University Studies and perspective in employment
Otakar Němec[1]
Alois Surynek[2]
Occupational choice is an important part of personal work. It is also an important moment in the life choices of man. Choosing a profession can clearly affect work commitment for life. Choosing a profession today is complicated by the fact that with rapid changes of the labor market. It also influences the choice of profession, the profession because success depends on the adaptation of the worker in the profession or on its ability to move from one profession to another. Bring a view of strategy choice of occupation in our present study text. In addition, we bring confrontation strategies personnel selection methods of work that are selected for an effective response to the changing requirements of businesses. The work is presented as part of the projectThe crucial aspects of the development of business competitiveness of national economies in the global economic systém IGA 02 VSE TD010093.
Occupational choiceand vocational trainingisinfluenced by manyfactors.Ferry (2006) presents the resultsof empirical researchin traditionalagricultural areasand researchidentified the followingfactors:
- Family andconsciousandunconsciousinfluence of familychoice.
- Socialand economiccontext in whicha person moves. Social influenceperformed by personsfrom the socialenvironment in which theyarecollecting themoves, and economic context,thelevel ofincome whichhaveparents andpeople in thesocial environment.
- The concept of theideal job, which is formed by experienceandtransmitted toexperiencethetradition.The idea, therefore, do not necessarily reflectthe reality ofthe current job market.
- Existingbarriersin the form ofclaimsonfinancial securitystudiesand the lack ofjob opportunitiesatthestudied fields.
- Opportunityto leave theplaceof their lives.
Similarly,talkingabout choosingcollegesotherauthor whoin 1973published the followingfactors.To a large extentit is thesame factorsasin the previous case(KellyBeswick, 1973). The authorfound thatcollegechoiceis mostinfluenced by themother.In addition,the University's reputation are important, the concept of the tutorial, a number of coursesfrom whichstudents canchooseaplace of residencenear the University. AlsoMichaelBorchert(2002)lists a number ofsimilar factors.
Otherauthors mention the psychological factors of choice (Super, Savickas, Super, 1996). Gender affects occupational choiceandtheir strategy. Womenlook forprofessions thatwill beleastaffected byintermissionmaternity leave, that leavewill not affect thecareer (Tijdens 1998).Culturalbackground, theLianRuanand JianAnnaXiong.The authors discuss thelibrariansin the U.S. andlibrariansare oftenChinese.It is thereforea questionof whythis is so.
Economic factors,or rathera factorin the labor marketmentionedin theirstudy, the authorsDaily,Farewell,Kumar.The study isdevoted tothe foreign studentsin the U.S selectionfactorsof highschool oruniversity.The authors concludedthat the choice ofa college or universityisinfluenced by factorsopportunitiesforpost-graduate employmentavailabilityof financial support, institutional reputation, availability of information about the institutionand AACSBaccreditation ofinstitutions werethe most importantfactorsfor foreign studentsin choosingeducational institution(Daily, Farewell, Kumar 2010). AuthorsDavidPowelland HuiShanpublished an articleshowingthegenerallocationof the importance ofthe economicsprofessioninits selection(Powelland HuiShan2010).PaoloFalco(2010) states influencethe choice ofjobriskprofession.
What is the situationin the CzechRepublic?Although itis not directlysupported byempirical researchonjobchoice, other research carried outasthe Center forPublic Opinion ResearchInstitute of SociologyAcademy of Science of The Czech Republicfollows that theeconomic importance ofthe workassessedfrom two perspectives.The first viewof security andthus the certaintyof income.The second aspectis the level ofincome.Workers thenchoosebetween two strategieswork.First,minimizeexistentialthreat andthereforestrengthenjob security. First,to increase thebenefits thatworkbrings, inour casewe considerthe financialbenefits.(Otherwise, thebenefits that maybe associatedwith creativity andself-realizationorother benefitsarisingfrom employment.)These two strategiesare directlyexclusive, butinpeople's decisionsact asalternatives: either-or. Job securityismeasuredas the rateof unemployment ineducational groupsand increasing thebenefitis linkedto the size ofincome.
It istherefore questionableif it isalso achoice of professionandschool choiceinfluenced byfactorsmentionedalternative. Previoussurveyshows that thethinkingof studentsmovingin thesedimensions.Orit is alsopossible thatthe authorsdirectly to thiscasenot designedpage. It is therefore notpossible tofind relevantempirical datatomonitor the impact ofjob securityorincome leveldecision-making.
We have tried toshowin his articleonthe factorofjob security andincome throughthe selection ofprivate universities.The basicreasoningis that studentspreferwhenchoosing a schoolofsubsequentincomewill chooseschoolsand disciplines whichwillprovidea higher income. On the contrary,studentswho prefercertaintyof future employmentwill chooseschoolsand disciplines whichwillprovidesuch assurance. The amount of incomein thecontext of highschool andfieldwill be identifiedthroughstatistics onthe amount of incomeby type of school. Job securityin thecontext of highschool andfieldwill be monitoredthrough the structure ofthe unemployed byeducational attainment andfield,wherehe workedmost recentlyunemployed.
The followingthree tablesarestatistics on the numberof unemployed andtheir structureby educationand by sectorof employment prior tothe terminationof employment.
The dataclearly show theincreasechances ofemployment in thecase of higher education. In absolute numbers,the mostunemployed peoplefrom the manufacturing industry.
Table 1 The share ofunemployedby educationin the total numberof unemployedin selected years. (in thous.persons
2005 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010Primary education / 98,9 / 24,1% / 68,1 / 29,6% / 82,9 / 23,5% / 79,5 / 20,7%
Secondary without GCE / 198,7 / 48,5% / 93,2 / 40,6% / 155,4 / 44,2% / 174,0 / 45,4%
Secondary with GCE / 95,9 / 23,4% / 55,3 / 24,1% / 92,8 / 26,4% / 104,5 / 27,2%
Bachelor and higher / 16,6 / 4,0 % / 13,2 / 5,7% / 20,9 / 5,9% / 25,6 / 6,7%
Overall / 410,2 /100% / 229,8 /100% / 352,2 /100% / 383,7 /100%
Source: Czech Statistical Office, owncalculations.
Table 2 Relationbetween the number ofunemployedand the total numberof employees ineducational groupsin selected years (in thous. persons)
2005 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011Primary education / 98,9 / 271,8
36,4% / 68,1 / 289,8
22,8% / 82,9 / 261,5
31,7% / 79,5 / 238,5
33,3% / 70,8 / 221,7
Secondary without GCE / 198,7 /2026,8
9,8% / 93,2 /2011,7
4,6% / 155,4 /1949,9
8,0%% / 174,0 /1884,1
9,2% / 155,9 /1869,1
Secondary with GCE / 95,9 /1770,6
5,4% / 55,3 /1911,2
2,9% / 92,8 /1877,4
4,9% / 104,5 /1861,7
5,6% / 96,3 /1841,0
Bachelor and higher / 16,6 / 694,6
2,4% / 13,2 / 789,4
1,7% / 20,9 / 845,2
2,5% / 25,6 / 899,8
2,8% / 25,6 / 971,5
Source: Czech Statistical Office, owncalculations.
Table 3 Last industryand occupation of unemployedby education levelin the 1stQ2012 (in thou. personsand%)
Primary education / Secondary without GCE / Secondary with GCE / Bachelor and higherOverall / 53,1 / 100% / 139,0 /100% / 76,1 /100% / 17,6 /100%
Manufacturing / 21,0 / 39,5% / 45,1 / 32,4% / 18,8 / 24,7% / 2,7 / 15,3%
Construction / 5,6 / 10,5% / 20,9 /15,0% / 4,6 / 6,0% / -
Wholesaleand retail tradeand motorvehicles repair / 4 / 7,5% / 20,5 / 14,7% / 13,7 / 18,0% / 1,9 /10,8%
Transport and storage / 2.0 / 3,8% / 7,5 / 5,4% / 5,1 / 6,7% / 1,3 / 7,4%
Accommodationand food service activities / 2,4 /4,5% / 10,4 / 7,5% / 5,4 / 7,1% / 0,9 / 5,1%
Administrative andsupport service activities / 5,4 /10,2% / 7,5 / 5,4% / 3,0 / 3,9% / -
Public administrationand defense, compulsory social security / 2,8 / 5,3% / 5,5 / 4,0% / 4,0 / 5,3% / 2,4 / 13,6%
Health and socialcare / 2,6 /4,9% / 2,6 / 1,9% / 5,6 / 7,4% / -
Source: Czech Statistical Office, owncalculations.
The following tabledetailsthegrossmonthly incomeby industry. It seems thatthe level of incomeis formulatedby factors other thanthe nature ofthe completedschool.Highincomesare bothin technical subjects,soeconomic.Lowincomesalsoare differentlydistributed.
Table 4 Average monthly grosswages and salaries innational economy byeconomic activity (CZ-NACE).
Agriculture,forestryand fisheries / 13 580 / 17 477 / 17 321 / 17 693Mining and quarrying / 22 355 / 29 214 / 28 341 / 30 256
Manufacturing / 17 200 / 21 389 / 21 801 / 22 680
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning / 26 350 / 34 699 / 38 141 / 39 146
Water supply;activities related tosewerage, waste managementand remediation activities / 16 977 / 20 851 / 21 679 / 22 583
Construction / 16 537 / 20 847 / 22 069 / 22 048
Wholesaleand retail tradeand motorvehicles repair / 16 421 / 20 690 / 20 705 / 21 227
Transport and storage / 17 979 / 22 222 / 22 656 / 22 667
Accommodationand food service activities / 10 182 / 11 958 / 11 791 / 12 667
Information andcommunication activities / 33 390 / 41 064 / 42 579 / 42 500
Financial and insurance / 35 707 / 43 480 / 44 698 / 44 557
Real estate activities / 16 087 / 18 821 / 19 934 / 19 988
Professional, scientificand technical activities / 22 594 / 28 751 / 30 311 / 30 371
Administrative andsupport service activities / 11 633 / 14 622 / 15 089 / 15 457
Public administrationand defense, compulsory social security / 21 835 / 25 892 / 26 368 / 26 637
Education / 17 085 / 20 043 / 21 325 / 21 100
Health and socialcare / 16 640 / 19 999 / 21 537 / 22 235
Arts, entertainmentand recreation / 14 741 / 17 505 / 18 518 / 18 903
Other activities / 13 499 / 15 666 / 16 811 / 16 856
Source: Czech Statistical Office.
Focusuniversitiesdue toprevious resultsmaysignificantlyaffectemploymentprospectsof man.Moreover, asthe following table showsan overview ofprivate universities, it is a very narrowfield-economic-legal and to a lesserextent,socialorientation.Becausethese coursesprovide bothhigh andlow incomein employment andgivea relatively goodjob security, it is not possible to say whetherthe studentsdecidewhen selecting a schoolwith regard to factorsofjob security andincome.We assumethat there are othercausesof a particularchoice.
Table 5 Private collegesandstudent numbers- state to7thFebruary2012
Focus / Name of university or college / Number of students of Czech citizensTechnical / Evropský polytechnický institut, s.r.o / 766
Archip, s.r.o. / 9
Natural and medical / Vysoká škola zdravotnická, o.p.s. / 427
Vysoká škola tělesné výchovy a sportu PALESTRA, s.r.o. / 306
Economic / Vysoká škola finanční a správní, o.p.s. / 4 592
Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze, o.p.s. / 3 102
Vysoká škola ekonomie a managmentu, o.p.s. / 2 546
Vysoká škola podnikání, a.s. / 1957
Bankovní institut vysoká škola a.s. / 1 802
Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze 8, spol.s.r.o. / 1 468
AKADEMIE STING, o.p.s. / 1 202
ŠKODA AUTO a. s. Vysoká škola / 914
Vysoká škola logistiky, o.p.s. / 744
Západomoravská vysoká škola Třebíč, o.p.s. / 535
Brno International Business School., a.s. / 421
Soukromá vysoká škola ekonomických studií, s.r.o. / 343
Vysoká škola obchodní a hotelová, s. r. o / 324
Rašínova vysoká škola s.r.o. / 198
Anglo-americká vysoká škola, o.p.s. / 158
University of New York in Prague, s.r.o. / 135
Vysoká škola cestovního ruchu a teritoriálních studií v Praze, spol. s.r.o. / 65
Vysoká škola realitní - Institut Franka Dysona, s.r.o. / 25
Vysoká škola cestovního ruchu, hotelnictví a lázeňství, s.r.o. / 18
Středočeský vysokoškolský institut, s.r.o. / 9
Legal and administrative / Vysoká škola Karlovy Vary, o.p.s. / 795
CEVRO Institut, o.p.s. / 558
Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, o.p.s. / 543
Vysoká škola regionálního rozvoje, s.r.o. / 538
Vysoká škola mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů Praha, o.p.s. / 480
Vysoká škola sociálně správní, Institut celoživotního vzdělávání Havířov o.p.s. / 396
Academia Rerum Civilium-Vysoká škola politických a společenských věd, s.r.o. / 350
Vysoká škola aplikovaného práva, s.r.o. / 346
Social sciences / Univerzita Jana Ámose Komenského Praha, s.r.o. / 8 279
Metropolitní univerzita Praha, o.p.s. / 5 252
Pražská vysoká škola psychosociálních studií, s.r.o. / 264
AKCENT College s.r.o., Praha 4 / 71
Mezinárodní baptistický teologický seminář Evropské baptistické federace, o. p. s. / 1
Art / Literární akademie s.r.o. / 229
Filmová akademie Miroslava Ondříčka v Písku, o.p.s. / 164
Source: Czech Statistical Office.
UncertaintyEvaluation ofschool forfuture success, therefore, in our view,isthe opening of spacefor personalwork and forthe completionof employeesaccording to the needsof organizations.Intensification oflabor utilization, which appears in connectionwith the lasteconomic crisis, is associated with a numberof newpersonneltools.
National System of a profession (NSP)
CompetitiveCompanies, technological progress, competition for workersin the labor marketand othercauseneed for rapidvariations inthe direction ofhighereducation in theeffectiveness of training andexchangesof people injobs andpeopleneedto adapt tonew workand lifelong learningin response to theraisingof new knowledge.Theseprocessesare alsothe cause ofdisparitiesin the labor market. One of the importanttools thatare formedtoaddress the structuraldisproportionsin the labor marketin the CzechRepublic, the National System ofoccupationand the NationalQualifications Framework. Furtherquotingfrom the text, which presentsthat institutionon the officialwebsite.[3]
The nationalsystemis developedas aprofessionsystematicallydevelopedcatalogof professions andtheir performancerequirements. This catalogwill be publiclyavailableon the Internet.The resultshouldbe aqualifiedgeneraldescription of thesituation on the Czechlabor marketin terms ofsupply anddemand forworkers.(There is an overview ofvacancies andjob seekers, notthis particulareffect.Containsregularly updateddescriptions ofoccupationand typeof positions,including a description ofthe detailedrequirements for theexecutor oflabor -workersin the form ofgeneral andprofessionalcompetencies.Primarysource of information onthesecompetenciesare employersprofessional organizations, unions, guilds, etc.
The main objectives ofthe National System ofprofessions:
•Strengtheningthe role of employersin the developmentof human resources.
•Ensuringawarenessof educatorsabout the needs ofthe labor marketon human resources.
•Promotinglabor market needsin the education system
•Massive involvement of experts from the social and other partners in the process of collecting and processing information on the qualification needs of the labor market through sector councils.
•Increased mobility and flexibility in the labor market in the CR and the EU.
Labor market requirements identified the need for the National Professional services are obtained through so-called sector councils, employer organizations are involved in the project. Additionally, the program will participate in regional council for the development of human resources, administrative units (regions), Office of the Republic work, individual departments and educators.
Based on this information from the National System of professions is built by the National Qualifications Framework, which provides educational institutions with the following requirements. This Qualification will allow educators to communicate accurate and comprehensive information necessary for the formation of truly employable skills. It also simplifies the proof of the skills needed to perform a specific job or profession in the EU because it will be in accordance with the methodology of the European Qualifications Framework. So they can be prepared for future graduates so that their acquired knowledge and skills to strengthen the employability of graduates in the labor market in the Czech Republic and other European Union countries without the need to incorporate long.
A very rational idea of finding information space needs for mutual confrontation business entities, interests and efforts of state bodies of educational establishments is not controlled by some really complicated processes.
In particular, this system is dependent on a constant flow of relevant information. The system can be compromised as a lack of information, and their abundance. In the absence of relevant information may also positive efforts to strengthen stakeholder disproportion to be removed by the system and the higher the efforts of stakeholders, the greater the discrepancy might be raised. In the case of an excess of information that can be understood primarily as a large amount of detailed information and unrelated, there is paralysis of both flooding potential stakeholders and also controlling the mind of those entities that everything relates to everything, and that it is futile to try to control things.
The system must overcome the inertia of the functioning of educational establishments. First of all develop new educational programs to bring the intended effects, not a matter of weeks, months, and it takes more years. It is the identification of training needs, which will be based on practical business needs and their satisfaction meaningful content, the search for effective forms of teaching and evaluating results. About finding a suitable motivation of pupils, apprentices and students to acquire good knowledge and skills. Added to this is the problem of the overall evaluation of the success of graduates and share lessons on this success and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational establishment. This means that failure is the cause of poor education graduates work or enter the wrong, what has to be able to graduate?
Until that system is not involved in office of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Development strategy for all levels of education (excluding apprenticeships) but this is the ministry responsible. Transfer of employers' demands for workers in the curricula of schools of the state graduation and accreditation to colleges and universities is not clear.
It is also the question of how to be formulated requirements of employers to workers. No educational system is not able to produce exactly that knowledge and skills of workers for specific practical purposes. Since the formulation of a particular educational system to the application of the first graduates always pass some time (for different levels of education, this time is different, but you can count on a minimum period of 5 years). During this time due to technical progress, many things will change. When formulating the needs is therefore not necessary to define the current needs, but the estimated needs for five years or more. Are employers and other stakeholders capable of this estimate? Another thing is that generally increase the effort to produce graduates of educational institutions flexible, adaptable and able to cope with real problems (that are not always successful, is another matter). How, therefore, formulate the requirements for qualification in this particular position. In addition, we believe the flexibility and adaptability, attitudes, and more things will employee and not knowledge.
The problem in formulating requirements may be different interests of individual employers and their bargaining power. It is expected that large employers interested in using the example of flow production are consistent with employers in small businesses at times giving greater scope for independent work of employees. Not respecting the requirements of both side on the contrary strengthen the qualification structure and flexibility of a small staff?
The problem may also be to what extent should processes of balancing the requirements of employers for skilled workers and the functioning of educational institutions are managed and to what extent they should be left only to the decisions of stakeholders. Management processes can cause resistance ratio, the natural history usually delivers identifiable effects for some time and this time, the system may seem inefficient, and the parties it can go.
For these reasons, this system is therefore particularly suitable for the expansion of skills, retraining and business training courses.
Changes in the forms of mediation work - new ways of obtaining and employing workers
The fundamental and crucial thing for the organization's success in the current economic environment is the ability of orientation in the environment. Change in the outdoor environment usually induces a change in the internal environment. The external environment largely determines what will take place within the company. A firm that ignores changes in the outside world and responding to them, is sentenced to problems. Under the changes, in the context of this article, means a particular change in the use of modern technology (computers, Internet) on the acquisition and employment of workers. These methods deepen labor market flexibility, help to reduce unemployment, the organization allow you to select the right employees with the best conditions for job performance. Of these methods, the article provides basic forms of e-recruitment, as a method of recruitment and employment agency as a modern form of employment for workers.
E – recruitment
The term e-recruitment (or recruitment line) understand the use of modern technology and web tools to address, information, identification and acquisition of job seekers. It is a system of recruitment, which in recent years has experienced a huge boom. Prefix E identifies that this is a recruitment process implemented using electronic resources, especially the Internet, as many acquisition processes were moved to the Internet (online - recruitment). Because these activities elektronizovaly, it is possible to use modern technology (such as data-mining) and draw on information stored in databases. Vacancies are beginning to offer online (eg, Job Advertising Boards). Communication is possible through the web sites of the organizations, specialized software for acquisition and selection of employees, job portals (job-portals), blogs, e-mails, but also through SMS, MMS, social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, but Google Youtube, Myspace. E-recruitment has become a phenomenon as well as modern management and communication in the labor market and is gaining popularity.
The advantages of e-recruitment is speed - job seekers will pair very quickly with offers of vacancies. Cost savings - time, finances, etc., for both employees and employers. With this form of recruitment associated costs much less than for example an ad in newspapers or other media. The opportunity to work with the applicant independently. Independent information about the applicant works as well as HR and line manager. Another benefit is the feedback, the vacancies are reported more applicants, greater geographic reach. With e-form is a simple integration of the Internet to other human resource processes. Job offers can be more descriptive - ie longer. These offers can be written at any time - essentially 24 hours a day. Of course there is the advantage of hypertext, everything is online, everything is connected to everything disadvantages of e-recruitment is usually stated that the vacancies reported more applicants, but many of them may be unskilled. This makes the work of personnel or other persons responsible for recruitment. This problem is solvable in a certain way through the selection of sophisticated software solutions, which are part of the system called Resume scanners - filters that at the outset to identify, unsuitable candidates, according to a specific, predetermined criteria. Of course these filters have updated to the requirements of jobs. As one of the other arguments against e-recruitment echoes that not everyone is online, has access to the Internet, moving on the network, etc.
To sum up, then you can e-recruitment tool by which employers use to recruit employees, divided into the following areas - online recruitment websites with employers using online recruitment portals labor supply, online recruitment through social networks. The latest trends in e-recruitment is the use of social networks. The most popular professional social network is LinkedIn, which was put into operation in 2003.