Essentials of Real World Math
Ms. Salter-Room 109
Sequence of Topics:
1. Students will be able to calculate straight-time pay, overtime, total pay, salary, and commission in order to determine your gross pay.
2. Students will be able to know how to compute the deductions from your gross pay.
3. Students will be able to record keeping skills to allow them to manage money so they can prepare for tax season and plan for the future.
4. Students will be able to keep a checking account and learn all the skills needed to check the balances.
5. Students will be able to manage deposits and withdrawal from a savings account, the power of compound interests, and how savings accounts earn money for them.
6. Students will be able to use product information to make good buying decisions.
7. Students will be able to compute finance charges on charge accounts and credit card balances.
8. Students will be able to investigate loans, loan payments, interest payments, and how to compare the costs of taking out a loan.
9. Students will be able to understand the cost of a vehicle including the total cost to buy, lease, or rent it plus the cost to operate it, such as charges for insurance and maintenance.
10. Students will be able to understand the process of owning a home, which involves several costs, such as costs for a mortgage, insurance, and maintenance.
11. Students will be able to understand the cost of health insurance and life insurance premiums and the amount the patient pays for medical care.
12. Students will learn about investments.
13. Students will learn about employment and the different operating costs.
1. Maintain a notebook/folder containing:
a. Vocabulary
b. Formulas
c. Class notes and examples
d. Homework assignments
e. Quizzes and tests
2. Participate in class, volunteer for board work, work with others in small groups and take notes during all discussions and lectures.
3. Complete all homework assignments, projects, quizzes and tests.
4. Bring to class your notebook, a calculator, and a pencil.
a. Calculators will be available to use in the classroom but cannot be taken home. A simple scientific calculator will be sufficient for this class.
5. Conduct yourself in a professional manner and follow the policies and guidelines of the Susquehanna Township School District (especially the code of conduct).
6. Students must conduct themselves in a respectable manner and follow the policies and guidelines of the Susquehanna Township School District.
7. Students must assume responsibility for their make-up work and grades using their Schoolwire accounts.
Your quarter grade will be calculated by dividing the total points accumulated by the total points possible. The result is them multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage grade. Conversions to letter or grade point equivalence are available in your student’s handbook. Your grade for each quarter will be based on your performance on the following:
1. Notebook/Folder Grade: You will be graded on your ability to take notes, write down examples and complete classwork problems. This will be graded at least 1 time per quarter. Additional notebook/folder checks mat be done if deemed necessary by the instructor.
2. Homework: Homework assignments are expected to be turned in the day after they are assigned. Full credit is given to students who complete the entire assignment and have their work attached.
a. If a student is struggling with the homework assignment and have already spent 15-20 minutes attempting the assignment, he/she can have a parent or guardian write a note on the bottom of the page stating that the student attempted the homework but needed additional help. (Please note that this will be tracked for each student as to avoid abusing this privilege)
3. Quizzes: Quizzes can occur up to 2 times per week depending on the unit/concept of study.
4. Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each topic/unit of study and will be announced in advance.
5. Projects: Some units will require students to complete a project. These projects will be explained in class and some class time will be given for completion. Projects are expected to be turned in on the specified due date. Late submissions will be subject to a loss of 5 points per day.
6. Midterm and Final Exam: Each of these will count as 10% of the final grade.
a. 1st Quarter- 20%
b. 2nd Quarter- 20%
c. Midterm Exam- 10%
d. 3rd Quarter- 20%
e. 4th Quarter- 20%
f. Final Exam- 10%
Make-Up Policy:
It is your responsibility to make-up all required notes, homework, quizzes, assignments, and projects when you return to school after an absence.
· Notes should be copied 1 day after your return.
· Missing/late homework assignments can be turned in up until the end of the current quarter for half credit. The only exception is for students who were not in school due to a medical reason. It is the student’s responsibility to speak with the teacher upon return to school to make arrangements to make up missing assignments.
· Quizzes/tests should be made up within 5 days of your return.
· All work must be completed within 10 days of the marking period end date. Failure to make up missing assignments will result in a grade of “0”.
Getting Help:
Please utilize the following FREE tutoring to aid in your success this year:
AAP (Academic Assistance Program): Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the KFLMC
Striving for Excellence: Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the KFLMC
*Times will be announced when they become available.
Class Period:______
Parent-Student Contract
My signature below indicates that I have read and understand all of the information provided in this class syllabus. I agree to adhere to these guidelines and will contact the teacher if any questions arise. I also agree to discuss these grading policies and procedures with my student so that he/she is aware of what is expected.
Parent Name
Parent Signature
Student Name
Student Signature
Please sign and return to Ms. Salter by Friday, August 28th. Thank you.