Minutes of the meeting held on 26th March at River Laboratory, Fresh Water Biological Association.
Present: Ady Pitman (Chairman) Jenny Rodd (Vice Chair) Ros Ham (Secretary), Rose Green, Barbara Rose
1. Apologies: Vicki Haskell, Barry Quinn (Parish Council Rep – Co-opted), Chris Corteen,
2. Minutes of the meeting held on January 29th. Correction made to the previously circulated minutes which had the incorrect date of the meeting. This has now been corrected and the committee were informed of this error.
3. Matters arising from the minutes (January 29th) not covered in the Agenda.
4. Charity Commission matters.
Nothing new to add
5. Rebuilding the Village Hall
a. Lottery application. The application was not successful but following a telephone call to the relevant Lottery member of staff who said we should re apply but put more emphasis on the importance of such a building for the people in the community. Ros asked the committee for their support to apply again as if the first stage application was successful, there would need to be a group to put stage two together. The committee agreed to this and so Ros will complete the First Stage application again.. Action: Secretary
b. Viridor application. There has been no sub-group meeting about applying to Viridor in April.
c. Plans, Project management etc. Barry was not present so there was no update on this topic.
d. Moreton meeting. The notes from this meeting had been previously circulated to the Committee and there was nothing further to add with Vicki and Barry absent from the meeting.
e. SITA funding. The closing date for the next round of their applications is July 21st.
6. Website
a. Sycl update and Links with Parish Council. Both Barry and Vicki were absent from the meeting so there is no further news about this topic.
Action: Barry and Vicki
7. Fundraising Activities
a. Kemps: The afternoon tea party to ‘meet the neighbours’ for residents was held on Saturday February 22nd and 40 adults and 10 children attended. The food at Kemps was both plentiful and excellent and the staff were extremely helpful. Julie organised a treasure hunt in the garden for the children and residents said they had met some new people which was the intention of the event. Almost £100 was raised from the raffle which was run by Marilyn Goodhead. The booking numbers was an issue and this needs to be addressed if another similar event is organised (ie people buying tickets before the event only so numbers can be finalised for the venue). Thanks have been sent to people who gave raffle prizes (Holme and Kemps), Kemps Hotel staff.
b. The 2014 Fete plans. As it had been difficult to confirm a date with Paul, the committee decided to move the fete to the original time of the year (ie second Saturday of the month). The Fete will therefore be held this year on Saturday September 13th 2014. This will give Jenny more time to organise things. Jenny will check the field availability with Paul before this is circulated to residents. Action: Jenny
There will also be a barn dance in the evening. Action: Rose
Ros will inform Chris Corteen of this date. Action: Ros
c. The Wareham Town band will be requested again for the Fete. Action: Ros
d. Dog Show 2014: If there is to be a dog show this year it will be on a different date but this will be up to Paul.
e. Other future plans:
i. Barn dance. This will now be planned to take place on the evening of the Fete. Black sheep will be contacted for a caller and there will be a bar. Action: Rose
ii. Table top sales. Barbara will be collecting again for items for these table top sales. Any items should go to Barbara. An item about this will also be put into the Village Hall Spring newsletter.
Action: All
8. Outstanding work
a. Village Hall Spring 2014 Newsletter. A draft has been circulated and further suggestions include: Moreton meeting, Table top sale items wanted, date of Fete and help needed, future Quiz interest to be gauged also and hopefully something about the website. Action: Ros
b. New Committee members for 2014/2015. The committee was reminded that the Secretary will be standing down and that new members will be need from the May AGM. No other committee members present will be standing down. Marilyn, Karin and Emma were suggested as possibly being interested. Action: All.
9. Correspondence received since last meeting
a. DCA Bulletins – Both Funding and E-bulletins previously circulated to the committee.
b. Moreton Village Hall meeting notes. The meeting which Vicki and Barry attended has been circulated to Committee members.
10. Finances
Treasurer was not present at the meeting.
11. AOB.
No other business
12. Date of the next meeting: AGM May 21st (not May 23rd ) 2014 at the same venue. Apologies from Jenny for the AGM
As there was no more outstanding business the meeting closed at 8.30pm
Chairman...... Date......