703 Email :
Prof. C.B. Dissanayake (Director Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy Sri Lanka email: )
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Ranasinghe, P.N., Fernando, G.W.A.R., Dissanayake, C.B., Rupasinghe, M.S., Witter D.L. (2009) Statistical Evaluation of Stream Sediment Geochemistry in Interpreting the River Catchment of High-Grade Metamorphic Terrains, J. Geochem. Explor. 103, 97- 114.
Ranasinghe, P.N., Fernando, G.W.A.R.,Wimalasena, M.D.N.R4, Ekanayake, S.P. and Siriwardana, Y.P.S(In Press) Elevated Pb and Al levels in Hakgala Tropical Montane Forests in Sri Lanka and Possible Impacts on Forest Health, Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Ranasinghe, P.N., Fernando, G.W.A.R., Dissanayake, C.B., Rupasinghe, M.S., (2008) Stream Sediment Geochemistry of the Upper Mahaweli River Basin of Sri Lanka - Geological and Environmental Significance, J. Geochem. Explor. 99, 1-28.
Ranasinghe, P.N., Siriwardana, Y.P.S., Wanasinghe, V.R., (2007), Heavy metal pollution in drainage network of Colombo city and Suburbs of Sri Lanka, Journal of Geological Society of Sri Lanka, Vol. 12, 36-52.
Ranasinghe, P.N., Dissanayake, C.B SamarasingheD.V.N., Galappatti., R., (2007) The Relationship between Soil Geochemistry and Die back of Montane Forests in Sri Lanka. – A Case Study, Environmental Geology, vol51. no 6
Ranasinghe, P.N., Dissanayake, C.B., Rupasinghe, M.S., (2005)Application of Geochemical Ratios for Delineating Gem Bearing Areas in High Grade Metamorphic Terrains, Applied Geochemistry, vol20, Issue 8, pp 1489-1495
Ranasinghe, P.N., Chandrajith, R.L.R., Dissanayake, C.B., Rupasinghe, M.S., (2002), Importance of Grain Size Factor in Distribution of Trace Elements in Stream Sediments of Tropical High Grade Terrains : A Case Study from Sri Lanka, Chemie der Erde, 62, pp 243-253
Ranasinghe,P.N., Jagath, A.S (2001) A Rare Titanium Rich Dumortierite from
Sri Lanka. Journal of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka
P.N. Ranasinghe J.D. Ortiz , M.M.J.P.A. Prema, D.L. Witter (In preparation), Continental shelf Morphology of Sri Lanka and its dependence on past sea level changes, Geomorphology
P. N Ranasinghe, J.D. Ortiz (In Preparation) Use of discriminant function analysis as a tool to categorize deep sea sedimentary formations using wirline drill hole data, Marine Geology.
Books & Other Scientific Publications
Ranasinghe, P.N., 2002, Geotourist map of Sri Lanka, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau Sri Lanka
Ajith Prema, M.M.J.P, Ranasinghe, P.N., Siriwardahana, C.H.E.R., Jayakody, A.S., 2001, Monaragala – Panama, 100,000 Geology map, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau Sri Lanka.
Ranasinghe, P.N, Illeperuma, D., 2001, Flora of Dombagaskanda, Young Zoologists'
Association of Sri Lanka., pp. 61
Ranasinghe, P.N, Ratnayake, A, 1992, Flora & Fauna of DombagaskandaForest
Reserve, Young Zoologists' Association of Sri Lanka.pp 33
Conference papers
Ranasinghe, P. N. Ortiz, J., Moore, A, and Siriwardana, C.H.E.R., 2009, Paleo environmental reconstruction of lagoonal strata from Sri Lanka using multiple physical properties proxies to assure stratigraphic continuity, AGU 2009 , San Francisco
Pranasinghe, P. N. Ortiz, J., Moore, A, and Siriwardana, C.H.E.R., 2009, Non invasive multi proxy approach to recognize paleo-coastal enevironmental signals, GSA 2009, Portland.
Moore, A.L, McAdoo, B., Ranasinghe, N., 2007. 2004 Tsunami left little record of its trace near Yala, south eastern Sri Lanka, Poster presentation, AGU joint Assembly .San Francisco
Ranasinghe, P.N, Siriwardhana, Y.P.S, Vanasinghe, V, (2006) Heavy metal pollution in drainage network of Colombo city and suburbs of Sri Lanka, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China
Ranasinghe, P.N., Ajith Prema, M.M.J.P (2005), Relationship between Coastal Bathymetry, Coastal Morphology and Tsunami damage in Sri Lanka – A case study
Annual Convention, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo Sri Lanka.
Ranasinghe, P.N., Dissanayake, C.B., (2003), A relationship between soil toxicity and forest die back of montane forests in Sri Lanka, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry , Edinburgh, Scotland
Ranasinghe, P.N., Dissanayake, C.B., (2003) Elevated Lead levels: A possible factor behind the forest die back of Montane Forests in Sri Lanka, XII th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. GrenobleFrance.
P. N. Ranasinghe, R.L.R Chandrajith, C.B. Dissanayake, M.S.Rupasinghe, (2002)
Importance of Stream Sediment Grain Size Factor in Mineral Exploration of Tropical High Grade Terrains : A Case Study From Sri Lanka, Abstract Volume South Asian Geological Congress IV, New Delhi - India.
Ranasinghe,P.N., Jagath, A.S., (2001), A Titanium rich boro silicate (Dumortierite) from Sri Lanka, Abstract volume, Sixteenth Annual Sessions, Geological Society of Sri Lanka.
Ranasinghe P.N., Dissanayake, C.B., Nawaratne, S.W., (2001) Impact of Geochemical Parameters and Physical Properties of Soils on Forest Die back of Upper Montane Forests of Sri Lanka, 3rd International Symposium on Engineering Geology & Environment, Yogyakarta, Indoneesia
Ranasinghe P.N., C.B. Dissanayake, M.S. Rupasinghe, R.L.R., Chandrajith (2000), Comparison of Transition Metals and Radioactive Element Mineralization in Three River Basins of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions –56, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
Hewawasam, A.L.T., Ranasinghe, P.N., & Rupasinghe M.S., (1999) Preliminary Field Investigation of the Limestone cave at Waulapane, Embilipitiya Sri Lanka, Abstract volume, Fifteenth Annual Sessions, Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Ranasinghe, P.N., Ruapasinghe, M.S., (1998), Soil Erosion Sedimentation , and Soil Conservation of Upper Mahaweli Catchment of Sri Lanka – A Review, Abstract volume, International Conference on Disaster Management- India
Ranasinghe, P.N, Nawaratne, S.W, Wijeratne, G.N, (1996), Geology & Mineralization in Ramboda area, Abstract volume, Twelfth Annual Sessions, Geological Society of Sri Lanka.
Unpublished manuscripts
P.N. Ranasinghage, (2010), Holocene coastal development in southeastern-eastern Sri Lanka: Paleo-depositional environments and paleo-coastal hazards, PhD Dissertation, KentStateUniversity pp. 435.
C.H.E.R Siriwardhana, Ranasinghe, P.N., Weerakoon, D.P.R., Ratnayake, A.M.M Jayakody, A.S., Fernando, W.I.S., (2005) Final Report on the tsunami mapping program (TMP) conducted in the eastern, southern and western coastal regions in Sri Lanka, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau , Sri Lanka
Ranasinghe, P.N., (2001), Stream sediment geochemistry of three river basins of
Sri Lanka with special emphasis on geochemical ratios and gem potential, M.Phil. thesis, University of Peradeniya.
Ranasinghe, P.N., Dissanayake, C.B., (1999) Soil nutrients and micro elements -
Forest Dieback In HortonPlainsNational Park, Project Terminal Report, Global
Environmental Facility Project.
Ranasinghe, P.N,(1995), Mineral Resources of Ramboda Area, Unpublished BScThesis,
University of Peradeniya.