Spokane Area Rocket Club (SPARC)
National Association of Rocketry Section #626
Spectator Registration and Membership Form
5056 B Swenson Rd.
Deer Park, WA 99006
Primary Name: ______
Other Family/Group Members: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone # (home): ______(work): ______
E-Mail Address: ______May we add you to the SPARC listserver? □
NAR# ______TRA# ______CAR# ______HPR Level (if applicable) ______
Liability Waiver
I, the undersigned, understand that Spokane Area Rocket Club and the launch site landowner are not able to assume liability of any kind with regards to my activities or the activities of others. In recognition of this, I hereby acknowledge I am aware of the potential dangers of the hobby of rocketry, and hold Spokane Area Rocket Club, its officers and members harmless for any personal injury or property damage, which may occur to me as a direct or indirect result of my participation in rocketry activities.
I hereby agree to pursue my rocketry activities in conformance with the NAR Safety Code, comply with the terms and conditions of membership set forth by the Spokane Area Rocket Club Constitution and Bylaws, and conduct myself in conformance to the Spokane Area Rocket Club’s Codes of Conduct. All spectators and participants age 14 and under must be supervised by a responsible adult on site.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Other Family Member Signatures: ______
Parent and/or Guardian Signature (if others are less than 18): ______
Dues or Launch Fees Paid - SPARC Use Only – Spectators (and “F” or Smaller Motors) Free
2006 Annual Membership - $20 or $5 per weekend per family - Port-a-potties at all launches.
2006 Tentative Launch Schedule:
Mar. 11thApril 8-9thMay 13thJune 10-11thJuly TBD
Aug TBDSept. 9-10thOct. 14thNov 11th
The Code of Conduct of
The Spokane Area Rocket Club
Purpose – The purpose of The Code of Conduct is to create and maintain an environment for adult and youth club members suitable for the instruction and learning of model rocketry and high power rocketry. The Code of Conduct is not intended to be an all-encompassing document, but rather a basis from which to maintain order and proper conduct among club members during meetings, launches and other club functions.
Disciplinary Actions – Violations of The Code of Conduct will be dealt with in the following order:
Warnings – Either verbal or written, at the discretion of the LCO or RSO or Board of Directors.
Suspension – Suspension from one or more launches, depending on the severity of the offense, and at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Revocation of Membership – For the most serious violations of The Code of Conduct, revocation of membership and all privileges may be deemed necessary at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Revocation will be based upon a majority vote of the membership present and voting at the first meeting after the violation was committed.
Offenses Defined:
Offensive Language – No rude or offensive language will be tolerated at any club function. Any member who uses rude, offensive or vulgar language will be given a warning. Further and repeated violations will result in their dismissal from the event and/or suspension from one or more launches.
Safety Violations – Safety rules are defined as those provided by the NAR Safety Codes. Minor violations of these safety codes will result in a verbal warning from the RSO. Continued, repeated or flagrant violations of the safety code will result in that person’s immediate dismissal from the launch and possible suspension from one or more launches. No smoking will be allowed within 25 feet of any rocket motors, igniters, or any other combustible materials. Also, please be considerate of our non-smoking members and guests.
Children at Launches – Any child under the age of 14 years must be supervised by a responsible adult. It will be the responsibility of the adult who brings the child, and who has direct control of the child to insure that child’s safety and proper conduct. Adults will be held responsible for any damage or injury caused by their child as a direct result of lack of supervision. Children over the age of 14 years will be held responsible for their own actions.
Alcohol and Drugs – The Spokane Area Rocket Club has adopted a “zero tolerance” position of the use of drugs and alcohol during launches. Any member or guest who is determined to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs at a launch, or who is observed in the act of consuming drugs or intoxicating liquor is subject to immediate dismissal from the event, and revocation of all membership privileges. Consumption of alcohol is permitted by those members and guests age 21 and older after the range closes as long as the member or guest is not building a motor.
Accountability – Club members are responsible for their guest’s actions. If a guest violates an aspect of the Code of Conduct, it is up to that club member to handle the matter in an expedient manner. Failure to handle the situation could result in that member’s suspension from one or more launches, or such action as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
This Code of Conduct statement is adapted from The Blue Mountain Rocketeers Board of Directors dated 6/6/97. We appreciate all the help they have extended our club.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Spokane Area Rocket Club is an organization run by volunteers to provide rocket flying opportunities and educational information to all rocketeers, particularly those in northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, western Montana, and southeastern British Columbia. We depend upon people volunteering to keep supplying these services. We have listed some of the opportunities below and ask to consider volunteering in one or more capacities – some of them require a fair bit of time, others take a few hours over the course of the year. The more volunteers we have the less any one person has to do and the more people we can serve.
Name: ______
E-mail and/or phone: ______
Launch Related
Help set up for a launch starting at 8 am □
Help tear down after a launch (generally an hour at 3 – 5 pm) □
Haul away the garbage bags□
Coordinate launch prep (call five people to make sure they did their job before the launch)□
Outreach & other activities
Volunteer to lead an after school rocket club (training & mentoring available)□
Assist with trailer and equipment maintenance (once or twice per winter)□
Join the club rocket project (all ranges of effort on a large rocket)□
Assist with group launches for kids (4-H, Boys Scouts, Schools, fairs, etc.)□
Serve as a SPARC officer (training and mentoring available)
Vice President□
Please drop this form with the SPARC Secretary at the launch or send to 5056B Swenson Rd., Deer Park, WA 99006 or .