WestForsythHigh School
Student Government Association
“Quality Leadership & Superior Representation for All”
The mission of the West Forsyth High School SGA is to promote a truly representational culture, act as a liaison to the faculty and staff, and serve the student body.
- Student, Teacher, Administration partnership is essential.
- Goal-oriented measured progress.
- Attitudes reflecting character-driven leadership.
We, the students at West Forsyth High School (WFHS), in order to establish the best possible communication between the administration, faculty, and the student body, will offer an effective voice in the governing of WFHS. In order to guarantee the rights of the students and to provide activities for the welfare of the student body, do hereby establish and ordain the West Forsyth High School Student Government Association and adopt this Constitution for its governing.
Article One
The main purpose of this organization shall be to:
- Promote school spirit and pride throughout the student body.
- Foster communication and cooperation between the faculty/staff and the student body.
- Provide service to the school and the community.
- Raise funds for the SGA to use accordingly.
- Organize and govern the election process for the student body.
Article Two
All powers of the WFHS SGA are delegated by the school administration and the Forsyth County School Board. All actions of the SGA are subject to review and possible veto by the principal. The principal shall appoint a member of the faculty as an advisor to aid in SGA projects and activities. The advisor will be in attendance at all SGA functions and activities.
Article Three
The WFHS SGA will be organized with the following elected positions and elected in the Spring:
- President- Senior Only, must have one year SGA experience
- 1st Vice President – Senior Only – student running for President with 2nd amount of votes (unelected position)
- 2nd Vice President- Sophomore or Junior
- Treasurer- Sophomore, Junior, or a Senior
- Secretary- Sophomore, Junior, or a Senior
- Student Ambassador (unelected position assigned by advisor) – up to 2
- Parliamentarian- Junior, or a Senior
- General Assembly consists of three elected officers from each grade level 10-12 and two representatives chosen from candidate pool. There will be 3 Freshmen Representatives elected in the Fall
Article Four
Duties for each position shall be followed according to this plan:
- The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint committees, organize agendas, cast deciding votes in necessary decisions, enforce the Constitution and must have one year SGA experience.
- The First Vice President shall serve for the President should the need arise either temporary or permanent, to preside over committees to ensure productivity, and to assist the President as needed.
- The Second Vice President shall serve for the First Vice president should the need arise either temporary or permanent , to head the Inter-Organizational Council (IOC), and to be responsible for keeping current on local, state, and national Student Government Organizations activities and news including conferences, competitions and meetings.
- The Treasurer shall maintain the records of receipts and expenditures of SGA, shall handle all funds, and deliver an accurate financial report at each officer’s meeting. The Treasurer shall present ALL expenditures from the SGA accounts to the Officers whenever necessary. This includes reimbursements, purchases and donations.
- The Secretary shall record minutes for all meetings, be responsible for all SGA correspondence, keep accurate attendance records at all meetings, advise the President and Advisor as to the reports of any meetings, and publicize all SGA activities and meetings.
- Student Ambassadors shall serve on the Executive committee, coordinate and communicate with Administration and relay information back to the General Assembly.
- The Parliamentarian shall enforce all parliamentary procedures at each meeting and activities.
- Each class shall elect three representatives to serve in the SGA and the advisor will choose two for a total of five. These elected officers shall work on committees, serve in activities, and attend all meetings. They will also be required to work with class sponsors for individual class activities (i.e. Prom, class events, etc.)
- All elected positions should be in attendance at any called meeting in the school year, summertime and activities unless prior approval for absence is sought from the SGA Advisor.
- Disciplinary action will be enforced for excessive unexcused absences and lack of participation in activities and meetings. Sports practice and other extra curricular activities are not excuses for missed SGA events.
Article Five
The election of SGA officers listed in Article Four shall be governed by the following rules:
- All officer and class representative elections shall take place in the Spring of each school year.
- Freshmen Class representative elections shall take place in the Fall of the following school year.
- Any student interested in running for an elected office shall contact the SGA advisor, complete an application form, and be approved before running for office.
- Terms of elected officers will be from the day of election until the end of the following school year.
- In the interim period of the election year, newly elected officers will interact with current officers to ensure a smooth transition to the following school year.
- Elections will be conducted by secret ballot.
- The sitting Elective Officers shall form the Elections Committee and publicize all rules governing the elections each year.
- All votes will be tallied under the supervision of the SGA Advisor and approved by the Administration prior to announcement.
- Any disputes about election concerns must be addressed to the SGA Advisor within 48 hours of the election announcements. The SGA Advisor will seek to settle any matters and if necessary will involve the administration. All matters will be settled within one week of the election announcements.
- Freshman Class representative elections in September will follow the same guidelines for SGA officers.
- No two offices in SGA, either Officer or Class Representatives, may be held by one student.
Article Six
The vacancy or removal of office shall be organized by the following rules:
- Elected officers may be removed from office for the following reasons: misrepresentation, character issues, dereliction of duties, failure to display good citizenship, or failure to meet academic standards of passing 5 of 7 classes each semester.
- Resignations from office may only be considered for the following reasons: family hardships, academic hardships, and any other issue must be approved by the SGA Advisor, the elected officers, and the administration.
- Vacancies for any reason shall be filled with an appointee approved by the SGA Advisor, the elected officers, and the school administration.
- Once an Officer or Class Representative is removed from office for any reason, they will no longer be allowed to be in an elected position in SGA.
Article Seven
This constitution shall be ratified by a 2/3 majority of the Officers. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any student, faculty member, or administrator, and ratified by a 2/3 majority of the Officers.
Article Eight
A student at WFHS, who wishes to participate in any SGA activity, is invited to do so on a voluntary basis. Meetings will be held monthly unless otherwise hindered to discuss current activities and allow for volunteers to sign up to serve. This may be done as much as a student chooses.
Article Nine
This SGA Constitution, amended on February 23, 2011, will become effective on March 1, 2011, to allow stakeholders a period of transition to the new Constitution.