Humanities/Academic DecathlonWestside High SchoolBradberry

Text:United States Academic Decathlon materials.

Outside and in class readings as provided or assigned.

Course Design: Humanities is an academic elective class with multiple components.

  1. The class will focus on the study and analysis of the Humanities through documentaries and films from both classic and modern perspectives. Alarge focus on film as a reflection of American society and a smaller focus on world cultures, including relevant modern cultural issues, will be included.
  2. Both individual and group projects will be assigned. Students will be expected to work both independently and cooperatively.
  3. The study of the material for this years’ U.S. Academic Decathlon competition will be a significant part of the first semester. This competition focuses on a wide range of topics including art, music, literature, math, economics, and others. For many years the State of GA has allowed USAD to be a class, and the Humanities curriculum is used to accommodate the material. It is not a requirement that you have to compete to be in the class, but all class members will be required to participate in some of the aspects of the competition including the reading of a novel, resume construction, essay writing, prepared speeches, and impromptu speeches.
  4. The team has to consist of 3A, 3B, and 3C students according to GPA, and we will determine who will best represent Westside when the time comes.
  5. Students not participating in the Academic Decathlon will work on a separate project to be determined later.


50% - USAD and project participation – class discussions, prepared speeches, individual and group assignments, teacher evaluations and peer evaluations.

50% - Humanities participation and assessments – class discussions, assignment completion, film evaluations, group and individual projects.

Your grade will be based on the percentages outlined by the Richmond County Board of Education. Grades will be averaged from a combination of assignments, film evaluations, class participation, and projects. Grades will be based on a scale of accumulated points and averaged accordingly. It is the responsibility of the student to request and complete any makeup work. Makeup work will be permitted only if a written excuse for absence has been given to your teacher.

Organization: Students are responsible for keeping up with all assignments and should always be prepared for class. Students are also responsible for being prepared for all other assessments as scheduled.

Materials: You will need anotebook or folder to contain handouts, assignments, etc. Bring to class daily.

Film/Video Policy: See the other sheet. Please return to me signed by a parent. Very important!

Daily Classroom Rules:*Get here on time with materials to function properly.

*It is a privilege for you to be in this class. I will not hesitate to remove you if you abuse this privilege. Do not test this. There are others on a waiting list.

Consequences of Rules Violations:

*I will call your parents. If that doesn’t work I will find you another class.

To Parents: Please read this syllabus carefully. If you have any concerns, I may be contacted through the WHS Guidance Department or at

Thank you,

David Bradberry

Themes and Films – these change from year to year

Space and Technology – 2001: A Space Odyssey, Gattaca, War Games, Contact, Star Wars

The American West – Shane, The Searchers, The Cowboys

The Great Depression – Paper Moon, Cinderella Man, The Sting, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

America in the 1950s – Rebel Without A Cause, Back to the Future, Grease, The Buddy Holly Story

The Cold War – Dr. Strangelove, Fail Safe, From Russia With Love, Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Race –Imitation of Life, A Raisin in the Sun, School Ties, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, Do the Right Thing*

Law and Justice – The Insider, The Shawshank Redemption, In Time

Coming of Age – Searching for Bobby Fischer, Dead Poet’s Society, The Breakfast Club, Stand By Me, Big Fish

Athletics and the Human Condition – Chariots of Fire, Eight Men Out, Heaven Can Wait, Field of Dreams, Hoosiers

Horror – Psycho, Jaws

Foreign Films – Life is Beautiful, The Bicycle Thief

Religion – Of Gods and Men, The Mission, The Apostle

Terrorism – One Day in September, Terror in Moscow, Death in Gaza, Children of Beslan

Focus on Directors – may include Alfred Hitchcock, Tim Burton, the Coen Brothers, Michael Moore

AFI Top 100 – Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Classic Disney films

*Thought provoking but controversial and potentially the most objectionable film on this list. I have no problem allowing my own child, who will be a member of the class, to view it.

Projects and Ideas

  • National History Day
  • College application essays
  • Independent Study Projects – 9 weeks – film, book, topic of interest
  • Live performance attendance – popular and classical – opera, symphony, ballet
  • Fall arts festivals
  • Athletic contest attendance – amateur/professional
  • History or Art Museum visit – Morris, Augusta, Lucy Laney, High
  • Politics/elections
  • Architecture
  • Cemeteries
  • Documentary production
  • The Media
  • Philosophy, ethics, truth
  • Research for USAD
  • Death of the Arts in America – why, what today passes for ‘art’ and ‘culture’