REVISED DRAFT – October 3, 2005
Strategic Plan
Georgia Council
Trout Unlimited
2005 – 2010
Executive Summary
Mission Statement
Strategic Goals
Objectives and Implementing Tasks
- Grow the organization
- Protect and restore coldwater resources
- Conduct outreach and education
- Develop and strengthen partnerships
Executive Summary
This document provides a blueprint to guide the activities of the Georgia Council of
Trout Unlimited through the year 2010. The Council has established strategic goals in
four areas:
Ø Grow the organization, including two goals intended to strengthen the Council and its chapters.
Ø Protect and restore the coldwater resources, including two goals intended to guide
the Council in protecting and restoring coldwater fisheries and their watersheds
Ø Conduct outreach and education, including two goals intended to educate the
public about Trout Unlimited and to train the next generation of TU members.
Ø Develop and strengthen partnerships, including one goal intended to strengthen
existing partnerships and foster new partnerships.
Within each of these strategic goals, we have identified specific objectives and dates for
their accomplishment. The objectives are further defined in terms of implementing tasks
necessary to accomplish each objective. The dates specified in this document establish
a deadline for action to be completed, not initiated.
The purpose of this document is to provide a framework that guides the actions of the
Council. While this document does not preclude action on issues and concerns not
included in the Strategic Plan, such actions must be considered in light of their impact
on accomplishment of the agenda set forth in this plan. In other words, the Council
should subject actions not supportive of the agenda set forth in this Strategic Plan to a
higher level of scrutiny before the Council decides to take such actions.
Readers of this document must realize that this is a living document, subject to revision
in the future. In fact, the first goal under “Grow the organization” addresses the
development and revision of this document. As circumstances warrant, the current
goals and objectives may be changed or deleted, and new goals and objectives may be
Mission Statement
The mission of the Georgia Council of Trout Unlimited is to protect, conserve and
restore Georgia’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Strategic Goals
The strategic goals of the Georgia Council are:
1. Grow the organization.
Ø The Council will strengthen the council’s operations and activities
Ø The Council will provide support to strengthen existing chapters, re-invigorate
inactive chapters, and create new chapters to serve areas of the state not
currently served by a chapter.
2. Protect and restore the coldwater resources
Ø The Council will act to protect the coldwater fisheries of Georgia, and the
watersheds in which these fisheries exist.
Ø The Council will act to restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
3. Conduct outreach and education
Ø The Council will establish a program targeted to young men and women to
inform them about Trout Unlimited.
Ø The Council will establish a program to provide training for youth in
conservation, aquatic entomology, trout habitat and trout fishing.
4. Develop and strengthen partnerships
Ø The Council will strengthen existing partnerships with government agencies,
private organizations and individuals who share a common interest with the Council.
Objectives and Implementing Tasks
I. Grow the organization
Ø The Council will strengthen the council’s operations and activities
The Georgia Council must conduct its operations in a businesslike manner to establish itself as a creditable force in the conservation and protection of the environment. In the past year, the Council has adopted bylaws and moved to incorporate itself as a non-profit corporation. Future actions are intended to put the Council on a firm business and financial footing.
A. The Georgia Council will formulate a long-range plan to raise funds to support the
on-going activities of the Council and place the Council on a sound financial footing.
Implementing Tasks
1. By July 1, 2006, the Fundraising Committee will provide a draft fundraising
plan to the Executive Committee.
2. By ______the Executive Committee will review, revise as needed, and
approve the fundraising plan.
3. By ______the Fundraising Committee will implement the fundraising
plan as approved by the Executive Committee.
B. During the first quarter of the fiscal year (beginning in October) the Georgia Council will implement a continuing budget planning process to develop annual budgets based on projected income and expenditures for the Council. This budget will be approved by the Executive Committee and reported to the Council at the December meeting.
C. Annually the Executive Committee will review the feasibility of hiring an executive director and report to the Council at the December meeting.
Ø The Council will provide support to strengthen existing chapters,
re-invigorate inactive chapters, and create new chapters to serve areas of the state not currently served by a chapter.
The grass-roots strength of the Georgia Council rests in its chapters, which provide the on-the-ground workers to carry out the Council’s activities. The Georgia Council is only as strong as its chapters are collectively.
A. The Georgia Council will implement the Chapter Effectiveness Index as recommended by TU National, which is a continuing program to identify areas of strength and those that need improvement. The Council will work with chapters to strengthen them in areas where necessary.
Implementing Tasks
1. The Council will support chapters using TU National’s Tool Kit for improvement.
B. The Georgia Council will identify currently inactive chapters, assess the feasibility of re-activating those chapters, and establish a plan for re-activation where appropriate.
Implementing Tasks
1. By December 1, 2005, the Council will approve a plan to re-activate chapters
based on the recommendations of the Executive Committee.
C. By December 31, 2006, the Georgia Council will identify areas not currently served by a chapter, assess the potential for establishing new chapters, and establish a plan to establish new chapters where appropriate.
Implementing Tasks
1. By January 31, 2006 the Council Chair will appoint a committee to assess the
potential for establishing new chapters in areas not currently served by existing chapters.
2. By May 1, 2006, the committee will report its findings to the Executive
Committee and will recommend specific plans to reactivate those chapters.
3. By December 31, 2006, the Council will approve a plan to reactivate chapters
based on the recommendations of the Executive Committee.
II. Protect and restore the coldwater resources
Ø The Council will act to protect and restore the coldwater fisheries of Georgia,
and the watersheds in which these fisheries exist.
Trout Unlimited has established a National Conservation Agenda that outlines the goals and objectives that TU will pursue on a national level. Several of those goals and objectives are applicable to the coldwater resources in Georgia, and can form a basis for action by the Georgia Council.
A. By March 31, 2006, the Georgia Council will identify the most serious problems with polluted runoff into coldwater resources, and develop a plan to address the problems (TU National Conservation Agenda, Goal 1, Water Quality).
B. By December 31, 2006, the Georgia Council will assist and support a plan to identify and document the effects of acid deposition on coldwater fisheries in Georgia, and provide a baseline for future study efforts (TU National Conservation Agenda, Goal 1, Water Quality).
C. The Georgia Council will assist and support organizations and government agencies in evaluating the adequacy of in-stream flow regimes in tailwaters that support coldwater fisheries (TU National Conservation Agenda, Goal II, Instream Flows).
D. The Georgia Council will assist and support organzations and government agencies who monitor instream flows and the relicensing of hydropower and other dams under both FERC and non-FERC processes (TU National Conservation Agenda, Goal II, Instream Flows).
E. The Georgia Council will assist and support a plan to reintroduce Brook Trout populations in Georgia, in cooperation with Federal and State agencies and other organizations (TU National Conservation Agenda, Goal IV, Wild Salmonid
III. Conduct outreach and education
Ø The Council will establish a program targeted to youth and young adults to
inform them about Trout Unlimited.
Youth (10 – 18 age group) and young adults (18 – 40 age group) are the future of Trout Unlimited. However, there are few young people joining Trout Unlimited, and there has been little effort made in Georgia to attract younger members.
The Council will establish a campaign to inform youth and young adults about coldwater fisheries in Georgia and the role of Trout Unlimited in protecting and restoring those fisheries.
Implementing Tasks
1. By June 30, 2006, the Council will approve a campaign targeted at youth, based
on recommendations from the Executive Committee.
Ø The Council will continue to work with youth through the Georgia Trout Camp to provide training for youth in conservation, aquatic entomology, trout habitat and trout fishing.
Ø The Council will continue efforts through the Back the Brookie Program to establish youth programs at the Georgia Aquarium.
The number of youth taking up angling as a sport has been declining for several years, and this decline is reflected in decreased sales of fishing licenses and Trout Stamps that fund much of the Georgia DNR’s efforts in providing coldwater fisheries. There are few opportunities for young people to learn the sport of trout angling.
A. The Council will establish a campaign to inform young adults about coldwater fisheries in Georgia and the role of Trout Unlimited in protecting and restoring those fisheries.
Implementing Tasks
1. By March 31, 2006 the Council Chair will appoint a committee to develop an
outreach program and training campaign for young adults.
2. By September 1, 2006 the committee will present a proposed training campaign
to the Executive Committee.
3. By December 31, 2006, the Council will approve a campaign targeted at young
people, based on recommendations from the Executive Committee.
IV. Develop and strengthen partnerships
Ø The Council will strengthen existing partnerships with government agencies,
private organizations and individuals who share a common interest with the Council.
The capabilities of the Georgia Council to carry out its mission and respond to mission issues and concerns are significantly enhanced by cooperation with other organizations and government agencies. These relationships serve to leverage the capability of the Georgia Council and are essential to mission accomplishment.
A. The Georgia Council will complete an assessment of current partnerships to identify the need for new or strengthened partnerships and memberships, the desired nature of those partnerships and memberships, and the benefits to be derived from them.
Implementing Tasks
1. By August 1, 2006, the committee will submit its assessment of current
partnerships to the Executive Committee.
2. By December 1, 2006, the Executive Committee will approve the report on the status of current partnerships.
B. The Georgia Council will identify individuals to serve as the primary liaison with existing partnerships, and provide those individuals with policy guidance governing those partnerships.
Implementing Tasks
1. By March 1, 2007 the Council Chair will designate individuals to serve as the
primary liaison with current partners.
2. By June 1, 2007 the Council Chair or Vice Chair will meet with the leadership
of each current partner to introduce the liaison person and to discuss other issues relating to that partnership.
C. The Georgia Council will identify individuals or committees to be responsible for establishing new partnerships with agencies, organizations and individuals not currently involved with the Council, and provide those individuals with policy guidance governing those partnerships.
Implementing Tasks
1. By February 1, 2007 the Council Chair will appoint a committee to assess the
feasibility of establishing new partnerships and develop a policy for establishing and maintaining partnerships.
2. By October 1, 2007 the committee will report its findings and
recommendations to the Executive Committee.
3. By December 1, 2007 the Council will adopt a policy and process for
establishing new partnerships, based on recommendations from the Executive Committee.
This section identifies the measurements used to assess the success of the Council.
1. Grow the organization
Ø The Council will strengthen the council’s operations and activities.
The Council’s efforts to strengthen its operations are implemented within the identified timeframe.
Ø The Council’s efforts to strengthen its operations meet the stated
objective of putting the Council on a sound business footing.
Ø The Council will provide support to strengthen existing chapters, re-invigorate
inactive chapters, and create new chapters to serve areas of the state not
currently served by a chapter.
Ø The Council’s efforts to support chapters are implemented within the
identified timeframe.
Ø The Council’s efforts to support chapters meet the needs of the chapters and the TU membership in Georgia.
2. Protect and restore the coldwater resources
Ø The Council will act to protect the coldwater fisheries of Georgia, and the
watersheds in which these fisheries exist.
Ø The Council’s efforts to protect the coldwater fisheries and watersheds are implemented within the identified timeframe.
Ø The Council’s efforts to protect the coldwater fisheries and watersheds
are effective in accomplishing the stated objectives and support the
National Conservation Agenda.
Ø The Council will act to restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Ø The Council’s efforts to restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds are implemented within the identified timeframe.
Ø The Council’s efforts to restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds are effective in accomplishing the stated objectives and support the National Conservation Agenda.
3. Conduct outreach and education
Ø The Council will establish a program targeted to young men and women to
inform them about Trout Unlimited.
Ø The Council’s efforts to attract young people to Trout Unlimited are implemented within the identified timeframe.
Ø The Council’s efforts to attract young people to Trout Unlimited are effective in accomplishing the stated objectives.