The Rotary Club of Canton
The Rotary Club of Canton once again participated in the Salvation Army Bell Ringing on Saturday, November 22nd and December 6, 2014. Canton Rotary Past President and Chairman, Mike Gregorek, put many man hours into organizing, securing volunteers as well as covering a shift or two himself!
The Rotary Club of Canton was responsible for four different locations on these two dates starting at 10 a.m. and finishing at 8 p.m. The Rotarians who volunteered were responsible for covering a two hour shift.
Alphabetically, they were: November 22, 2014 – Jack Barkan, Tim Furbay, Mike Gregorek, Bruce Hale, Lynn Hamilton, Rick Huetter, Bob Matthews, Dan Matthews, Bob Pattison, Ryan Parkinson, Dave Roberts, Chuck Smith, Fritz Spring, Amanda Tietze, Dean Wallace, Paul White and Bob Winther. December 6, 2014 – Jan Baker, Shawn Dougherty, Mike Gregorek, Bob Matthews, Bruce Schorsten, Dave Schrade, Rick Sherer, Rick Taylor, David Truax, Will VanNostran. Interact: Interact Advisor John Fultz, Interact student Nakyla Sydney; Family member volunteers: Erika Schrade, Mary Ann Sherer, Susan Spring and Suzie Truax.
Due to their dedicated efforts Chairman Mike Gregorek reports that $1,676.83 was raised.
On Thursday, December 4, 2014, the Rotary Club of Canton participated in the City of Canton’s “Light up Downtown”. This event, sponsored by the Department of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, brings the merchants and businesses together to celebrate the beginning of the Holiday season.
The main stage presented a performance by Christopher Pop-In-Kins, Santa’s very first children’s elf. He brought lots of area talent with him to entertain the community. The evening concluded with the big man himself, Santa Claus, arriving and lighting up downtown with Christmas lights and fireworks.
The Rotary Club of Canton opened their doors and gave the public an opportunity to create a Christmas cards for our service men and women who are unable to be home for the Holidays. These cards were then sent to the USO center in Cleveland to be sent overseas.
Hot Chocolate, cookies, candy canes and little holiday “tattoos” were provided to both young and old alike!