Minutes of the meeting of the Somerton Parish Council held on
Monday 25th July 2016
Present: Alan Mitchell (AM) [Chair] Neil Good (NG), Andy Corner (AC), Alison Smith (AS)
Members of the public : Ruth Power (RP), Cllr Mike Kerford-Byrnes (MKB)
In attendance: Cathy Fleet (Clerk)
07.16.01 Apologies : Apologies had been received from Cllr Arash Fatemain
07.16.02 Declarations of Interest : No declarations of interest were made
07.16.03 Minutes of the last meeting held on 23rd May 2016 were read and it was RESOLVED to accept these as a true record of the meeting and they were signed by the Chair.
07.16.04 Public Participation : Cllr Kerford-Byrnes reported on various items as below
07.16.05 Clerk’s Report and actions from previous meeting
NO / ACTION / Update / To be Actioned byNC to obtain quotes for fencing in graveyard / On-going / NC
NC to purchase varnish for notice board / On-going / NC
05.16.06 / AS/RP to commission speed survey / In hand / AS/RP
Clerk to again contact Highways regarding the flooding culvert / completed / CF
AS to contact Highways regarding the speed bumps on Ardley Road / See below / AS
05.16.07 / Ruth Powers to speak to the PCC to establish if they are willing to contribute towards payment of repairs to the church clock / See below / RP
Neil Clare to provide Clerk with copies of enquiries to other suppliers of clock motor / completed / NC
05.16.08 / Andy Corner offered to resolve the issue of grasscutting in the playground and clerk to provide him with grasscutting costs / completed / AC/CF
05.16.09 / ACTION : Clerk to order defibrillator / Completed
Defibrillator has arrived and is awaiting installation / CF
07.16.06 Highways
· Grasscutting - Cllr Kerford-Byrnes confirmed that grasscutting is the responsibility of OCC and not CDC and that there are two separate areas of cutting, urban and rural. OCC are offering parishes grants for taking on the responsibility of cutting which has been significantly reduced in recent years. It was recommended that Somerton PC applies for a grant and appoints it own contractor to cut the necessary areas.
ACTION : Clerk to apply for grant
· Traffic calming - AS and RP had a meeting with Peter Egewhary of CDC Highways which has resulted in the chicane being cleared up (thanks to Andy Corner) and some work being carried out to the speed bumps which are in a bad state of repair due to the condition of the road. AS to draft a letter to Maurice Sheenen of OCC for the Clerk to send requesting that this is given urgent attention.
ACTION : AS to draft letter for Clerk to send to Maurince Sheenan
· parking restriction Orchard Way/Walnut Rise - AS had received a request from a resident that parking be restricted in this area as parked cars were causing problems when deliveries are expected by a resident. It was felt that as cars are parked legally and yellow lines are not felt appropriate in the village, the resident should take matters into his own hand and make use of traffic cones when deliveries are expected.
· AC reported that as a result of a road traffic accident the salt bin had been destroyed. Investigations are on-going as to who caused the damage and will be reported at the next meeting. AC will review damage and consider repairs necessary.
ACTION : AC to investigate repairs necessary to salt bin
07.16.07 Playground - An invoice for £198 had been received from Nicholsons for gardening in the Playground as instructed by Minna Mollar Thompson. It was agreed that this invoice should be paid but that the Clerk should write to Nicholsons requesting a schedule of payments for the remainder of this year and inviting them to tender for the work for next year, making it clear that instruction should only be taken from the Clerk or a nominated member of the parish council.
ACTION : Clerk to pay the invoice, request a schedule of payments for 2016 and invite a tender for 2017.
07.16.08 Church Clock - It was questioned why the PC has responsibility for maintaining the church clock, but agreed that a contribution would be made towards repair costs in this instance. This will be further discussed when costs are established.
Church Lighting - £500 was agreed to be paid to the PCC as a contribution towards the church lighting and a cheque was given to RP to pass to the PCC.
Churchyard grasscutting - An invoice for £960 had been received from Jill Burton for grass cutting costs in the churchyard for 2015. It was agreed to pay half of this, i.e. £480 and write to Jill requesting that costs for 2016 should be presented before the end of March 2017 and informing her that the PC contribution next year could not exceed £500. . A cheque for £480 was given to RP to pass to Jill.
ACTION : Clerk to write to Jill requesting that costs for 2016 should be presented before the end of March 2017 and informing her that the contribution next year could not exceed £500.
07.16.09 MCNP - AS reported from a meeting she had attended that work is on- going and that 7 individuals are working on policies for the Plan. The questionnaire regarding local groups and businesses had been circulated and will be completed and returned to Clerk for submission to MCNP
07.16.10 Planning
16/01056/CLUP Temporary change of use 5 Aston View - WITHDRAWN
16/01077/F Orchard Way, Somerton road - erection of carport - NG has responded objecting to this application. Clerk to respond on behalf of PC objecting.
16/01078/F Orchard Way Somerton Road - extensions and basement
ACTION : Clerk to submit objection before 11/08/16 on behalf of PC
07.16.11 Finance - The following accounts were approved for payment :
Cheque No Payee Details Amount
BACS Nicholsons Gardening £198.00
BACS Wel Medical Defib 1658.10 *
100341 St James PCC Church lighting 500
100342 St James PCC grasscutting (2015) 480
BACS Cathy Fleet Clerk salary 100.00
BACS Cathy Fleet Clerk expenses 10.00
* VAT reclaimable
Clerk reported that the current account currently stands at £3682.40 and the deposit account at £3506.62 which does not include the above payments. She expressed concern that funds were becoming depleted and will provide a budget projection for the November meeting prior to discussing the 2017 precept request.
ACTION ; Clerk to provide a budget projection for the November meeting prior to discussing the 2017 precept request.
Date of next meeting : 25th September 2016
The meeting closed at 10.30pm
Signed …………………………….. Mr. A Mitchell (Chair) Date ………………………………
NO / ACTION / To be Actioned by :NC to purchase varnish for notice board / NC
NC to obtain quotes for fencing in graveyard / NC
07.16.06(1) / Clerk to apply for grant for grasscutting from OCC / CF
07.16.06(2) / AS to draft letter for Clerk to send to Maurice Sheenan / AS
07.116.06(3) / AC to investigate repairs necessary to salt bin / AC
07.16.07 / Clerk to pay the invoice, request a schedule of payments for 2016 and invite a tender for 2017. / CF
07.16.08 / Clerk to write to Jill requesting that costs for 2016 should be presented before the end of March 2017 and informing her that the contribution next year could not exceed £500. / CF
07.16.10(1) / 16/01077/F Clerk to respond on behalf of PC objecting. / CF
07.16.10(2) / 16/01078/f Clerk to submit objection before 11/08/16 on behalf of PC / CF
07.11.14 / Clerk to provide a budget projection for the November meeting prior to discussing the 2017 precept request / CF
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