Report of the Circle Secretary for the period from 30-11-2014 to 01-07-2015 placed before the Circle Executive committee meeting during 2nd and 3rd July 2015 at Vasavi Club, Saifabad, Hyderabad.

Respected President Com.K.Peddaraogaru, Respected AGS(E) CHQ Com. J. Saibabagaru, all my dear colleague Circle office bearers, CWC Members, District Presidents, District Secretaries , CEC members and my dear Organisers of this two day meeting ,Very good morning to all of you.

On behalf of Circle Executive and on my personal behalf I welcome all of you to this First Circle Executive Committee meeting of our AIBSNLEA AP Circle after the 5th Circle conference in November 2014 at Hyderabad.

The activities of this Circle Branch during the period under review from December 2014 to June 2015 are enumarated below for the approval.


A. Formation of New Branches :

1)RTTC Branch: CS and OS Com.M.L.N.Reddy attended the GB and formeda New Branch on 19-12-2014. The following were elected unanimously for the next term

DP / M.V.N.Suryanarayana CAO / 9490775859
DS / Ch.Padma JAO / 9490000923
FS / K.Malyadri AO / 9490187586

B.BranchConference :

1)KrishnaDistrict Branch :CS,ACS(G),AGS,AFS and CWC member Com.KoteswaraRao attended the Conference on 05-03-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term.

DP / B.Ravikumar ,AO / 9490196906
DS / Bh. Siva Rama Kumar, SDE / 9440151466
FS / P.V.Ramana JAO / 9490207999


2) NATFM Branch :CS and AGS attended the conference on 07-03-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term.

DP / B.Ratnasudha JAO / 9490000988
DS / P. Srikanth, AO / 9490188966
FS / M.Anjaneyulu / 9490000644

3) Nellore District Branch :ACS(E) Com Rajendraprasad attended the district conference on 12-03-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term.

DP / K.Sudhakar Reddy JAO / 9490143966
DS / M. MuralidharRao, JAO / 9441123366
FS / G.Prasad AO / 8985998292

4)Guntur District Branch :President,CS,AGS ,ACS (F) and CWC Member com KoteswaraRao attended the GB on 14-03-2015 and elected Com. Ch.VenkatesawaraRao DE as District Secretary in place of Com GouthamaBuddudu who has retired.

5) Nizamabad District Branch : CS,ACS(F) and AGS attended the district conference on 27-03-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term

DP / R.Shankar DE / 9440400177
DS / U. Rajekishan, JAO / 9440091188
FS / G.Naresh Kumar JAO / 9490000534

6)West Godavari District Branch : CP,CS,AGS, OS Com. LaxmanRao and CWC member com KoteswaraRaoattended the district conference on 19-04-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term

DP / K.SivakesawaRao Sr.AO / 9440617156
DS / D.N.S. Murthy, AGM / 9440617156
FS / D.RajeswaraRao JAO / 9440455119

7) Cell One Branch : CS,ACS(F) and HTD CEC Member Com.Rambabuattended the district conference on 16-06-2015 and the following were elected unanimously for the next term.

DP / Srinivasulu AO / 9490197889
DS / Bhagavantaiah, SDE / 9440833448
FS / RameshBabu JAO / 9490000460


8)AdilabadBranch :Adhoc body is formed in the GB of Adilabad branch on---- and the following were elected . CS has approved the body and requested to hold the Branch Conference within three months

DP / B.Gangadhar CAO / 9440000811
DS / V.M.M. Reddy, AGM / 9490220055
FS / M.Anjaneyulu JAO / 9490000726

C) Branch Meetings :CS along with available circle office bearers and AGS (E) attended the General body meetings of Rajahmundry, Tirupati ,Nellore, HTD ,STR/STP ,Vizianagaram and Vishakhapatnamduring the period under review.

D)Circle Office Bearers Meeting: Newly elected Circle Office bearers and CWC members meeting was organized at Hyderabadon 27-12-2014 and discussed the action plan of the association . During Lunch hour CGM ,Sr GM HR and Sr GM(F) attended the meeting. The circle body was introduced to the Circle administration in the meeting.

CHQ Office bearers & CSs meet at Delhi: In the month of February 2015 CHQ Office bearers & CSs met at Delhi and discussed aboiut the organizational issues. Com.J.SaibabaAGS(E) attended the meeting .He also represented CS.

E) Felicitations:

A grand felicitation was organized at Hyderabad to Shri.Srinivasan, Retd.CGM by the locally available Circle Executive body.

Sri.Muralidhar CGM, Sri.MarshalSr GM HR, Smt. Anilakiran Addl.GM HR and Mrs.Srinivasan attended the meeting.

It is also to mention that Com.J.Saibaba our AGS(E), Com. B.Rajasekhar our Ex Circle President, Com.K. Jairam our Ex CHQ Auditor and present CEC member ,Com.GouthamaBuddudu Ex DS Guntur, Com.TirupatiRao our President Guntur and Com Gunasekhara Reddy Ex CWC Member were retired during this period. This association extends Sincere gratitude for their services rendered to this association and also wishes a Happy and peaceful retired life.

F) Welcome Meet:

Locally available Circle Office bearers along with AGS(E) and CO branch representatives met Sri.Muralidhargaru and greeted him on assumption of charge as CGMT AP Circle on 2/3/15 and extended our full co-operation to the new CGM.


G) Co ordination Committee meetings : SSA level Coordination committee meetings of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA of Hyderabad Telecom District, Tirupati, Kadapa, Rajahmundry and Guntur were attended.

H)Forumof BSNL Unions and Associations Meetings :

Attended the Circle level Meetings of Forum of BSNL Unions and associations in connection with the Nation wide strike call given by the forum on11-12-2014 ,03-01-2015,05-01-2015 ,20-02-2015, 20-03-2015 and 28-04-2015

I)Agitation programme under Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations :

Programme :

One Crore Signature Campain and Parlament march

Lunch Hour Demonstration 0n 11-12-2014

Three Days Dharna 0n 6th ,7th and 8th Jan 2015

Lunch Hour Demonstration on 12-03-2015

Circle Level Convention on SAVE BSNL SAVE NATION 0n 01-04-2015 at Hyderabad

Two Day Strike on 21st and 22nd April 2015

Brief result :A meeting of the Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations with the Secretary DOT, ShriRakeshGarg, was held on 1st May 2015 at the Committee Room of Sanchar Bhawan to discuss about the issues raised in the Two Days Strike of BSNL employees on21-22 April 2015.

1.Financial Assistance from Government and implementation of assurances given at the time of Corporatisation of BSNL

The Forum leaders pointed out that at the time of Corporatisation, the then Communications Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, had assured full support for the new entity and orders were issued to financially assist BSNL through payment of ADC, Reimbursement of Licence Fee and also liberal subsidy from the USO Fund. Within a few years, all these have been discontinued creating a heavy financial burden of the BSNL resulting in loss for the last five years. The Forum representatives demanded that all these assurances be implemented/ restored.

The amount of Rs. 1,250 crore recommended from the USOF in lieu of ADC for 2012-13 is not yet paid to BSNL. It needs to be paid urgently and such allotments should be made for next years also. BSNL is having a loss of about Rs.10,000crore yearly for providing rural connections etc. as per the universal service policy of the government, which should be fully compensated by the Government.


Further, the Forum demanded that refund of charges for the BWA spectrum surrendered by BSNL coming to about Rs. 6,700 crore be paid without any further delay.

BSNL is eligible for refund of Income Tax paid, considering its payment to DOT on various counts. This may come to about Rs. 7,000 crore. This should be refunded.

By making payment of pension contribution on the basis of the maximum of the pay scale, BSNL was compelled to pay about Rs. 2,400 crore extra, which may be refunded.

The government order on payment of pension contribution on the actual basic pay should be implemented in the case of BSNL.

The salary of the employees in the TERM CELL, which is part of DOT, is being paid by BSNL, which should be repaid to BSNL.

Further for immediate purchase of urgently required equipments, the DOT may give a soft loan of about Rs.10,000crore to BSNL.

The Secretary DOT stated that the amount in lieu of ADC from USOF is given as per recommendations of TRAI and DOT will do accordingly in future also. Process for payment of Rs. 1,250 crore allotted has started and will be paid early.

The refund of charges of BWA Spectrum is being considered. The reconciliation for the refund of the Income Tax paid has started and will be finalised soon. The issue of payment of pension contribution on the basis of the actual pay will be taken up with the government. The question of repayment of payment made to TERM CELL on salary etc. also will be considered. With regard to Soft Loan of Rs. 10,000 crore, Secretary DOT stated that BSNL can take loan from banks.

He further stated that the government has to provide level playing field to all operators to which the Forum leaders pointed out that in fact the private players are being favoured as in the case of giving earlier licence for mobile services.

2.Revision of Pension of BSNL Retirees and orders for 78.2% IDA Pension fixation for pre-2007 and post 2007 retirees up to June 2013:

The Forum leaders expressed strong resentment at the undue delay in issue of orders on 78.2% IDA Pension fixation for the BSNL retires up to June 2013. Those who retired after June 2013 have already received the same. The pensioners are put to much loss in their pension. Already it had been delayed for years and early orders are required. They also demanded that Pension Revision should be made whenever there is a wage/pay revision for


employees. They also demanded that the condition of 60%-40% condition on payment of pension is unjustified and should be done away with.

The Secretary DOT agreed to take up the matter of Pension revision with the government. He assured that the Cabinet Note of 78.2% is being prepared and will be finalised soon. With regard to removal of 60% :40% condition on pension payment, the earlier DOT orders mentioned by the Forum will be examined.

3. No Merger of BSNL and MTNL:

The Forum demanded that before any merger decision is taken, the liabilities of MTNL to the extent of Rs. 20,000 crore has to be waived, the disinvested shares to be purchased back and HR issues settled. Secretary DOT told that no decision has been taken and the concerns raised by the Forum will be attended to before any decision is taken.

4.Filling up of Posts of Directors in BSNL.

To the demand of the Forum for filling up posts of Directors in BSNL, Secretary DOT stated that government is taking action in the matter.

5.Transfer of all assets to BSNL

Forum demanded that all the assets of BSNL should transferred to it without delay. Further, the representatives stated that many BSNL buildings are being taken by CCA etc arbitrarily. This should be stopped.

DOT stated that the demarcation between the DOP and DOT are still pending in some places. This has to be identified. The transfer of assets to BSNL is being examined.

6. BSNL Service to be mandatory to Central/State governments and PSUs

The demand of the Forum for making that the BSNL services should be made mandatory for the governments etc. is not accepted. There are a lot of complaints about BSNL services and in this situation, the government will not accept any such proposal. The Forum leaders explained the reasons for the present position of inefficiency and intimated that suggestions for improvement of the same have been made by them.

Other issues like 30% of superannuation benefits to BSNL recruited officials, reduced pay scales etc. were raised, but the Secretary DOT stated that these are in the domain of the BSNL.


J)Agitation Programme under United Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations (AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA) :


i.18th May to 25th May , 2015 : Signature Campain and bearing the black Badges

ii.25th May, 2015: Lunch hour Demonstartion

iii. 9th June and 10th June, 2015 : Dharna

Brief result: CMD BSNL has recognized the genuineness of the issues raised by the United Forum of BSNL executives' association. In a meeting on 9-6-2015 with AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA, CMD assured that he will take up and ensure withdrawal of MT recruitment in the next board meeting scheduled to be held on 18th June 2015 and resolution of long pending HR issues. CMD BSNL further requested us to defer the ongoing agitation at least till 18th June 2015. Honouring the words and commitment of CMD BSNL, United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations (AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA) has decided to defer the ongoing agitation program till 18th June 2015.

The Board meeting was held on 19th instead of 18th and ended without any discussions on HR issues.The next date of Board meeting will be in the 2nd or 3rd week of July 2015.As further discussions failed, the forum has served the notice of resumption of deferred agitation programme as follows.

“Lunch Hour Demonstration on 1st July, 2015 at all SSA/Circle/Corporate Office level.

Hunger Fast for three days from 10.00 Hrs. to 18.00 Hrs. on 7th, 8th and 9th July, 2015 at all SSA/Circle/Corporate Office level

“Work According to Rule” program with effect from 00.00 Hrs. of 7th July, 2015 till withdrawal of the MT Recruitment and settlement of the pending HR issues.

“दिल्लीचलो” [Delhi Chalo] and “Indefinite Dharna” at BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi with effect from 22nd July, 2015 till withdrawal of the MT Recruitment and settlement of the pending HR issues”

K).Membership drive:

Dear Comrades ,A good Number of JTOs have joined during the recent past and we made lot of efforts in their postings. It is happy to note that many of our Branches enrolled them as our members and the circle branch congratulate all our Office bearers at Branch levels. However further efforts are required to enroll others who are not yet enrolled with us.

L). On invitation from BSNLEU AP Circle, CS attended and addressed the open session of BSNLEU Circle conference on 21-01-2015 at Rajahmundry.


II.Issues taken up with Administration and CHQ:

1. The resolutions passed in the 5th Circle conference held at Hyderabad in November 2014 were taken up with Circle administration and CHQ. ( Copy attached ). CGM has approved the reimbursement of the cost of Brief case and Mobile instrument to all the eligible staff. This association extend sincere thanks to CGMT AP circle.

2.PersuedwithSr.GM(F) and our CHQ for allotment of Maximum number of AOs on promotion from JAO in the DPC. Thanks to Sr GM (F), Com PrahladRai and CO for filling up all the vacancies of AOs in AP .

3.Discussed in detail with Sr.GM(F) regarding the postings of AOs allotted to AP Circle on their promotion. Thanks to SrGM(F) for accommodating most of the AOs as per their choice.

3.Persued with Sr GM(F) and with our GS for re allotment of AOs posted on promotion out of Circle to AP Circle .We extend our sincere thanks to our beloved GS and to SrGM(F) for their help.

4. Taken up the Cancellation of Inter Circle Transfers casers of Executives working in Soft Tenure SSAs with Circle administration and CHQ. Cancellation orders awaited.

5. Taken up the reallotment of SDEs posted to Other Circles on their promotion from JTO through LDCE cases with Circle administration and CHQ. We extend our sincere thanks to our GS.

6.Taken up the CPCs for time bound Promotions under Executive Promotion Policy with AP Circle and ITPC Circle administration.

7.Taken up the Request transfers of DGMs L/A ,DEs, SDEs, JTOs , ADOL and PA/PSs with Circle administration. We have requested to consider the requests of Executives who ever completed Two years of Stay. After negotiations it was finalized for Three Years and accordingly Orders were issued. Thanks to Circle administration.

8. Request transfer case of SDE (Elec.) was taken up with CE E and we thank CE E for timely issuance of Transfer Order.

9.Request transfer cases of JTO and SDE was taken up with STR administration. Issue is yet to be settled.

10.Requirement of JAOs in STP was taken up with GM STP.

11.Confirmation of 3 JAOs cases was taken up with SrGM(F) AP Circle , ITPC Circle and Corporate office. Finally it is suggested by the Corporate Office to AP Circle toconfirm these Three Case. Case is under process


12. Request transfer and relief of SDE Civil form HTD is taken up with HTD administration and the relief is awaited

13.Steno to PA next LDCE case was taken up with Circle administration and requested to write to Corporate office for necessary permission for conducting the exam.

14. Transfer issues pertaining to Srikakulam SSA taken up with CGM for resolution.

During this period the following important development happened in BSNL.

1.Sri.AnupamSrivastsava appointed as CMD BSNL.

2.Free roaming introduced in BSNL w.e.f.15-06-2015

3.Free Night Calling from 09PM to 07 AM introduced from BSNL LL to any Network.

4. BSNL launched Wi-Fi Services .

5.One of our promotee officer is made SSA head.

Comrades, We are all aware that Membership Verification of Executives’ associations is expected at any time and it is our responsibility to show correct path to progress by becoming Number 1 Executive association of BSNL and we all together should strive for the revival of BSNL , viability of the company and the prosperity of the Executives.In this endeavor I am sure that with the co-operation of all of You we will be able to achieve our goals.

I thank all the comrades, the circle administration who have been co-operating with this association in resolving the issues faced by the company as well as that of Executives, our AGS(E) CHQ, Com Saibaba and our beloved General Secretary com PrahladRai who were always available for us and given strength and directions for doing what so ever we could do and resolve.

On behalf of AP Circle body I appreciate and thank the gesture shown by the recently promoted AOs in the recent JAOP to AO CPC by sponsoring this CEC .

With Best Wishes,


Comradely Yours




Circle Executive committee meeting during 2nd and 3rd July 2015 at Vasavi Club, Saifabad, Hydearbad.



10:00 hrsFlag hoisting

10:15hrsAssembling in the hall

Welcoming the Circle / CHQ office bearers to the Dias

Opening remarks by the president

Observing One minute Silence in thememory of departed comrades

Self Introduction

10:40 hrs: Greetings by AGS(E),CHQ Com. J.Saibaba