New Heights Board of Trustees

May 11th, 2016


Location: Old Colony YMCA, 320 Main Street, Brockton MA

I.  Call to Order

I.  Meeting called to order at 5:32

II.  Roll Call

I.  Nick Christ

II.  Tony Modica

III.  Rick Schwartz

IV.  Judge Philips

V.  Maria Fernandes

VI.  Manny Daphnis

VII.  Mike Sullivan

VIII.  Traci Vaughn – Absent

IX.  Vinnie Marturano – Absent

X.  Carlos Gomes - Absent

III.  Reading and Approval of Minutes

I.  April 13th Minutes approved

II.  April 29th Minutes approved

IV.  Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees

I.  Chairperson’s Report

I.  Next meeting, June 8th, 2016 5:30 at YMCA

II.  Suggest we meet one additional meeting June 22nd FY’ 17 budget, 5:30 at YMCA

III.  Annual Meeting will be in September

II.  Executive Director’s Report

I.  Met with Deputy Superintendent to provide buses for the students to go to the school. We found that because the school is in the middle of the town, and Brockton only provides transportation outside a 2-mile radius, it appears the majority of our student will not be eligible for transportation.

II.  Randolph and Taunton – must provide a plan as a stipulation of our charter. We have 6 Taunton and 23 Randolph students, so it looks like we will need a bus and a van. An anonymous donor will provide funds to support transportation. We are not required to transport students outside our region.

III.  In the event a child applies from outside our region and we exhaust all children from our region on the waitlist, we must accept that student.

IV.  The second lottery was very successful with a strong showing.

V.  ED Walker met with the Editorial Board of the Enterprise and the resulting piece was very positive. Rick is recommending that we also head to the radio WPEE in Taunton.

VI.  BayCoast Bank issued full commitments for construction and the line of credit. The builder is in the process of obtaining the permits.

VII.  Members of the team walked the building yesterday with a technology professional. The builder gave us $100k quote for re-wiring the building. We may need to move some outlets and some few wires, but he believes we will be at least 50% difference.

VIII.  The Judge asked about lead in the water. A local if not national issue. We are paying 30k for someone to install bubblers, which are required by law for student use. All the plumbing will be new. We cannot overlook or avoid, do we have a responsibility to be sure that we are plugging into a system that is lead-free. Judge Philips requested that ED Walker brings this to the attention of the builder. Ask for a builder’s report about lead.

V.  Reports of Special Committees

I.  Finance Committee Report:

I.  The Finance Committee met last week and will meet again on the 22nd to review the budget and cash flow. The Committee consulted with our auditors to provide feedback on our fiscal policies. The Committee is seeking bids for D&O insurance as well as full coverage for the building.

II.  Governance Committee Report

I.  Nomination Process: The Committee met to interview the two perspective candidates. The nominating committee has unanimously approved by Carl Kowalski and Ollie J. Spears to be submitted to the Full Board. Both new board members have strengths that will assist this Board moving forward. The Committee believes that both men will be great workers and will be good colleagues on the Board.

II.  The Nominating Committee would like to develop a process in the future for dealing with applicants or individuals who are interested in being on the BOT. The Committee is putting forth the idea of an application accessed via the New Heights’ website. The Governance Subcommittee would like to begin the discussion around how to deal with new candidates. Having a process in place is important and the Governance Subcommittee will begin to develop a process that will be brought to the full board as a format for future board members.

III.  Board Terms – on the April 29th meeting the Board agreed to a lottery system, as per the New Heights Bylaws, and the discussion revolved around the terms of each Board member. There are three categories of terms, 1, 2, and 3-year terms. Bylaws have been adjusted to reflect first a process of self-selection followed by a lottery, if necessary.

IV.  Board Terms were selected for all present Board members.

I.  Rick Schwartz – 1 year

II.  Tony Modica – 1 year

III.  Nick Christ – 2 year

IV.  Manny Daphnis – 2 year

V.  Mike Sullivan – 2 year

VI.  Judge Phillips – 3 year

VII.  Maria Fernandes – 3 year

V.  The Governance Subcommittee is going to make a report at the next Board meeting about how to nominate perspective Board members.

I.  The idea is for potential Board members express their intent, an inquiry, submit a letter of interest or intent. No promises to anyone that they are considered a candidate until called upon by the BOT.

III.  Academic Excellence Committee Report

I.  Staff Updated: We have 6 open administrative positions, 5 are filled. Teachers: 11 of 24 teachers, 6 have Masters degrees, 5 are certified, and 6 are working toward certification. Support Staff: 9 positions, 8 are hired, 6 have advanced degrees.

II.  EDWorks is a key player in making our curriculum scope and sequence is aligned in order to get our students ready for college and our administrative team is working on completing our curriculum. The management team has attended 2 weekend retreats to work on curriculum. In addition, EDWorks will provide support for our Professional Development – in the process of planning our first weeklong PD conferences. These retreats are a focused week to develop cognitive and social skills, school culture, and policies.

III.  Student Enrollment – 137 applicants in the 2nd lottery. Individuals have until May 23rd to accept their seats. Approximately 260 students are enrolled. Third lottery, June 13th, 38 applicants in that lottery.

IV.  Direct marketing with Plumb: We are completing a mailer to be sent to all age-eligible students in our preferred region.

VI.  Special Orders

I.  None

VII.  Unfinished Business and General Orders

I.  None

VIII.  Bylaws – motion to submit these Bylaws for approval by the Commissioner of Elementary

I.  Motion passes unanimously

IX.  New Business

I.  Motion requested that anyone who receives a debit card or credit card for the school must have Board approval from Omari and 3 additional members of the management team.

I.  Motion Passes Unanimously

II.  Vote to approve new BOT Members

I.  Motion to approve Ollie J. Spears

I.  Motion passes unanimously.

II.  Motion to approve Carl Kowalski,

I.  Motion passes unanimously

X.  Good of the Order

I.  Next Meeting June 8

II.  Second, final, Board meeting June 22

XI.  Adjourn

I.  Meeting adjourned at 6:51