Abstract template Category 1: Scientific research - clinical; epidemiological; public health evaluation
This category is for reporting clinical-research, epidemiological research as well as public health evaluations/operational research
Formatting Guidelines:
-Abstract in a single paragraph that does not exceed 300 words and one page of A4 format (if figures) in portrait layout with all margins equal to 25 mm (1 inch)
-The single spaced text must be typed in normal Calibri font, left and right justified.
-Use 11 pts font size for the main body text.
-All text, equations, figures, schemes and references should be integrated in the abstract.
-References should follow the Vancouver format.
-Include upto 6 keywords
-Fill in Biography Page at the end of this document
Figures or Tables
-Authors may submit upto 3 tables or figures per abstract. If more than 3 table or figure are submitted, one of them will be deleted
-If you wish to submit a figure with your abstract, the maximum file size of each graph is 5 MB. The maximum pixel size of the graph is 600(w) x 800(h). You must upload graphs in JPG format
-Recommended resolution: min. 150 dpi, 300 dpi for images, 600 dpi for line art (charts)
-Important: the graphic content must be clearly legible when previewing the abstract
-Low-resolution images will not be included in the Abstract Book
-Please note that tables and figures are reproduced in a single column with the abstract and that legibility is the responsibility of the author. We recommend that you use the Calibri font for clarity.
(14 pt, bold)
FirstName1 Surname1,1FirstName2 Surname2,2 .....FirstNameX SurnameX*
(Presenting author underlined, * refers to the corresponding author, 11 pts, normal, centered)
1Affiliation 1, City, Country;
2Affiliation 2, City, Country…
X Affiliation X, City, Country
Email address of the corresponding author
(11 pts, italics)
Background: State the study objectives, study question or describe the challenge addressed by the research. Design/Methods: State the setting, methods, desired outcomes, procedures and techniques used to collect and analyze information. Include a description and breakdown of participants, procedures, measures and appropriate statistical analyses Results: Present specific findings to date Conclusions: Describe the implications of the results presented, and summarize key recommendations. Explain specific findings on how the research addressed the study, question or challenge
First Author Biography
Please send your biography together with the abstract using following format:
- Full name
- Position /department/organization/country
- Biography(word count should not exceed 60 words)
- Contact information (Address, contact/mobile number, email address, Twitter account & LinkedIn account)
- Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation/No preference)
- Name for the Certificate
Example Biography:
Aisha Maniar
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Department of Internal Medicine
The XYZ Hospital, Karachi
Biography: (Upto60 words)
Dr. Maniar’s clinical work includes the spectrum of infectious diseases from HIV and hepatitis C to infections in travelers and hospital-acquired infections. She sees patients in the ambulatory care and inpatient settings. In addition to her clinical role, Dr. Maniar is head of Infection Control at the hospital. She participates in antimicrobial stewardship program to encourage the appropriate use of antibacterials.
Contact Information:
Category: Oral Presentation
Name for the Certificate:Aisha Maniar