Intro to Architectural and Mechanical Design

Aerodynamic Glider Challenge


In this activity your team will quickly find a solution to an aerodynamics challenge – to design and build a Glider from the provided materials that will fly as far as possible.


·  2 sheets of paper

·  12-in. piece of string

·  3 straws

·  12 in. of masking tape

·  5 paper clips

·  1 plastic grocery bag

·  2 tongue depressors


Using all of the materials provided (except the bag), design and build a glider to glide as far as possible. A team member will initiate the motion with the rubber band launcher (provided by the teacher).

Brainstorm (5 minutes): Assign a recorder for your group. As a team, brainstorm as many ideas for your glider as possible as the recorder documents your ideas. You may handle and inspect the materials, but you may not alter or connect any of the materials in any way during this phase. Select one of your sketched ideas to pursue.

Build, Test, and Redesign (12 minutes): Build your glider. Test the device as necessary and make changes to your original ideas as needed.

Present: Each team will take a turn attempting to fly their glider as far as possible. A team member will initiate the motion of the glider with the rubber band launcher but no part of the team member’s body may cross the Start line when starting the motion. Each team will get two attempts. The longest distance traveled will be recorded.


Your team may receive points for the following.

·  Creativity: Up to 20 points for creativity in the design and use of materials

·  Teamwork: Up to 20 points for how well your team works together

·  Performance: 1 point for each foot that the glider flies from the starting point.

Conclusion Questions

1.  Did you make changes during your Design/Build/Test phase that resulted in your glider flying a shorter distance? If so, what were the changes?

2.  Do you think it is more productive to continually test your product or to test at set time intervals? Why?