The titles in bold are those recommended by the Eating Disorders Team.

Prices may vary from those printed.


Diet Breaking - Having it all without having to Diet!

Evans-Young Hodder & Stoughton, 1995

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0340637900

Fat Chance. The Myth of Dieting Explained

Ogden Routledge, 1992

Explores many of the myths about dieting and offers alternatives.

Used from £1.90 ISBN-10: 0415073715

Never Diet Again -the flexible eating plan to help you stay slim without dieting

Susan Kano Thorsons, 1990

Used from £1.43 ISBN-10: 0722521359

Eating Disorders - General

Carer’s Guide

EDA 2002

Passes on the experiences of other carers, and the perspective of people who have suffered from eating disorders themselves.

£5.00 from

Skills based learning for caring for a loved one with an eating disorder

Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith and Anna Crane Routledge (2007)

£12.34 ISBN-10: 0415431581

Desperately Seeking Self

Viola FodorGurze, 1997

An ‘inner guidebook’ for people with eating problems

£6.39 ISBN-10: 093607728X

Eating Your Heart out: Understanding and Overcoming Eating Disorders

Julia Buckroyd Vermillion, 1989/1994/1996

An exploration of some of the emotional issues behind women’s preoccupation with food.

Used from 13.99 ISBN-10: 0091815029

Fear of Food A Self-Help Programme for Permanent Recovery from Eating Disorders

Genevieve Blais Bloomsbury, 1995

Enables women to find and maintain their own ideal body weight.

£5.99 ISBN-10: 0747520240

Transforming Body Image. Learning to Love the Body you Have

Marica Hutchinson The Crossing Press, 1985 (£11.99)

Used from £1.89 ISBN-10: 0895941724

Understanding Eating Disorders

Dr R PalmerFamily Doctor Publications, 1996

£3.50 ISBN-10: 1898205744

Overcoming eating disorders by Linette Whitehead.
A cognitive-behavioral approach to overcoming eating disorders, focusing on getting ready to change, providing suggestions for how to manage key eating disorder features, and how family and friends can help. £2.50 from

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia: a Guide for Sufferers and their Families

Dr. David Haslam Cedar, 1994/1996/1997

Explores possible causes of bulimia and answers questions about how it can be treated and how family and friends can help.

Used from £6.18 ISBN-10: 0749324562

Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating - a Guide to Recovery

Dr. Peter Cooper Robinson, 1993/1995

£6.99 ISBN-10: 1854871714

Coping with Bulimia

Barbara French Grafton / Thorsons, 1987/1988/1994

Clear and supportive account of what bulimia nervosa is, how it differs from anorexia and how it can be treated.

Used from £1.50 ISBN-10: 0722529449

Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): a Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorders

U.Schmidt & J.Treasure Psychology Press, 1993

Includes a useful section on withdrawing from laxatives.

£10.36 ISBN-10: 0863773222

Compulsive Eating and Binge Eating

Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating

Geneen Roth Grafton, 1986/Plume, 1993/Penguin, 1989

Used from £2.33 ISBN-10: 0452270847

Eating Without Guilt. Overcoming Compulsive Eating

Alice KatzSelf-Counsel Press, 1986/1991

A very practical self-help book for people who eat compulsively.

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0889089787

Fat is a Feminist Issue I

Susie OrbachArrow, 1978

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0600336980

Fat is a Feminist Issue II

Susie OrbachArrow, 1984/1988/1998

The first self-help book for women who eat compulsively.

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 009934260X

Forbidden Body - Why being Fat is Not a Sin

Shelley Bovey Rivers Oran, 1989/1994

£10.39 ISBN-10: 0044408714

Overcoming Binge Eating

Dr. C.Fairburn Guilford Press, 1995

Comprehensive account of binge eating problems and a self-help programme.

£10.80 ISBN-10: 0898621798

Overcoming Overeating. Conquer your Obsession with Food

Jane Hirschman & Carol Hunter Cedar, 1989/1992/2000

Focuses on normalising eating so that food can be enjoyed and not feared.

£6.49 ISBN-10: 009182561X

When Food is Love

Geneen Roth Piatakus, 1981/1991/1992

This addresses emotional and relationship issues.

Used from £2.56 ISBN-10: 0452268184

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa: a Survival Guide for Families, Friends & Sufferers

Dr. Janet Treasure Psychology Press, 1997

Provides sections for carers alongside a section for sufferers.

£10.39 ISBN-10: 0863777600

Anorexia Nervosa and the Wish to Change

A. Crisp et al.Psychology Press, 1995/1996/1999

A self-help book for young sufferers of anorexia nervosa.

£12.34 ISBN-10: 0863774083

Anorexia Nervosa - A Guide for Sufferers and their Families

Dr.R. PalmerPenguin, 1980/1989

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0140100342

Anorexics on Anorexia

Ed R. Shelley Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1997

Recovering sufferers describe in their own words their personal experiences.

£14.20 ISBN-10: 1853024716

Talking About Anorexia: How to Cope with Life without Starving

Maroushka Monro Sheldon Press, 1996

Written by an ex-sufferer.

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0859697517

The Anorexia Workbook

Michelle Heffner and Georg H. EifertNew Harbinger Publications (2004)

£14.99 ISBN-10: 1572243627

Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa: a self help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques

Christopher Freeman Robinson Publishing (2001)

£6.99 ISBN-10: 1854879693

Self Esteem

Creating Self Esteem

Lynda Field Element, 1993 / Vermilion, 2001

Practical approach to developing self-awareness and confidence. Balance yourself at every level- spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

£5.34 ISBN-10: 0091857341

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Melanie FennelRobinson, 1999

£6.49 ISBN-10: 1854877259

Self Esteem

Gael Lindenfield Thorsons, 1995/1996

Used from 37p ISBN-10: 072253017X

The Self Esteem Workbook

Lynda Field Element, 1995

Practical framework of techniques and activities that aim to raise self-esteem.

Used from £16.15 ISBN-10: 1852306459

Other General Self-Help

A Woman in Your Own Right: Assertiveness and You

Anne Dickson Quartet, 1985

£4.50 ISBN-10: 0704334208

Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative Assett

Stone & Stone Harper Collins, 1993

Focuses on the shrill voice inside that never lets a person forget their mistakes- it gives advice about transforming this negative voice into a friend.

£7.29 ISBN-10: 0062507575

Emotional Alchemy. How the mind can heal the heart

Tara Bennett-GolemanThree Rivers Press

describes how mindfulness can help us overcome emotional patterns

Used from £2.50 ISBN-10: 0712603859

Families and How to Survive Them

J. Cleese & R. Skynner Mandarin, 1983/1993

£5.99ISBN-10: 0749314109

Feel the Fearand Do It Anyway

Susan Jeffers Arrow Books, 2001

How to turn your fear and indecision into confidence and action.

£5.24 ISBN-10: 0091907071

Feeling Good Handbook

David Burns Penguin, 1989/2000

includes chapters on

How to conquer depression and build self-esteem, anxieties, fears & phobias

How to strengthen relationships through better communication

£11.39 ISBN-10: 0452281326

Reinventing Your Life: How to Break Free from Negative Life Patterns and Feel Good Again

Young and Klosko Plume, 1994

This book is very helpful for people with long-standing eating disorders & includes the following chapters: ‘I’m worthless. The defectiveness life-trap’, ‘I feel like such a failure. The failure lifetrap’,

‘It’s never quite good enough. The unrelenting standards lifetrap’.

£7.31 ISBN-10: 0452272041

The Successful Self

Dorothy RoweHarper Collins, 1989

£6.74 ISBN-10: 0006373429

Toxic Parents – Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life

ForwardBantam, 1990

Used from £1.47 ISBN-10: 0553057006

Transforming Body Image. Learning to Love the Body you Have

Marica Hutchinson The Crossing Press, 1985

Used from £1.89 ISBN-10: 0895941724

What do Women Want?

Orbach & Eichenbaum Harper Collins, 2000

An exploration of women’s feelings of dependency and need for love.

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0006364977

Young People

Beginner’s Guide to Eating Disorders Recovery

Nancy KolodnyGurze, 2004

£7.19 ISBN-10: 093607745X

Eating Disorders – A Parent’s Guide

Bryant-Waugh & LaskPenguin, 1999

Offers guidance on recognising the eating disorders and on how to get help.

£9.49 ISBN-10: 1583918604

Wise Guides-Eating (Improve Your Body Image)

Anita NaikHodder children’s Books, 1999

Used from 1p ISBN-10: 0340744111


These are relatively short and aim mainly to educate clients about the nature of their problems, with only a brief note about treatment. They are particularly useful as a preparation for treatment which is to be carried out by a therapist. These booklets are £2 each

  • Bulimia Nervosa by Linette Whitehead, Ioana Davis & Esther Cohen-Tovée
  • Anorexia Nervosa by Linette Whitehead & Vanessa Clinton
  • Binge eating disorder by Linette Whitehead

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