Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. is dedicated to improving the employability and quality of life of people with disabilities by providing training and individualized services.

The Board of Directors, management and staff are committed to the principle of removing attitudinal, architectural, employment, environmental, financial, communication, transportation and any other barrier in order for people with disabilities to access program services and have integrated opportunities. The organization will provide reasonable accommodations so that people with disabilities may gain access and actively participate in agency services.

Priorities for goal completion in this accessibility plan are listed as A, B, or C, with A being the highest priority in terms of completion dates.

A. Architectural

Abilities’ headquarters, located at 264 Route 31 North in Washington was designed and built in 1991 using the NJBOCA building code manual to assure full accessibility of the physical plant. This building includes administration, the community rehabilitation center, Washington ATC and the Medical Special Needs Program. All satellite sites are accessible.

·  Barrier: Two “handicap” spaces in front of main facility are not designed to


Solution: 1. Use additional space to paint accessible code lines

Priority A: Completed

Cost: $200

Funding source: unrestricted funds

Due date: June 2015

Responsibility: Warehouse Manager

·  Barrier: Sidewalk ramp in front of main facility is disintegrated causing wheelchairs to get stuck

Solution: Repair ramp

Priority A: In process

Cost: $1000

Funding source: Program revenue, unrestricted funds

Due date: September 2016

Responsibility: Operations supervisor

·  Barrier: Handicap bathroom stalls in CRP do not allow for large wheelchair accessibility

Solution: Utilize Admin bathroom temporarily. Modify stall doors permanently to allow access for all size wheelchairs

Priority B: In process

Cost: $1500

Funding source: Unrestricted reserves

Due date: June 2017

Responsibility: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

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B. Environmental

Environmental barriers are usually addressed immediately upon an issue being raised. Examples of recent environmental changes are the use of headsets for consumers who are easily distracted or who may become irritable from excessive noise; and more comfortable soft cushioned, armed chairs which add safety and comfort to a consumer’s work station.

·  Barrier: Tables lack adjustability for height differences, chairs for size and comfortability

Solution: Purchase tables and chairs/stools with adjustable legs (includes bariatric chairs)

Priority A: Ongoing

Cost: $2,000

Funding Source: Unrestricted funds

Due date: Process continues based on needs

Responsibility: Production Manager, Director of Program Services

·  Barrier: Heating issues at main facility

Solution: Create backup/facility plan to address alternatives and develop policies on program dismissal

Priority A: Completed May 2015

Cost: $500

Funding Source: Operational budget

Due date: June 2015

Responsibility: Safety committee, Chief Financial Officer

·  Barrier: Phillipsburg leased space deemed difficult for prospective stakeholders to access

Solution: Research purchasing a larger, more visible, accessible building

Priority B: In process

Cost: $500,000-$750,000

Funding Source: Mortgage/reserves

Due date: Move in by May 2017

Responsibility: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

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C. Attitudinal

The agency is proactive in focusing on appropriate terminology in all of its marketing materials and correspondence. Concentrating on each person’s abilities vs. disabilities is its major theme. The agency provides staff with regular trainings i.e. sensitivity, anti-discrimination.

·  Barrier: Is the use of the word “consumer” appropriate?

Solution: Review all materials and replace with person first language i.e. individual or persons served or service recipient

Priority B

Cost: $2000

Funding source: Operating funds

Due date: December 2017

Responsibility: Chief Executive Officer, department heads

·  Barrier: Knowledgeable employee workforce

Solution: Adopt a mandatory training curriculum emphasizing proper care, sensitivity, abuse and neglect, assistive technology

Priority A: Completed and ongoing

Cost: $2,000

Funding source: Operating funds

Due date: Ongoing annual refreshers and mandatory trainings for new hires

Responsibility: Human Resources Manager, Operations Supervisor

D. Financial

With the announcement of NJ DHS plan to transition from contract based funding to Medicaid fee-for-service in late 2012, preliminary analysis has determined that this will have a negative impact agency-wide. Management has implemented a “10 Point Plan” to offset the loss of funding and access non-governmental funds.

·  Barrier: Reduction in funds for DDD services will affect programs agency-wide

Solution: Implement 10 point plan to bridge the gap i.e. private foundation grant access, expense reduction via vendor reviews and health plan modification, M&A&A exploration

Priority A: Ongoing

Cost: Varies

Funding source: Reserves

Due date: Began in FY13 and remains an ongoing process

Responsibility: Board of Directors Finance Committee, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

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E. Employment

The national, regional and local unemployment rate for PWD remains unacceptable. As an Employment First agency, it is our responsibility to provide as many different training opportunities as possible to meet the needs and interests of individuals served. These customized trainings should result in an increased number of individuals being prepared for, or placed in, competitive community employment.

·  Barrier: High unemployment rate and lack of community job opportunities

Solution: Seek additional funding to create sustainable customized skill training opportunities. Increase career/exploration, job sampling opportunities for those ready but unable to find jobs. Increase job development efforts.

Priority A

Cost: Grant writer allocation - $5000.

Funding source: DVRS, County, United Way, private grants

Due date: Ongoing analysis

Responsibility: Chief Development Officer, Director of Employment Services, Chief Executive Officer

F. Communication

With unprecedented system and legislative changes occurring since 2013, it is imperative that we provide communication to all stakeholders in an understandable format. It is in turn, imperative that individuals served are able to communicate their needs or concerns with the agency.

·  Barrier: Ensure website and social media and other forms of

communication offer ease of navigation and use

Solution: Incorporate review with marketing rebranding

Priority B

Cost: $23,000

Funding source: Unrestricted funds

Due date: December 2016

Responsibility: Chief Development Officer, Marketing & Events Coordinator, Business Developer

·  Barrier: Non-verbal individuals served need additional means of


Solution: Research and implement tablet technology and communications applications

Priority B

Cost: $5000

Funding source: Program revenue

Due date: January 2015 and ongoing

Responsibility: Director of Program Services, Chief Financial Officer

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G. Technology

The agency considers technology a critical component to access employment and other services for individuals. It is also critical to utilize technology to promote efficiencies and accessibility in service operations.

·  Barrier: Data on individuals served is not accessible agency-wide

Solution: Implement Electronic Health Record system and train staff to utilize efficiently

Priority A

Cost: $30,000 per year

Funding source: Operating funds

Due date: May 2016

Responsibility: Chief Financial Officer, QA/EHR Specialist

·  Barrier: Individuals served have limited access to technology at their place

place of residence

Solution: Provide tablet, laptop and desktop technology to research employment opportunities via the internet

Priority A: Completed and ongoing

Cost: $20,000

Funding source: Operating funds

Due date: June 2015 and ongoing

Responsibility: Chief Financial Officer

H. Transportation

Abilities has a long history of providing transportation or arranging transportation solutions to its’ largely transportation dependent consumer population. Other than its own fleet of vehicles, which provides twenty-one fixed routes daily, the agency has been contracting with county para-transit since the mid-1980’s.

Agency staff have actively participated on the Warren County Transportation Advisory Council since its inception. The agency was successfully designated as a hub for the Route 57 and 31 shuttle service which enables consumers to travel county-wide at a nominal fee per trip.

Agency owned vehicles, staff vehicles, taxi service, van pooling, co-worker rides are all additional methods of transporting people.

·  Barrier: Agency fleet should expand to at least 50% wheelchair accessible.

2016 fleet is at 38%

Solution: Capital purchase or alternate financing

Priority A through C

Cost: $35,000 to $300,000

Funding source: State of New Jersey, Federal Transit Administration, Bank Loan, Leasing Company, Unrestricted funds

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Due date: Multi-tiered replacement schedule

Responsibility: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

·  Barrier: Efficient use of vehicles

Solution: GPS tracking

Priority B: In process

Cost: $18,000

Funding source: Reserves

Due date: June 2017

Responsibility: Chief Financial Officer, Operations Supervisor

·  Barrier: Restore and expand off-hour and weekend transportation

Solution: Advocate for funding to expand para-transit hours of service

Priority A through C

Cost: Unknown

Funding source: County of Warren, Federal grants

Due date: Ongoing unmet need

Responsibility: Chief Executive Officer

I. Community Integration

While our region of the state of NJ is beautiful, it is also rural which presents challenges for community integration opportunities for individuals served. Our team excels at providing different options, but there is always room for improvement.

·  Barrier: Rural area is not conducive to a variety of community services or public transportation

Solution: Charge team leaders with connecting with local businesses and non-profit organizations to enhance employment, integration and volunteer opportunities

Priority C: In process

Cost: Varies

Funding source: Operating funds

Due date: December 2017 and ongoing

Responsibility: Director of Program Services, Director of Employment Services


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This accessibility plan is to be reviewed annually. More importantly, the content cross-references aspects of the agency Strategic Plan, Marketing Plan and Outcomes Management. In this way, specific content is reviewed much more regularly.

The agency recognizes its responsibility of advocating for community integration of the persons served. From the agency mission statement of “promoting independence,” to the work of its board, administration, staff and service recipients on all community, governmental and civic organizations, a commitment has been made to create an inclusive society.

Designated individuals serve on chambers of commerce, employer councils, work investment boards, advisory committees, and the like. The agency has an active business advisory committee and promotes job fairs and community outreach.

Standing committees of the organization including the job club, safety committee, outcomes management and strategic plan committees will continue to look at factors which would impede accessibility.


Accommodations can be made as requested by a consumer through their facility case manager. The case manager will take the request to the Chief Executive Officer who will direct the request to the appropriate standing committee. The standing committee will review and make a decision on the accommodation and submit such to the Chief Executive Officer.

If an accommodation cannot be made, a referral will be made to other community resources that may be of assistance.

Revised: 12/03, 5/04, 5/12, 7/13, 1/14, 1/15, 1/16