Nordic Friendshipleague RULES
General Part
The Nordic Friendshipleague has an amateur character, it runs in cooperation with the BBO Server.
Registration for NFL League is possible by email to Lasse Utter
Particular part
A. League Organization
a) During the this NFL season, teams will be divided to three groups(A,B,C)
b) Organizers have the right to arrange teams in groups to equal the groups level
All Rounds will be played on such principles:
1 match will consist of 16 boards.
The captain of the home team is in responsibility to take contact to the opponent's.
There is two different ways to do it:
1)email to opponent's contact person
2)write to Forum
3)Exception in A Group. Matches against team Cayne will be agreed with organizers.
Matches against Cayne are 28 boards.
Barometer is disallowed, unless both captains will agree it before play.
Five teams from B and C groups will play in the play-off phase(One match 24 boards)6 teams from group A will play in the play-off phase.
Teams will have free number of players. Same player can play only in one team.
Teams can contact the League organizers
IMP difference will be changed to 16 boards VP- scale
VP / Difference15-15 / 0 / -2
16-14 / 3 / -7
17-13 / 8 / -11
18-12 / 12 / -15
19-11 / 16 / -19
20-10 / 20 / -23
21- 9 / 24 / -27
22- 8 / 28 / -31
23- 7 / 32 / -36
24- 6 / 37 / -41
25- 5 / 42 / -46
25- 4 / 47 / -52
25- 3 / 53 / -58
25- 2 / 59 / -64
25- 1 / 65 / -71
25- 0 / 72+
Game regulations
During matches we will abide by International Bridge Laws, but it's not a condition sine qua non.The League is of amateur status, and relies on the good will of all members. There can also be a director in the match.
In the case of 100% confirmation of Unauthorized Information flowing through internet communicators or phone, the players will be removed from the League without the possibility of return.
All systems approved by WBF are allowed. It is required to inform opponent's captain few days before the match, if team is using a highly artificial bidding system. Alert & explain is always required, if there is a possibilty that opponents might not understand the bid as common. Lack of alerts & explanations with the wrong intentions will be dealt with carefully.
Any arguable problems will be considered by the Organizers through e-mail contact.
The Organizers will consider every appeal and obey the principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"
It is highly forbidden to let player see all the hands, while being dummy.
The captain of the Home Team (alternatively host after consulting with Home's Team Captain), has seating rights according to his own will
Organizers reserve their right to interpret this statute.