916 BallentineBlvd
Norfolk, VA23504
Dear ProspectiveVolunteer,
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Norfolk SPCA. There are many ways you can help us create a community of responsible animal guardians and help the companion animals at the shelter while they wait for newhomes.
Junior volunteers ages 10-14 are required to attend orientation and volunteer with a parent or guardian. Ages 15 and above may volunteer independently and must also attend orientation with a parent of guardian. Volunteers ages 10-17 are required to turn in a written response to the following questions to be considered forvolunteering:
1.Why do you want to volunteer your time with the NorfolkSPCA?
2.What do you think is the importance of animal advocacy in today'ssociety?
If you are at least 10 years old, complete the Volunteer Application and return it to: Norfolk SPCA Attn: VolunteerServices
916 BallentineBlvd.
Norfolk, VA23504
When we receive your application, we will review it and contact you regarding the next group volunteer Orientation date. The orientation will include an overview ofthe Norfolk SPCA and feature tour of our facility. It will also answer any questions you may have about our volunteer opportunities. Please be aware many of the volunteer positions require additional training, as the safety of you and our animals is of the utmost importance to us! Please note that orientations are byinvitationonly.
If you are looking for group volunteering, contact the volunteer coordinator, Shannon Burke, by email .
Volunteering time and talent to help the Norfolk SPCA can be a very rewarding experience. We are pleased you have chosen to donate the gift of your time to us. We have an ongoing need for reliable volunteersandweaskthatyouwillmakethe commitmenttoworkingwithourorganizationforatleast sixmonths.
Please remember, if you are between the ages of 10-17, your parent or legal guardian must attend the initialorientation.
Thank you again and we look forward to workingwithyou!
Norfolk SPCA VolunteerApplication
AftercompletingtheVolunteerApplication,allprospectivevolunteersmustalsoread,sign,andreturnthe Volunteer Agreement & Code ofConduct.
StreetCity/StateZip Code
*Required for placement. You must be at least 10 tovolunteer.
*Themajorityofsheltercorrespondenceisviaemail.Pleasebeadvised,youmaymissimportantshelterupdates andspecialvolunteeropportunitiesifthereisnoemailprovided.
Emergency ContactInformation:
Name: Phone: Email: Relationship:
Education and Employment (if applicable):
School: Year/Degree: Employer: Title:
Why would you like to volunteer for the NorfolkSPCA?(*We do not accept court ordered community service*)
Do you have prior volunteerexperience?
Do you have any allergies or other conditions that would affect your ability tovolunteer withanimals? □ YES □NO
Date of lasttetanusshot://
IagreetoabidebyallpoliciesandproceduresoftheNorfolkSPCA(NSPCA).Iwillconform toallrules and regulations commonly applying to employees of the NSPCA, including safety, discrimination, harassment andconfidentiality.
IcertifythatIhaveneverbeenconvictedofanycrimeormisdemeanorinvolvinganimalcruelty,neglect, orabandonment.
I give consent to NSPCA to use and reproduce my name, voice, and/or likeness or that of my pet(s) in connectionwithanyadvertising,programmingand/orpromotionontheNSPCAinanymediaitchooses.
I hereby absolutely and unconditionally release and discharge NSPCA, including its employees, successors,assigns,directors, officersandagents,fromandagainstanyandallclaims,obligationsand liabilities, of every nature and kind whatsoever, relating to or arising from my participation with the NSPCAvolunteerprogramincluding,butnotlimitedtopersonalinjury.
I further agreeto:
Approachmyvolunteerjobresponsibilities withprofessionalism.
Promotegoodwillbyhandlingcontactswithstaff,othervolunteers,customersandvisitorsinaspirit ofcourtesyandcooperation.
Reporttomyvolunteerjobphysicallyandmentallyfitforduty.TheNorfolkSPCAisadrugfree workplace.
I consent to a background check of public records using the information given on this application.
I understand that being convicted of any violent crime (including sexual offenses), animal cruelty, or larceny disqualifies me from participating in the volunteer program at the Norfolk SPCA.
Deal fairly with all NSPCA colleagues, co-workers, supervisors, customers, visitors, volunteers, etc., without regard to their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, marital status, nationalorigin,ancestry,citizenship,militarystatus,veteranstatus,handicapordisability.
ContacttheVolunteerCoordinatorimmediatelyifIfeeldiscriminatedagainstorharassedbysomeone inconnectionwithmyvolunteering.
Onlyserveasagencyrepresentativeinthecommunityormediaspokespersonwhenauthorizedtodosoby theVolunteerCoordinator.
Correct,whenpossible,misleadingorinaccurateinformationandrepresentationsmadebyothers concerningNSPCApolicies,practicesandprocedures.
Maintainandsafeguardtheconfidentialityofallbusiness,donor,employee,volunteerandanimalrecords, credit and financial information and/or any information relating to the operation of the agency that is notknownorreadilyaccessibletothepublic.
Observeallsafetyandsecurityrulesintheperformanceofmyvolunteerjobduties.Reportallaccidents, injuries,fire,theft,orunusualincidentsimmediatelyafteroccurrenceordiscovery.
Avoid engaging in any conduct that is or could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Refrain from using NSPCAproperty,servicesorsuppliesforpersonalreasonsunlessgivenpriorpermissionbytheappropriate staffmember.
ContacttheVolunteerCoordinatorifIhaveanyquestionsorconcernsabouttheNSPCA’spolicies, procedures,interpersonalcommunications ormyvolunteer responsibilities.
In order to remain in good standing, I understand that I am required to consistently adhere to the VolunteerCodeofConduct,andifIfailtodosoIunderstandthatIcanbereleasedfromvolunteer servicebytheVolunteerCoordinatorwithformalnotice.
If under18:
Print Name (Parent or LegalGuardian)
Signature (Parent ofLegalGuardian)Date