PAUICC Meeting
September 17 & 18, 2015
ACT 70 - Sally Flaherty, PDE
- Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violation
- Information is available in a SAS learning Community entitled: Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violations
- In the SAS Community, you will find:
- PowerPoint presentation of what’s in the law
- Facilitator notes for the PowerPoint presentation
- 25 Page document on the law/regulation of ACT 70
- For now:
- PDE was required to develop curriculum guidelines in line with the act
- PDE must offer professional development
- Schools are encouraged to send folks to trainings in the local regions
- The State Board will conduct survey of districts in terms whether or not they are offering training in genocide, holocaust and human rights violations, including your personal responsibility as it relates to the issue.
- If less than 90% of the schools respond they are offering it, then it may become a mandate to do so.
- Purpose: “to provide children with an understanding of the importance of the protection of human rights and the potential consequences of unchecked ignorance, discrimination and persecution, it is a matter of high priority that children in this Commonwealth be educated concerning the Holocaust, genocide and other human rights violations.”
- (d) (1) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each school entity providing instruction under subsection (a) shall provide, as part of its in-service training, programs on the Holocaust, genocide and human rights violations for all instructors whose teaching responsibilities include courses of study in which instruction concerning the Holocaust, genocide and human rights violations is integrated. A school entity may utilize the programs made available by the Department of Education or use other alternative programs that are consistent with the provisions of this section.
- Link to the ACT:
- If an IU or school offers Professional Development through Echoes and Reflections, it doesn't meet all the guidelines until it also provides professional development on the guidelines.
Act 71 - Dr. Joe Loccisano, PDE
- Link to PDE’s section on ACT 71:
- Child Exploitation
- Note: Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each school entity may:
- (1) Develop an age-appropriate child exploitation awareness education program and incorporate such program into the school entity's existing curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade eight; and (2) Include training in child exploitation awareness in its professional development plan submitted by to the secretary for approval pursuant to section 1205.1; provided that a school entity shall provide four (4) hours of such training every five (5) years for professional educators assigned to teach courses into which child exploitation awareness education has been incorporated.
- Youth Suicide
- Note: Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each school entity shall:
- (1) Adopt an age-appropriate youth suicide awareness and prevention policy and (2) Include in its professional development plan submitted to the secretary for approval pursuant to section 1205.1 four (4) hours of training in youth suicide awareness and prevention every five (5) years for professional educators in school buildings serving students in grades six through twelve.
- Note- districts have to offer the training for four hours every 5 years, but not all folks have to have the training – this is not a requirement to track attendance for all educators as we do for ACT 126 – Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse.
- PDE has a guideline models for a curriculum framework – at the same link above.
- Districts are not required to use this framework.
Principal SLOs - Bob Holbrook
- Principal SLO Language from Waiver:
- For the 2015-16 school year, all principals, assistant principals, and Career and Technology Directors are required to develop Principal SLOs. PDE will incorporate the feedback obtained from the previous year and drive additional training and technical assistance to the field.Of particular focus will be strategies for incorporating growth measures into the Principal SLO process and how these measures can help to identify specific areas of focus for a Principal SLO. Along with growth measures themselves, guidance will be provided as to how other non-academic measures (such as attendance rates, discipline data, etc.) can help inform the Principal SLO process and the impact on student growth.
- To maximize the utilization of growth measures within the Principal and Teacher Evaluation Systems, principals have several points of accountability for the growth of the students in their school and the growth of students for each teacher in their school. Through the Principal SLO process principals can utilize their multi-year PVAAS School and Teacher Value-Added/Growth and Diagnostic/Growth Reports to identify areas of focus for their Principal SLO. This includes specific state assessed subjects/grades/content areas, as well as specific groups of students (subgroups/IEP/ELL/ED; high, average and lower achieving students). The PVAAS growth reports determine the focus of the Principal SLO. Principals can then use the PVAAS Student Projection Data as part of the SLO process to determine which specific currently enrolled students are "on track" to at least reach proficiency, which students are at "moderate risk" of not reaching proficiency and which students are at "significant risk" of not reaching proficiency. Principals can analyze the state assessment results to determine specific standards/assessment anchors in those areas where a lack of growth has been determined. Once the Principal SLO has been established with a focus on increased need for growth, principals can monitor the growth of students during the school year with assessment tools such as the online, Classroom Diagnostic Tools provided by PDE at no cost to all LEAs in Pennsylvania. Overall the Principal SLO becomes a mechanism for raising levels of static achievement by focusing on student growth. Principals will be provided with specific questions in each subject/grade/content area to dig deeper into the root cause for the growth results in their school, as well as professional development to help LEAs analyze PVAAS growth data and determine the focus of the work for the principal. Principals can also work with their teachers in state assessed subjects/grades/ content areas to focus each teacher's SLO on areas where growth is needed with their specific groups of students based on the PVAAS School and Teacher Value-Added/Growth and Diagnostic/Growth Reports. Technical assistance training for principal SLOs will be provided by our State System of Support via our 29 Intermediate Units. If requested by USDE, PDE will demonstrate through data analysis immediately following full implementation (October, 2016) that its teacher and principal evaluation systems differentiate between teachers and principals that make significantly different contributions to student growth.
- Principals can utilize their multi-year PVAAS School and Teacher Value-Added/Growth and Diagnostic/Growth Reports to identify areas of focus for their Principal SLO.
- Once the Principal SLO has been established with a focus on increased need for growth, principals can monitor the growth of students during the school year with assessment tools such as the online, Classroom Diagnostic Tools provided by PDE at no cost to all LEAs in Pennsylvania.
- Overall the Principal SLO becomes a mechanism for raising levels of static achievement by focusing on student growth.
- SY15-16
- PDE will Provide Communication and Messaging to LEAs
- Use Current Principal SLO Template
- Enhanced Annotated Template Will be Forthcoming with an Emphasis on Growth
- Moving Forward – SY15-16 Reporting to PDE by LEAs Will Include Collection about SLO Growth Data
- Encourage districts to share develop SLOs with Growth goals
- Growth is simply change from one point in time to another
State Budget
- No good news now
- Legislature considering a stop gap budget – will look good on the surface – more money for schools and get human services monies flowing – if they do, the Governor will likely veto
- Governor stated publicly that a stop gap measure is irresponsible and not a long term fix – and that long term fixes need to be dealt with
TAMS (Testing Administration Management System) - Bureau of Assessment - Diane Simaska, and Craig Weller from PDE
- This is a Share Point system to store all documents that are required for administration of testing.
- Was given to 30 schools to pilot last year
- The systems was developed to ease the requirements of the assessment monitoring from PDE
- Equal access to PDE and for the School.
- Matt Stem, Deputy Secretary interested in what districts think… PDE likes the system, but will districts use it?
- November 3rd – webinar for winter administration will share the system and see if districts may be interested in using the system.
- Will also share in the spring webinars
- Voluntary – 30 districts used the system last year and were very happy to use it
- Documents that are required
- Sign in-sign out of test materials
- Pa secure Id list distribution
- Sign in sheet for SAC training
- Agenda for SAC training
- Sign in sheet for Training of TAC
- Agenda for TAC training
- Text Dependent Analysis training –
- The study groups will still continue
- Looking for 3 schools who have not received training from PDE’s training materials to participate in a study – if you are interested, contact Diane Simaska
ESEA Waiver – Dave Volkman, PDE
- Equitable Access to Excellent Educators Plan – PDE must to this plan for the Feds every five years
- Their plan was approved for the next 5 yrs
- Dave shared an executive summary and theory of action of what they plan to do over the last 5 years.
- PDE didn’t do everything they said they would do in the last 5 years – so they got in a bit of hot water.
- PDE is looking to attract folks to schools with challenges
- There seems to be some issue with regards to termination of folks who commit one of the 8 major issues – ACT 82 seems to indicate you have to complete the ACT 82 form… this, of course, doesn’t make good sense – PDE is aware and is working on this.
- Thinking about starting an Accountability Commission
- Should be hearing shortly about vendors contracts for the development of assessments
- There appears to be some issues with the fingerprinting FBI clearances and some schools not accepting the results. PDE is aware of this and hoping to have it fixed soon.
- Governor and Ed Secretary looking to have someone in PDE to have an office for School TurnAround/School Improvement
- This would be a Director and two people to work with ARL’s and the priority schools
- Contracted with Mass Insight to really look at districts from a very granular level (diagnostic Tool)
- They also have a school readiness tool as well
- PIL is being redesigned – should be adjusted by July 1st - will be moving to a blended approach
- Modules on SAS
- Courses that Superintendents and Principals to take
- Three courses for induction instead of three – but hours are the same
- Dave will send us the leadership plan
- Looking to make some courses specifically for superintendents
- ESEA Waiver
- Approved for one year
- PDE continues to only approve our waivers for only one year as they have issues with growth
- SPP scores will not be published for schools without an 11th grade
- Guidance should be out in a week or so.
- N-Count of 30?? PSBA sent out information about this – they sent the verbiage from the letter that DOE sent to PDE. PDE is making no comment on this at this point other than to say they are aware and they feel there is some information that is up to interpretation.
PVAAS -Kristen Lewald
- PowerPoint presentation on the following:
- PVAAS and PSSA Transition
- Several slides showing the movement from former assessment to the new assessment –
- Examples of how it is likely you will still maintain the position (Posted on IU! CCC Wiki)
- USDE waiver “Pause” and PVAAS
- PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting will be provided for SY14-15 based on PSSAs and Keystones.
- There is not a “pause” on the use of PSSAs for measures of academic growth for teacher specific reporting.
- While PSSA scores are not being used in the SPP to provide Indicators of Academic Achievement (% Proficient/Advanced), PSSA scores will be used to provide measures of academic growth for PVAAS school and teacher level reporting. However, there will be no PVAAS SPP score from the PSSAs.
- PVAAS School Level measures from PSSAs and Keystones will be provided to LEAs on the PVAAS reporting site, but NOT included in any SPP score.
- PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting from PSSAs and Keystones will be provided on the PVAAS password-protected website.
- There is often concern that growth will be largely impacted if there is a lower number of students Proficient/Advanced on a state assessment such as the PSSA.
- The key answer to this concern is to understand HOW growth is measured.
- Measuring growth is different than measuring achievement.
- Measuring growth is different than measuring the percentage of students who are Proficient or Advanced.
- If a group of students for a teacher at least maintained their relative position on the “current assessment” as compared to their prior achievement, the teacher will see a “green” reflected on the PVAAS reporting.
- A green means the teacher’s group of students met the standard for PA Academic Growth as measured by PVAAS.
- Based on what has happened in other states during very similar transitions to more rigorous standards, it is unlikely that there will be a substantial decrease in PVAAS growth measures statewide, even with fewer students testing in the Proficient range or higher on the PSSAs.
- Pennsylvania will have aggregate data to illustrate this when the reporting is available for release.
- PVAAS Student Projections
- Projections to PSSA and Keystone exams
- There will be projections to the new ELA and Math assessments with release of data
- Projections to PSAT, SAT, and ACT
- Available with fall release
- Projections to AP Exams
- New this year
- Available with fall release
- For these AP Subjects:
- Biology
- Statistics
- Calculus AB
- English Language
- English Literature
- Government Politics
- Psychology
- US History
- Individual Student Projection Report – Probabilities provided to 3 or higher, and to 4 or higher
- Projection Summary Report – Probability of 3 or higher
- Available for students currently enrolled in grade 6 (i.e., last tested in grade 5)
- Fall Professional Development
- Teacher’s Supporting Teachers’ follow-up webinars:
- Video conference is the first of a four-part series
- Anyone that participates at your IU will automatically be invited to the three follow-up webinars (others are welcome to join)
- Must you attend the video-conference to participate in the three follow-up webinars? NO
- Know someone who wants to join a webinar but didn’t attend the VC session?
- You may share the links on the next slide
- OR, direct them to contact for the links
- Part 2: Webinar, “Identifying Students in Need of Interventions and Enrichments”
- Nov 19, 2015, 2:00-3:30 PM and Nov 20, 2015, 8:30-10:00 AM (offered twice, choose one)
- Link to join:
- Part 3: Webinar, “Supporting Teachers with PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting”
- Dec 15, 2015, 2:00-3:30 PM and Dec 17, 2015, 8:30-10:00 AM (offered twice, choose one)
- Link to join:
- Part 4: Webinar, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interventions and Enrichments”
- Jan 26, 2016 1:00-2:30 PM and Jan 28, 2016, 8:30 -10:00 AM (offered twice, choose one)
- New to PEERS
- Free, web-based final rating forms(82-1, 82-2, 82-3)
- Coming Soon: Webinars for PEERS overview
- October 8: Prepopulation of PEERS with SY14-15 SPP Scores
- New PEERS Feature Available: Data Extraction
- PVAAS Demo Site Access
- New updated demo accounts are available for this year
- One District Admin account (with access to teacher reporting, roster verification)
- East Suburb School District
- Username: da.EastSuburb15
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 123456
- Three School Admin accounts (with access to teacher reporting & roster verification):
- East Suburb SD, Phoenix Elementary
- Username: sa.Phoenix15
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 123456
- East Suburb SD, Lamprey Middle
- Username: sa.Lamprey15
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 123456
- East Suburb SD, Goldfish High
- Username: sa.Goldfish15
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 123456
- Three School User or Teacher accounts (with access to individual teacher reporting):
- West Suburb SD, Beagle Elementary
- Username: Stuart.McKenzie
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 707592
- West Suburb SD, Buffalo Middle
- Username: Alaina.Montemayor
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 9017131
- West Suburb SD, Gazelle Middle
- Username: Damien.Tipton
- PW: DemoSite2015
- PPID: 5146306
- Roster Verification, SY15-16
- Coming Soon!!
- Expect Each Phase to be 2 weeks
- Preview Phase (2 weeks)
- Teacher Phase (2 weeks)
- School Admin Phase (2 weeks)
- LEA/District Admin Phase (2 weeks)
- All LEAs on one statewide RV schedule
- Dates may be adjusted slightly as compared to last year
- All RV Materials on login page are in process of being updated
- Virtual Learning Module
- 1st half available November 1st
- 2nd half available in Winter/Spring 2016
- We will announce release of RV materials via email
CDTs - Dan Richards
•Materials have been updated
•1. Go to
•2. Go to General Information.
•3. Click on Documents.
•4. Under Administration, select the most current year for Classroom Diagnostic Tools.
•5. Under Document Type, click on All.
•6. Click Show Documents.
•There are two different Map Configurations:
•Lower Grades now named Grades 3-5 (response probability .65)
•Upper Grades now named 6-HS (response probability .5)
•Rich Maraschiello – Correlation
•Correlations from previous technical reports are shown in the next slide. Please note
•CDTs in the math content area were first available in 2010-11.