Student Health Insurance Fact Sheet
2005 - 2006 Academic Year
Plan Year: August 15, 2005 – August 14, 2006
Benefit Plan Coverage through : Optima Health Premier PPO 757-552-7325 or 1-800-741-9910
In Network Provider: Optima Health PPO Provider Network
Out of Area Network Provider: CCN
Local Administration:Palmer & Cay757-627-8241
Definition of "Tight Waiver": All students attending classes on site at the Virginia Beach Campus and enrolled with three (3) or more credit hours must enroll in the student medical insurance plan unless a waiver card is completed and proof of comparable coverage is provided. Beginning January 1, 2006, Optima Health Plan is limiting coverage to those students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours on site at the Virginia Beach campus. Insurance fees appear on your tuition bill each trimester.
Trimester Medical Rates:Student Only$ 730 Student, Spouse & Child(ren)$ 2,510
Student & Spouse$ 1,530 Student & 2 or More Children$ 2,510
Student & 1 Child$ 1,530
Trimester Insurance Dates – All Schools: Important – premiums must be paid by the Regent trimester tuition payment deadline to avoid a lapse in coverage. If you are not registered for the summer session and want to continue the insurance, please make payment prior to leaving campus or by summer tuition deadlines.
1st Trimester: 8/15/05 – 12/31/05; 2nd Trimester: 01/01/06 – 05/07/06; 3rd Trimester: 05/01/06 – 08/14/06
Please see the enclosed Regent University Student Summary of Benefits or visit RegentUniversity home page at choose Student Services, Health Insurance for a complete copy of the on-line Benefit Information Guide of the medical program.
A few In-Network benefit highlights are:
- $20 Copay per Physician Office Visit; $40 Copay per Specialist Office Visit;
- $40 Copay for Urgent CareCenter Visits;
- $100 Copay, then 20% co-insurance Emergency Room Visits with benefits reduced to 50% for non-emergency use of facilities;
- 20% co-insurance for most services In-Network;
- 30% co-insurance for most Out-of-Network benefits after $500 plan year deductible;
- 20% co-insurance for Chiropractic Care with $500 per member plan year maximum (administered by ASHN);
- Prescription Drug Card Retail Copays: $10 Preferred; $20 Standard; $40 Premium; $40 Premium Plus
- Mental Health visits covered as any other illness; see benefit booklet for description
- Medical Evacuation charges not to exceed $10,000
- Preventive Vision Care Benefit with a Discount Schedule provided by Cole Managed Vision
(Repatriation for J-1 & F-1 Visa International Students provided by AIG American International Companies)
Commonly Asked Questions
Q1: What's NEW and IMPORTANT This Year?
- Participating in the Student Health Insurance Plan underwritten by Optima Health Plan is limited to those students who have a mandatory insurance requirement.
- All servicing, administrative functions, and claims processing will continue to be performed by Optima Health.
- Students can find answers to common questions, view a summary of your benefits, download an enrollment or waiver form from the Home Page by choosing Student Services then Health Insurance.
- Because the Optima Health Preferred Provider Network is local to the Hampton Roads area, we have included the CCN network of providers for those students traveling outside Hampton Roads. Please review the following information carefully.
- The Plan includes the Optima Health Preferred Provider Network of hospitals and physicians. Use of the Preferred Provider Network is not mandatory, however, use of the Network will keep claim costs and premium costs low and reduce your out-of-pocket costs. Services received outside the network will be reimbursed at a lower level. Please refer to the Summary of Benefits for more details.
- Temporary travel outside Hampton Roads: When outside the Plan’s service area, you are covered for elective non-emergent services under your out-of-network benefits. For true emergency care, the Plan will pay at the in-network level. Members who receive care from a CCN provider while traveling will be covered at the in-network benefit level for covered services. Please refer to the Summary of Benefits for more details.
- To locate providers, visit the website at Choose “Find a Doctor’ or download the entire directory byselecting “Members”, “How to Find a Doctor” and scroll down the page to the download option. The network available to you is the Optima HealthPreferred Provider Organization (PPO).
Q2: Who is Palmer & Cay?
Palmer & Cay, a Wachovia company, is a local firm that is assisting us in the planning and operation of our plan.
Q3: When Do I Pay For Student Health Insurance?
When tuition payment is made at the University Business Office. Virginia Beach Campus students’ premiums are included in tuition notification. If a completed Waiver Card is not presented to the Business office by the tuition payment deadline; premiums will be mandatory and owed.
Q4: If My Tuition Payment Is Deferred, May I Defer Insurance Payment?
No, not unless you are approved by the University for paying tuition and related expenses by installment.
Q5: Do I need to complete an Enrollment Application?
Yes. Regardless of when you pay your premiums or if you were covered previously, you must complete a new enrollment application and return it to the University Business Office, Adm Rm. 134, at the beginning of each fall academic year (by August 19, 2005).
Q6: What happens if I do not complete a Waiver?
If a Waiver Card is not presented you will be automatically enrolled regardless of completing an Enrollment Application and you will be responsible for the premiums. You will be asked to complete an application upon the submission of a claim.
Q7: How Do I Obtain A Waiver For Student Health Insurance?
Students with comparable medical insurance must submit a completed Waiver Card to the Business Office at the beginning of each academic year. Waiver Cards are included in this packet or available at the Business Office or Student Services. This Waiver Card asks for your insurance company name, phone number and policy number, so be sure to have this information with you. For subsequent trimesters, your waiver status will be maintained on the University computer system and will be displayed on the fee payment screen in the Business Office. You will simply be asked if you still have comparable coverage. If not, you will be required to enroll in the plan unless you qualify for a waiver for another reason.
Q8: How Do I Find Out If A Hospital Or Doctor Participates?
Ask your doctor if he/she participates with the Optima Health Preferred Provider Network (PPO), or refer to their website: If you want to have your doctor contacted to participate, provide their name, address and phone number to Optima at (757) 552-7325.
Q9: Is Maternity Covered Under This Plan?
YES, Maternity is payable as any other medical condition.
Q10: Should I Maintain Coverage During The Summer If I Am Not Taking Classes?
It is important to maintain continuous coverageduring the summer to avoid a lapse in coverage and to avoid the reimposition of pre-existing condition limitations. To remain in the plan during the summer, YOU MUST notify the University Business Office and make payment at the Business Office (757) 226-4059 by the final tuition deadline for summer classes.
Q11: How Do I Find Out More About This Plan?
Be sure to carefully read the enclosed materials. Printed copies of benefits and provider directories are available at Student Services or the Business Office, Adm 134. For further assistance, you may contact Optima Health, Palmer & Cay or Student Services number listed above. Visit RegentUniversity website at select Student Services, Health Insurance for the complete Benefit Information Guide.
Q12: May I enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan underwritten by Optima Health Plan if I am a Distance Learning Student or I am taking classes at the Washington DC campus?
No. Enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan underwritten by Optima Health Plan is limited to those students enrolled in 3 or more credit hours on site at the Virginia Beach campus. If you are a Distance Learning Student or taking classes at the WashingtonDC campus you are not required to have health insurance.
Q13: What if I was previously enrolled as a distance student or a student taking classes at the WashingtonDC campus?
Coverage will terminate August 14, 2005.
Q14: What if I am a DoctoralStudent enrolled at the Virginia Beach Campus?
Doctoral candidates with fewer than the required hours will be given a limited 2 year eligibility. The Business Office can verify eligibility for the program.
Q15: Beginning January 1, 2006, Optima Health Plan is limiting coverage to those students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours on site at the Virginia Beach campus. Is the University planning on changing the mandatory requirement from 3 hours to 6 hours?
Regent is currently reviewing its own mandatory requirements and will notify all students of any changes not later than November 1, 2005. At that time further information will be distributed.