Classroom Goals

Course: Leadership

Teacher: Mrs. Malmquist

Year: 2016-20167

Phone Number: Mrs. Malmquist 591-9540

School 591-5811

Description: Leadership will give students an opportunity to explore all aspects of leadership through study, projects, and community service at Bentley and in the community.

Goals: Students will study the ideas and qualities of successful leaders. They will create projects to demonstrate aspects of leadership individually as well as cooperatively with other students. Students will participate in book studies emphasizing various models of leadership. Students will work cooperatively with other groups in the district and community to demonstrate leadership.

Student Performance Outcomes:

●Students will read and study about leadership and theories of successful leaders.

●Student will use technology to create projects for the presentation in class and throughout the school using their writing ability and digital photos.

●Students will develop leadership skills.

●Students will understand qualities which contribute to successful and ethical leaders.


●Deadlines are non-negotiable and must be met or exceeded regardless of absences.

●Leadership students must be able to work effectively and cooperatively with other students in their group.

●Leadership students must be responsible and trustworthy at all times. They must follow all rules of the classroom, building, and the community as they conduct leadership activities.

●Leadership students will be required to perform 4 hours of community service each marking period.


Each marking period is 40% of the final semester grade and the other 20% is the comprehensive final. The numerical percents will be averaged to determine the semester grade. For example:

▪Marking period #1 84% B

▪Marking period #2 72% C-

▪Final Exam 88% B+

▪Semester Grade 80% B-

Note: Therefore, it is possible to fail the semester even if the student passes two of the three if their E is so low as to bring the numerical average down below 60%.

Grading Scale:

100%= A+

93-99= A

90-92= A-

87-89= B+

83-86= B

80-82= B-

77-79= C+

73-76= C

70-72= C-

67-69= D+

63-66= D

60-62= D-

Below 60% = E

***Technology: Use of technology, including cell phones is at the discretion of the teacher. Cell phones will NOT be allowed in class. There will be opportunities to use Chromebooks. Headphones are required if sound is on. Headphones will be helpful for speech to text and text to speech features. Any student who is uncooperative will lose the privilege of using technology in class.

***Please Read Carefully***

Plagiarism Policy

Unfortunately, plagiarism and cheating is a problem facing many students and teachers. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the source.

Plagiarism Includes:

➢Cutting and pasting information from the internet.

➢Taking ideas or words from the internet without documenting the source.

➢Copying part or all of an assignment from a classmate.

➢Using papers or parts of papers from former students of Bentley High School.

➢Paying or allowing someone else to write papers or do assignments.

Any student caught plagiarizing or cheating will receive a ZERO on that assignment.(No Exceptions) The second infraction could result in disciplinary action as well as an E for the semester.

***Parents: Grades will be updated weekly on Synergy. Parents can access this through the Bentley Web Site. You can also use Synergy to check attendance. This is the best way to follow student progress. If other arrangements need to be made to keep you informed, please call me.

Leadership: Mrs. Malmquist

Please Read, Sign and Return this page.

If Mrs. Malmquist needs to reach a parent or guardian, please let me know the preferred adult to contact and method of communication.

Name of adult to contact: ______

_____ Email: ______


_____ Phone: ______

I have read and understand the Classroom Goals, Grading procedures, and plagiarism policy for Leadership including the necessity to perform community service.

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______